Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-02-15 stars in Luton

Luton Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles’ Adventures Continue!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and honey, you won’t believe what happened to me last week! This is Post Number 6986 on the good ol’ Pink Tutu Blog, and I am beyond excited to spill all the sparkly secrets from my little trip to Luton. Buckle up buttercup, because we're about to take a whirl down the pinkest path in the UK!

Now, Luton may not sound like the most glamorous destination on the planet (no shade to any lovely Lutonites out there, y'all know how much I love a good ol' British town!), but my darling, Luton was the perfect pit-stop for my current tour. You see, I’ve got this grand plan, this beautiful dream to conquer the entire UK with pink tutus. It’s all about spreading joy, you see, and pink tutus have this magical power of brightening even the greyest of days.

It’s always fun going from my little lab by day - a proper mad scientist over here testing fabrics for all sorts of stuff, can you imagine?! - to my flamboyant night life as Pink Tutu Sparkles. The transition is always a bit surreal. Honestly, going from lab coat and safety goggles to a sparkly pink tutu feels a bit like a magic spell.

And you'll never believe how it all started, honey. Back in uni, me, your queen, was studying science, all beakers and bunsen burners and all that, but in my spare time, I was doing ballet with the university club. I just knew there had to be some glitz and glam in my life, honey!

Then, one day, for a charity thing, I actually got to wear a tutu! One look in the mirror and my heart, well, it practically did a pirouette! From that moment, it was like the pink tutu fairy dust got sprinkled on me! My dear, that’s the day I knew, *pink tutus are my destiny! *

So, my mission to share the pink tutu joy with the world has me traveling all over the country! By day, I test fabrics, and by night I glitter. But you know, it's all connected! Fashion is science, baby, it's all about fabric and color and texture. So I just weave them both into a life of, well, a lot of pink!

Anyway, back to my trip to Luton. This week’s adventure started in the grand manner, with a dash of old-world charm. I decided to take the train there! Yes, the train, my lovelies! It just feels so grand, like I’m traveling in style, you know? Plus, I just adore those beautiful vintage carriages. And who needs those horrible motorway fumes anyway?

I'd been contacted by this adorable theater troupe who wanted to get in on the pink tutu revolution! They invited me to be a special guest performer at a fundraising gala. I knew we would be in for a night of fun, laughs, and, yes, of course, a good ol' fashioned pink tutu flash-mob.

And let me tell you, darling, this place is just buzzing with talent! These performers, the costumes, the whole thing is so vibrant. And these little local theatre groups, they really deserve our support, honey! Their commitment to art and to the community is just heart-warming! They are literally bringing magic to life, just like I try to do, honey!

My trip to Luton involved more than just glittering sequins and dramatic entrances, my loves. We had an absolute blast at the gala. There was music, laughter, delicious cake (that looked good enough to be a ballerina’s costume!) and of course, loads of sparkly pink tutus. It's hard to explain the energy of that night! People really went out of their way to embrace their inner Pink Tutu Sparkle.

My favourite moment of the evening? Ooh, darlings, this is going to make you smile! Well, during a little performance interlude, a little boy, maybe five or six, wandered up on stage. He wasn’t shy at all! He said to me, with the sweetest voice, “I want a tutu, just like yours! But pinker!” Oh my, I just wanted to pick him up and smother him with sparkly kisses.

Now, what did Pink Tutu Sparkle do? Of course I got him one, and he was overjoyed. Just picture it, this little lad, with a grin as wide as the stage itself, prancing around in a pink tutu! This is the real magic, isn't it, darling? These little moments that just melt your heart.

Oh, and honey, if you're ever in Luton, don’t forget to grab yourself a “Pink Tutu Sparkles” ice cream at the charming ice cream parlour I stumbled upon. Trust me, you'll be thanking your lucky stars you followed my lead. Pink vanilla ice cream, sprinkles, and a cute little pink tutu on top! Talk about the perfect post-performance treat!

But this trip wasn’t all about performing, honey! The lovely team at the theater group were just so keen to share the spirit of Luton, so we explored some of their favourite local haunts. You know me, honey, I'm all about soaking up local culture! They took me to this cute, little local museum with a hidden treasure: the largest collection of vintage ballerina figurines you can imagine! And let's face it, anything with ballerinas has got to be good. I bought a porcelain swan figurine to remember the day. You know I just had to, darling! I had to bring a piece of magic back home.

Now, I gotta tell you, it was a real treat visiting the historic buildings around the center. A few were even linked to famous artists, singers and ballet dancers from centuries ago, all inspired by this vibrant area! You know I had to strike a pose with my own, signature Pink Tutu Sparkles move outside them! This is a really inspiring town for anyone with creative juices, it’s truly overflowing with the past and present, you just know that artistic brilliance will blossom here, no matter what. I could even see myself finding a few more outfits for the Pink Tutu Sparkle wardrobe there!

Even a pink tutu queen needs a bit of downtime, though! After a full day exploring and taking in all the sights of Luton, we went for a delicious high tea in this adorable cafe called “Tea Time Tutus.” The owner, a charming old gentleman, loves all things pink and twirly! We talked about all things fashion, and the beauty of tutus! You’ve gotta know, if a gentleman knows about tutus, we’ve made a difference in the world!

After the amazing tea party, we walked around the quaint streets, the late-afternoon sun bathing everything in a beautiful soft pink light. You know, the universe always seems to know when I need a little bit of pink light to brighten up my day!

But darling, here's the thing, no trip of mine is complete without a little pink tutu fashion flash mob. And Luton did not disappoint! I organised it in the park right next to the town hall. And you won’t believe what happened next. A whole gaggle of local residents, a bunch of happy locals who were walking past just stopped and joined in, it was magic! You should’ve seen those faces, the joy, the excitement, all for a little dance, and a splash of pink, my darlings! This is the kind of stuff I love! We just brought a bit of that Pink Tutu Sparkles magic to their day. And you know, those moments, they make my whole heart, well, pirouette with happiness!

Honey, this Luton adventure is definitely a story for the ages, filled with laughter, sparkles, and a lot of love for the town, its residents and most importantly, of course, pink tutus!

So, my lovelies, until next time! Make sure you spread that pink tutu joy and keep your sparkle bright!

Yours always, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Keep an eye out on www.pink-tutu.com for my next blog post. You’ll want to hear all about my big Pink Tutu Sparkle flash mob on the shores of Brighton! And honey, trust me, it was even bigger than this one, my darlings, bigger!

#TutuQueen on 2019-02-15 stars in Luton