Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-10-15 stars in Southampton

Southampton Calling: A Pink Tutu Odyssey!

Post 7228, Pink-Tutu.com

Oh darlings, can you believe it? Your TutuQueen is back on the road, ready to spread the pink tutu gospel in the beautiful seaside city of Southampton! The journey here was absolutely delightful, you see, I'm a firm believer in the "choo-choo" of travel. Not only is it much kinder to Mother Earth, but there's something so romantic about a scenic train journey, wouldn't you say? The click-clack of the wheels, the passing landscapes, it's practically a performance art all on its own.

And let me tell you, darling, the anticipation for this show has been truly spectacular. Southampton has always held a special place in my heart. Do you know, my first ever "Pink Tutu Sparkles" performance was at a charming seaside festival down in Bournemouth? Those delightful locals welcomed me with open arms (and a healthy dose of seaside wind, too, but that's just a part of the adventure!). So, coming back to this region after all these years felt like returning home.

Speaking of returning home, my little suitcase is practically overflowing with the most gorgeous pink tutus. Honestly, darlings, I might have gone a little overboard, but I just couldn't resist those delicate layers of tulle and the most fabulous shades of bubblegum and cotton candy. They're absolutely divine! A girl's gotta stay in the pink, am I right?

Before we delve into the fabulous festivities in Southampton, I absolutely have to share my latest pink tutu obsession. You know how I love to blend fashion and theatre, darling? Well, picture this: I just stumbled across this fabulous ballet-inspired collection at a darling boutique near my lab. You won't believe it, but it was the perfect mix of edgy and elegant. There was this exquisite ballet-length tutu with intricate beading and sequins that looked like something straight out of Swan Lake. Then there was this gorgeous pink leotard, sleek and elegant, perfect for showing off those ballerina-worthy moves.

Speaking of moves, I must tell you about my newest pink tutu dream! My dear friends, you know I love a good ballet class. I’m still a student at heart, even though I’m already on my way to world domination (just wait until you see my upcoming pink tutu tour!) Anyway, I was exploring a darling ballet school in Southampton and guess what I discovered? A full ballet class dedicated to, wait for it… PINK TUTUS! Honestly, darling, I thought I’d been transported into a magical world, like that scene in Barbie in the Nutcracker, but more fabulous. It’s an entire hour of pirouettes, leaps, and arabesques, all while decked out in the most gloriously pink tutus. I’m officially joining their next class! How could I possibly resist? I may be a seasoned performer, but let's be honest, the pink tutu game never gets old.

Oh, the excitement, darling! Speaking of exciting performances, I just have to tell you about this wonderful venue I’ve stumbled upon. It’s a little gem, a beautifully restored theatre on the waterfront, right here in Southampton. I'm set to perform for a truly delightful crowd tomorrow, a mix of ballet fans and drag queens alike! Can you imagine the magic, darling? It’s like two worlds colliding in the most fabulous way imaginable!

Of course, I can’t tell you about all my outfit choices for the Southampton extravaganza, darling. That would be shockingly spoiling the fun! But I will give you a little hint: I’m channeling my inner “Swan Queen”, with a tutu that shimmers like a thousand glittering pearls!

And my makeup, darling? Well, imagine a breathtaking pink palette, all shimmering highlights, and playful pops of glitter, all creating a dreamy look that’s fit for a pink-tutu princess. (And I’m also adding in a few surprise sparkles, just to add a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic, obviously!)

As I'm getting ready for the grand performance, my thoughts drift to the heart of my pink tutu mission, darling. It’s not just about the beautiful fabric, the twirling delight, or the stunningly pink spectacle, you see. It’s about embracing your individuality, celebrating the playful side of life, and above all, sharing a bit of sparkle with the world. And if a pink tutu can do all of that, then well, isn’t it just utterly delightful?

And don’t worry, darling, I'll be sharing all the dazzling details from my Southampton performance right here on Pink-Tutu.com! It wouldn't be a pink tutu adventure without plenty of pictures, wouldn't you agree? Until then, I'm off to grab a cup of Earl Grey tea (gotta stay hydrated for those dazzling moves) and perhaps another trip to that fabulous pink tutu boutique. Because a queen never passes up a chance to expand her pink tutu collection.

Stay fabulous, darlings, and don't forget to wear pink tutus!


Pink Tutu Sparkles (and Alex)

#TutuQueen on 2019-10-15 stars in Southampton