
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-11-16 stars in Laindon

Laindon, darling! Post #6895

Ooh, Laindon! Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve travelled so far East and honestly, Iā€™m already smitten! I had an absolute blast performing at the fabulous Laindon Library Hall yesterday, with a totally packed audience of little and big pink tutu enthusiasts. Just look at those smiles! šŸ’– I was doing what I do best ā€“ dazzling the crowds, spreading the joy of pink and twirling those fabulous, full skirts that are my signature. And donā€™t get me started on the applause, darlings, I couldā€™ve stayed there all night!

Speaking of all nightā€¦ my journey here was simply dreamy! As always, I opted for the trusty train to travel down south. Now, some might call it a tad boring, but thereā€™s nothing quite like sinking into a plush, leather seat, grabbing a fancy coffee from the trolley and watching the scenery fly past my window! Especially when itā€™s sprinkled with a smattering of beautiful autumn leaves - it really makes you feel like you're travelling in a postcard. Plus, a quick nip to the toilet for a touch-up on my pink-tinged eye shadow, or even a brief (pardon the pun!) twirl in the corridor - totally acceptable on public transport in my opinion!

Of course, itā€™s not all glitter and rainbows - travelling does require a bit of careful planning when you're lugging a box of tutus, wigs, and all my glamorous goodies. Honestly, it takes serious muscle power to even manage those giant suitcase wheels up train station stairsā€¦ donā€™t worry darling, Iā€™m building some serious arm muscles just by lugging all this gear around!. And there's nothing more awkward than trying to stuff your pink tutu, that I must pack because I'm a "professional" (cue the sarcastic air quotes), into a compartment on the train. But you know, when it's all for the magic of making people smile, itā€™s totally worth it. šŸ’–

Speaking of magic, I canā€™t wait to tell you all about the magic I sprinkled in Laindon! But before we dive into the real story of my trip, I must talk about my new tutu! My lovely friend Tilly, bless her heart, hand-beaded it with loads of gorgeous sparkling pink jewels! Itā€™s totally stunning! The sheer tulle was literally bouncing, it was the perfect blend of playful and fabulous ā€“ and it made my entrance even more grand! Imagine this: spotlight shines on a shimmering pink blur, music booms with ā€œDiamonds Are A Girlā€™s Best Friendā€, then POW ā€“ a magnificent, sparkling, pink tutu explosion! The crowd went wild! And that's when I knew I had Laindon wrapped around my pink-feathered finger.

Now, my dears, let's talk about my set! I absolutely loved the warm stage lighting, it created a magical aura for the whole show. Of course, no show is complete without a little pink! And I mean a lot of pink! There was pink sparkly paper hanging everywhere - my favourite shade, shocking pink, of course! I have to give a big shout-out to the stage manager who was so sweet and patient while we decked the place out. The whole hall felt positively enchanting!

Now, for my actual show, it was a full-blown pink tutu extravaganza! You all know that my love for pink tutus started when I tried one on at the uni for a charity fundraiser, I instantly knew it was my calling. It was pink, it was magical, it was a statement! And now, with this fabulous platform, I'm not only performing my dreams, but Iā€™m spreading this love of all things pink and frilly all over the country! We had games for the kids, sparkly craft activities, and of course, the best part, my incredible Pink Tutu Performance Show!

Imagineā€¦ me on stage in my new blinged-out tutu, surrounded by a dazzling array of shimmering costumes (let's just say I packed enough for all occasions! ). There were singing and dancing and more sparkle than a disco ball factory, and oh my god, the children were absolutely mesmerized. Little boys and girls were twirling in their own makeshift tutus, parents were singing along, even the Mayor of Laindon seemed to have lost himself in the pink bubble of fun! šŸ’–

Honestly, watching the kids' eyes light up with pure joy was the absolute highlight of the night. You know, I might be just Alex from Derbyshire, the scientist with a love for testing fabrics, by dayā€¦ but when I'm on that stage in my pink tutu, I truly feel like Pink Tutu Sparkles, and there's just no better feeling in the world.

It wasn't all glitz and glamour, you know, I had to use my scientific skills for one funny moment. You know me and my love for all things pinkā€¦ I decided to whip up some pink bubbly slime (of course!), and let the kids help me create the magical, fluffy, sparkly concoction! Now, this wouldn't have been possible without my lovely sidekick, Chloe! Chloe is the best dress-up and craft person ever ā€“ she helped me out with every aspect of my performance! So thank you, darling, for making the day so much fun!

Now, darling, what's the next stop for our Pink Tutu Sparkles? This one's going to be special, you'll never believe where Iā€™m going! Let me just give you a hint: It involves horses and a big pink hat! Oh, the things we do to spread joy, you know? You can catch me there, hopefully twirling with you. Keep checking back for another pink, exciting story!

Until then, remember, life is just a stage, and there's no better costume than a big, pink, fabulous tutu!

Stay sparkling! šŸ’–

Pink Tutu Sparkles,


#TutuQueen on 2018-11-16 stars in Laindon