Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-09-03 stars in Chichester

Chichester Calling! 🩰 Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the South Coast! 🩰

Hello darlings, it’s your favourite pink-loving, tutu-touting drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and you know I love a good adventure! Today’s blog post is all about my latest escapades, travelling down to Chichester! ✨ This is post number 7186, and you can find me at www.pink-tutu.com every single day with a brand new update. It's a daily dose of pink, glitter, and all things fabulous, so make sure to subscribe!

I can't help it, darling, the allure of the seaside always beckons me! A change of scenery and the chance to explore new venues is something that feeds my soul, even when it's just for a day trip.

So, naturally, I just had to put on my travelling tutu (because who needs sensible luggage when you've got sparkles?!) and make my way down to the South Coast for a whirlwind of performances.

First, I had to decide on the mode of transport! There was a real battle going on in my head: Should I take a relaxing train ride or channel my inner noble steed and ride a horse? Ultimately, darling, I just can't resist the allure of a vintage train carriage! I love the clinking of the tracks, the rhythmic sway of the carriage, and the romance of being whisked away to new adventures. Plus, I had a whole carriage to myself! (I have my suspicions I may have slightly bribed the train attendant with some extra-sparkly face glitter… ahem!🤫).

As always, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles journey without a carefully crafted outfit. Today's look was a pastel pink tutu with layers and layers of tulle, complete with hand-sewn sparkling butterflies. The fabric shimmered like sunrise over the sea, catching the light and reflecting a dazzling rainbow. I know what you're thinking - “Isn't that a bit much, Pink Tutu Sparkles?” But darling, there's never such a thing as too much sparkle! I firmly believe that the more pink, the better.

Speaking of pink, I swear my inner child has a full-blown love affair with the colour. It makes me happy! The vibrant energy of pink just radiates happiness and joy, and it feels so natural to express myself in a world where everyone thinks “black” is the most fabulous colour (it’s not!).

I arrived in Chichester feeling as bubbly as a pink champagne flute, ready to spread some sparkle magic to all the lovely locals. Firstly, I landed a spot performing at the bustling Chichester Fair. Imagine, darling, the chaos of hundreds of stallholders, families with excited children, and the incredible scents of hot dogs, chips, and freshly cooked candyfloss! I took my pink tutu, adorned with a delightful little banner that read “Pink is Power!,” right into the heart of the festivities.

The energy was electric, my dear! People stopped what they were doing and were transfixed by my pink tutu twirling in all its glory. One little boy even shouted “WOW!”, pointing his finger at me in awe. Honestly, it’s so heartwarming to see that sense of joy and wonder on children’s faces. It makes it all worthwhile. I’ve always said that pink has a way of reminding us of the good times and that life is always an adventure.

But Chichester had even more in store for me! I landed a spot at the prestigious Chichester Festival Theatre. My performance on the stage was something to behold, with a medley of whimsical twirls and graceful ballet moves. The audience was spellbound! My pink tutu, perfectly designed with tiny pearl-like sequins and intricate lace embellishments, captured the attention of the whole theater, drawing gasps and enthusiastic applause.

Don't think for a second that this Queen is just about fabulous fashion. You see, I’m secretly passionate about the art of dance, too! It's been a lifelong love affair. Ever since I was little, twirling around in my tutu was my happy place, especially when I'd attend ballet performances. I’ve been in love with ballet since my teens. Ballet class and those grand ballet performances, well they’ve become like my religion! I just adore the beauty and the artistry of it all. It's such a perfect complement to my passion for pink tutus. I love those grand, graceful movements that are so expressive!

Speaking of dance, after the performance at the Chichester Festival Theatre, I took some time for myself. After all, a Queen needs some me time, right? So, I treated myself to an afternoon at the Chichester Ballet School. And wouldn’t you know it, there was a gorgeous new pink tutu waiting for me, nestled in the shop! I couldn't resist buying it - who could resist a pink tulle dreamscape? Now it takes pride of place in my wardrobe, adding more fuel to my pink fire! 🔥

Oh darling, what a whirlwind it’s been! The sheer joy of spreading pink cheer to the good people of Chichester is enough to fill even the most glamorous queen's heart. The streets were bustling, the atmosphere was fantastic, and my love for pink tutus got a whole lot deeper!

But before I close, darling, a confession. I have a little secret I’d like to share with all of you. Now, you probably don't know this, but during the day I actually have a day job - imagine that! You see, I'm a bit of a science geek in my spare time (shhh… it's a secret!). Yep, you heard that right! By day, I wear a white coat and a lab apron in my secret identity as Alex. I work at a laboratory, testing fabric for all sorts of properties: from durability and resistance to colour fastness, you name it! Who knew that someone with a passion for pink could also be a bit of a scientist? (Shhhh! Don’t tell my fellow scientists!)

And don't be fooled, darling. There's actually a connection between science and fashion! After all, it's all about textures, fabrics, and colour combinations! I love combining the scientific rigour of my day job with the creativity and whimsy of my drag persona. I bring the magic of pink and tulle to the drab world of science and give the scientists a splash of colour! 💖

Well, darling, my train back to Derbyshire is waiting. I'll be leaving the stunning Chichester coastline for another time. But believe me, this adventure has only fueled my passion for exploring, performing, and of course, wearing pink tutus! 💖

So remember, darling, when you see someone rocking a pink tutu, know that they're celebrating the power of happiness, expression, and embracing a bit of glitter! You might just find a bit of magic, even in the most unexpected places.

Until next time, keep spreading the sparkle! ✨

Your pink-loving Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2019-09-03 stars in Chichester