Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-11-21 stars in Denton

Denton Delights: A Tutuful Adventure!

Hello my darling darlings, it’s your favourite pink tutu wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here! This is blog post number 6900 - can you believe it?! I’m absolutely buzzing about sharing my adventures with you, and this time it’s all about my amazing trip to Denton!

You know, life is a bit like a ballet - it's all about graceful movements, grand entrances and finding your inner ballerina! And Denton, oh Denton, it really is the most magical place to unleash your inner dancing queen.

It all began with a call to the stage - a delightful invitation to perform at a fabulous festival in the heart of Denton. Now, anyone who knows me knows that my love for travelling by train is like a passionate waltz. So I donned my most extravagant pink tutu - a frothy confection of tulle, and embarked on my journey. I just had to wear the Sparkling Star Tutu – it was my lucky tutu! And with every chug-a-chug-a-chug the train took us closer to my adventure!

Reaching Denton, it was like entering a fairytale. The streets were bustling with life, a vibrant mix of laughter, chatter, and the enticing aroma of street food! Every corner held a different surprise – a quaint cafe with the most adorable pink high heels on display, or a vintage shop overflowing with vintage gowns and glittering fascinators - just perfect for my wardrobe!

The festival itself was pure bliss! Imagine a swirling kaleidoscope of vibrant colour, enchanting music, and oh, the most fantastic tutus – so many gorgeous tutus it was enough to make your head spin! I had the best time!

Naturally, I strutted my stuff in my sparkling tutu, performing my heart out and dazzling the crowd. Seeing the smiles on people's faces as I pirouetted and pranced, spreading my message of love and sparkle was the greatest gift of all.

But it wasn't all glitter and stage lights. My travels always have room for exploring the real heart of the place, finding hidden gems tucked away like secrets in a jewellery box. I discovered a magnificent ballet studio tucked away on a cobbled street, its windows adorned with shimmering posters of swans and ballerinas. I just had to visit, so I wandered in and watched a group of adorable little dancers practicing. Seeing those tiny tutus swirl and twirl reminded me of my own journey, that tiny seed of sparkle sown within me.

After all, we are all ballerinas in our own way. We just need a bit of encouragement, a little spark of inspiration to dance our hearts out and shine! I love watching children getting their first glimpse of that wonder. It’s what drives me, the desire to make the world a more colourful, a more sparkling place!

So after the festival, it was time to put my “practical scientist hat on” - my day job after all, involves fabric research in my high-tech lab. Of course, every piece of fabric has its own texture, weave, feel… each tells a story just like the shimmering layers of tulle in my most cherished tutu. The world is a tapestry of experiences, isn’t it?

But that evening I was back on stage in another vibrant and enchanting venue - a theatre so stunning it looked like it was straight out of a Victorian novel. And the audience? The kind that would clap until their hands went red, that kind of rapturous response you only get with a showstopper finale. They were a mix of local artists, quirky, cool characters – Denton certainly had it all, from local farmers, dressed in their best tweed and hats to university students adorned in tie dye, their bright colours a stunning counterpoint to the antique architecture of the theatre.

That evening, as the applause washed over me and the pink tulle swirled around me, I felt my heart brimming with joy. My travels had brought me to a wonderful town, filled with kind and warm people, and an infectious love of life, the theatre, the stage, and oh my - did they have a great appreciation for my pink tutu!

One thing is for certain, I’m leaving Denton with my spirit soaring high - it really is the most incredible, whimsical place with a heart that truly does beat to the rhythm of creativity and a love for all things flamboyant! And trust me, my lovely readers, my journey with the pink tutu is only just beginning! Because my dream is to travel to every corner of the world, bringing my little bit of sparkle, a little touch of whimsy to everyone I meet. If you happen to see me, do come and say hello! I might even lend you a pink tutu!

Until then, stay twirling and shimmering!


Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex)

P.S. Find out how to follow my exciting adventures every single day over on my website www.pink-tutu.com – see you there, darlings!

#TutuQueen on 2018-11-21 stars in Denton