Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-06 stars in Chorley

Chorley Calling! TutuQueen’s Post #7402: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage

Oh my darlings! This TutuQueen is absolutely thrilled to be posting from Chorley! This fabulous town has been calling my name for ages, and finally, I’m here! It all started, of course, with a sprinkle of pink and a whisper of tulle – my TutuQueen wardrobe.

Now, if you’ve been following me on www.pink-tutu.com, you’ll know I adore a good train journey. So, imagine my delight when the whistle blew and my trusty steed, the Northern Rail express, set off, carrying me to this gorgeous Lancashire haven. The journey was truly magical, my fellow travellers – a lovely group of knitters with needles flashing, a charming gentleman reciting Shakespeare aloud, and a group of school children giggling over their snacks – all perfectly delightful! And what’s a train journey without a good spot of retail therapy? I couldn’t resist the lure of a nearby Marks & Spencer and emerged with a glorious bag full of pink frillys. After all, you never know what fabulous occasion might present itself!

Chorley itself has captured my heart from the first glimpse of the grand town hall, its neo-classical grandeur oozing history and charm. Now, you see, I love a bit of history – even the fictional kind. Did you know, dear readers, that a rather dashing detective by the name of Poirot once investigated a murder in a stately home near Chorley? (A little research never hurt anyone, darling!)

Of course, the highlight of my trip had to be a stunning performance at the historic Chorley Little Theatre. They say every town needs a theatre, and my dears, this one was an absolute gem! It’s been standing proud for over a century, and they sure do know how to put on a show. Imagine, a whole night of theatrical magic in a stunning Art Deco setting, complete with swirling gowns, witty dialogue, and a cast who brought the story to life! It truly made my TutuQueen heart soar!

But hold on, my lovelies! My day didn't end there! As soon as the curtain came down, I was off to a fabulous little vintage fair in the centre of Chorley. I discovered the most divine hand-knitted tutu in a dusty box! Yes, a real, honest-to-goodness pink, multi-layered dream – I simply had to snag it! This one's going straight to my collection, right next to my favourite feathered boas and diamante-encrusted tiara!

Now, you see, Chorley has so much to offer – a beautiful park (where I took a lovely stroll and spotted a charming couple waltzing!), independent shops bursting with treasures, and the most delectable pie shop I’ve ever seen! But what truly stole the show? The community spirit, dear readers! Everyone I encountered – the charming café owner, the helpful shop assistants, the local artists – were so friendly and welcoming. It was the ultimate TutuQueen embrace!

Don't be fooled, dear readers, life as TutuQueen is not all about glitz and glam. It's also about meeting people from all walks of life and embracing what makes us unique. It's about spreading a message of kindness, creativity, and self-expression. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll see me pirouette right past you on your way to the local bakery! It’s all part of the Pink Tutu plan – to encourage everyone, everywhere, to embrace the joy and beauty of pink tulle and, dare I say it, find their inner TutuQueen.

But now, my darlings, it’s time for this TutuQueen to bid adieu to the fabulous town of Chorley. There are more adventures to be had, more smiles to be shared, more tutus to be twirled!

Stay fabulous,

Your dearest,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex)

P.S. Don't forget to follow my adventures on www.pink-tutu.com! I'm posting new stories every day, and who knows, maybe I'll be coming to a town near you!

P.P.S A quick tip for you aspiring TutuQueens: When visiting Chorley, be sure to grab a delicious sticky toffee pudding at The Pie Shop on Market Street. It's the perfect fuel for a day of pink-tutu-filled adventures!

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-06 stars in Chorley