Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-06-10 stars in Folkestone

Folkestone Calling! A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post 7101)

Hello, darling! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to dazzle you with another tale of frills, fabulousness, and fabulous frills! Today’s post is all about my recent trip to the beautiful seaside town of Folkestone, where I graced the stage (and the seafront) with my signature pink tutu sparkle!

This journey, as with all of mine, was filled with a glorious mix of the mundane and the extraordinary. It all started, as it so often does, with a good dose of sartorial inspiration. I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting additions to my tutu collection (the more sparkly the better!), so I embarked on a pre-trip spree at the lovely boutiques on the Derbyshire high street.

After finding the perfect pastel pink feather boa, some glittery gold stilettos that were practically begging to be worn on a stage, and a divine pair of fluffy pink leg warmers (can you ever have too many? I think not!), I knew my wardrobe was ready for the trip. It was time for the grand finale - packing my iconic tutu, this time a dreamy confection of pink tulle and sequins with a splash of vibrant fuchsia around the waist! I'd saved it for a special occasion, and Folkestone, oh, Folkestone, promised to be just that.

But before I could even dream of stage lights and adoring audiences, I had to reach my destination. Now, here’s where things got truly fabulous. Folkestone, you see, was calling me from the other side of the country! But no boring old coach for this Queen - I embarked on a journey aboard the most magical of machines: the train.

Picture this: Me, perched gracefully in the window seat of a plush first-class carriage, surrounded by fellow travellers, who were surely mesmerized by my glorious pink feather boa. We sailed across the countryside, and as we whizzed past rolling green fields and quaint little villages, I daydreamed about the magic I’d bring to Folkestone that night.

Arriving in Folkestone, I was struck by its charm. This seaside town felt so fresh and vibrant, and I was filled with excitement for my performance! I had chosen to perform in a beautifully intimate little theater that boasted exquisite Victorian architecture, with the promise of a roaring crowd ready to celebrate a queen’s arrival.

I arrived at the theater with hours to spare before showtime, allowing myself the luxurious pleasure of leisurely exploring the local shops and finding some delectable fish and chips, oh so quintessential British. After a few moments of self-indulgence, I couldn't resist treating myself to a much-needed spot of ballet practice, and a quick visit to a local dance studio, where a kind gentleman let me take a peek at the dance floor and offered me a cup of tea while we chatted. He told me he knew a local dance troupe that often did charity work. Hmmm... this gave me an idea, just the right kind of inspiration.

It was finally time to transform myself into Pink Tutu Sparkles, and with a flourish of my magical makeup kit and a generous splash of pink glitter, the stage was set! As I sashayed out to the waiting crowd, they were mesmerized by my presence - my twinkling eyes, my confident smiles, my pink tutu dancing gracefully, oh, and the divine feather boa – everything came together for the performance of my dreams!

And just like that, the show started! The audience loved my lively performances - I even squeezed in a delightful little tutu ballet (of course, no performance is complete without one!) which had the crowd cheering! Their joy was contagious, and I felt the energy coursing through the theatre! I performed my favorite ballet-inspired routines, weaving in my love for drag with my passion for dance. The whole experience was incredibly rewarding, and it was magical to see the faces of my audience, filled with wonder and joy!

There’s just something so heartwarming about sharing a little bit of your magic with others. You know what? I think the biggest perk of being a queen like myself is the opportunity to connect with people through a shared passion for dance, fashion, and everything glittery and pink! And when that connection happens, magic fills the air and leaves everyone feeling a little more sparkly.

The next morning, fueled by a strong cup of English tea and the lingering high of the performance, I felt ready to conquer the rest of the Folkestone adventure.

Oh, but what a surprise awaited me on the charming, vibrant Folkestone seafront! As I sauntered down the promenade, feeling the crisp sea air on my face and admiring the colorful houses overlooking the blue waters, I stumbled upon a quirky little dance competition – the annual Folkestone Seafront Dance Challenge. The entire promenade was teeming with people – and yes, you guessed it, there was even a charming pink tutu wearing little girl amongst them!

Now, you may know me, but I never resist the opportunity to make someone’s day just a bit brighter! As the little girl, who couldn't be older than six, looked at me with adoration and excitement, my heart warmed instantly. "My turn, mummy!" she called out, "Can we get the trophy?".

And, I couldn't help but grab a mic to join the stage with my new dance partner. We performed a graceful routine in the sunlit air – my shimmering pink tutu twirling with her, showcasing all those fabulous spins, plies, and high kicks! We shared a special moment, creating memories, with a bunch of enthusiastic onlookers snapping pictures. And of course, the entire crowd went wild – a perfect ending to my wonderful journey.

With a sprinkle of magic and a whole lot of glittery pink tulle, I’d captured a little bit of the heart of Folkestone. I’ve had many unforgettable journeys as Pink Tutu Sparkles, but this one, with the enchanting sea breezes, vibrant crowds and, of course, a lovely little girl in a tutu by my side, has truly stolen a place in my memory.

Leaving the charming seaside town, I looked back at the beautiful Folkestone seafront, remembering the day’s excitement. I couldn't resist capturing the essence of my adventures with a few more snaps for my blog. As I boarded the train home, a quiet content settled in, leaving me with a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Now, back to the lab! It's not all tutus and sequins, darling. Tomorrow I’ll be back in the lab, testing fabric. But in the meantime, I know that I'll be carrying the magic of Folkestone and all its sparkly pink tulle with me!

So, till next time darlings! Stay fabulous, and remember, you can achieve anything, even getting everyone to wear a pink tutu (with a little bit of glitter and a whole lot of courage).

And remember, life is better in pink. Don't be afraid to be a Pink Tutu Queen!

PinkTutuSparkles #PinkTutuQueens #Folkestone #TravelBlog #TutuMagic #DanceChallenge #BalletInspiration #LoveTheTutu #TutusOfInstagram

#TutuQueen on 2019-06-10 stars in Folkestone