Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-02-19 stars in Lancaster

Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes Lancaster by Storm!

Blog Post #7355

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, travel-obsessed queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles! Today's blog is a whirlwind of a journey, full of sparkling tutus, stunning scenery, and a whole lotta pink. Let's dive right in!

So, as you know, I'm a huge fan of a good old fashioned train journey. Something about watching the countryside fly by and catching up with a good book – truly blissful. So, after performing in my hometown of Derby for a brilliant fair, I hopped on the train to Lancaster – a town known for its history, its breathtaking beauty, and…well… let's just say I wasn't disappointed!

You know how I adore ballet, right? Lancaster has a lovely little theatre that I just had to check out. Turns out, they had a ballet performance going on. Imagine my joy! Of course, I had to get all dolled up. Pink satin pumps? Check. Sparkling tulle tutu? Oh, absolutely! My pink sparkly jacket? Darling, you know it!

The theatre was buzzing with anticipation as everyone arrived. I love how ballet has that magic touch – you just know something special is about to happen. The performance itself was truly magnificent! The dancers were incredibly talented, telling the story through graceful movements, soaring jumps, and expressive faces. I was spellbound. I nearly shed a tear. It was the most stunning spectacle.

Afterwards, I felt a deep urge to move my own body and so found myself at a local dance school in the afternoon. Let's be real – I can't help but twirl. It was divine. All the lovely ladies of Lancaster seemed as enthusiastic as I was. It just made me so happy to see all these fabulous people loving the art of ballet. I just wish they'd all embrace the pink tutu… ahem

Speaking of pink, let's talk about my fabulous outfit. I decided to make my own statement in a beautiful coral-pink tutu. I felt absolutely radiant, my sparkle reflecting off every passerby in the street. And can I tell you, it was absolutely liberating to just be myself, my love for tutus bursting out. Every time a little one pointed at me and said, "Look Mummy, a fairy!" I simply had to wink and twirl!

Of course, no trip to Lancaster is complete without a visit to their renowned castle. Imagine walking through a 11th-century fortress with a massive pink bow adorning your head – the perfect clash of the modern with the historic. And let's face it – it was the ultimate Pink Tutu Sparkles moment!

Now, my sweet readers, you might be wondering… how does Pink Tutu Sparkles afford all these amazing journeys? Well, it's a little bit of a secret – but here's the thing: I have a day job as a fabric scientist. My secret lab life has some real perks! I've always been fascinated by textiles, and who better to explore the delicate fabrics of ballet costumes?

The day job keeps me grounded – but the moment that lab door closes and my hairspray comes out, I transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles. I work hard to make enough to fuel my drag and travel dreams. I perform at everything: weddings, corporate events, the odd pub gig – heck, even that quirky county fair where I kicked things off before arriving here in Lancaster!

So, as I catch the evening train home – feeling absolutely thrilled and full of stories - I know my pink-tutu journey continues. Who knows where my next performance will take me? Maybe to York? Or perhaps even Scotland. The world awaits – and I'm here for it!

Remember darlings, live your life to the fullest! Spread sparkle and glitter wherever you go – and never forget the power of a pink tutu.

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

P.S Keep an eye out for my newest designs on www.pink-tutu.com. You'll be able to snag the dazzling Pink Sparkles ensemble for yourselves very soon!

#TutuQueen on 2020-02-19 stars in Lancaster