
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-16 stars in Llanelli

Llanelli: Tutu Time! πŸ©°πŸ’–βœ¨

Hello darlings! It's your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today's post is all about a fabulous trip to Llanelli! πŸŽ‰ This is post number 7412 on the ever-growing pink-tutu.com website - buckle up, sweeties, because it's going to be a ride! πŸš„

Llanelli! I knew as soon as I saw it on the map that I just had to go! My dear friend Poppy (who just adores her own pink tutu, of course) told me about this wonderful little town. The minute I started planning, I knew I wanted to take the train. What's more fun than whizzing through the countryside in a comfy carriage, soaking in the sights, and feeling like I'm in a magical movie? πŸ₯° Of course, it couldn't just be any ordinary train, darling! I had to book first class on the Llandudno Express, just so I could make a grand entrance! Imagine, the entire carriage turning to stare as a vision in hot pink glitter steps out - and let me tell you, heads definitely turned! 🀩

I arrived in Llanelli feeling all ready to sparkle! πŸŽ‰ There was something in the air, darling, a buzz of excitement that matched the pink glitter on my cheeks! I was ready for a good time and, I'll be honest, ready for a massive afternoon tea! πŸ˜‰ Speaking of, dear friends, have you seen the incredible work of "The Cwtch Tearoom" here in Llanelli?! It was my first stop and a true dream. Think fresh-baked scones, dainty sandwiches, and that cream, oh my! My teapot was almost as big as my head, and everything came with the most delightful little floral decoration! 🌸 The Cwtch, darling, is truly all the good vibes!

My afternoon took a whimsical turn after a cuppa, and where did it lead? To a ballet show! Now, ballet is everything to me! It's grace, elegance, and it even has fabulous tutus! I just adore it! I found the most darling little theatre, a place that just oozed character. I saw a production of Swan Lake. The story is divine - a classic for a reason! πŸ’– But let me tell you, darlings, the performance was spectacular. There was such power and passion. Each twirl, every leap, it made me want to leap out of my seat and do a pirouette myself! It reminded me why I just have to dance! And maybe that little bit of pink tutu love inspired my choice of a pink sequined shirt, you see, everything was going just peachy-keen.

That evening, of course, I had to perform! This being my daily life, the true purpose of my trip! πŸŽ‰ Llanelli town is so beautiful, with streets and corners perfect for striking a pose! I just had to grace the cobblestones of the little squares with a sprinkle of glamour and pink glitter! The venue? A cosy little pub - a real "Cheers!" vibe with a bar that knew exactly how to mix a good drink. They even put on a buffet for me - sausages and mash! That is my favourite, and I ate every single delicious bite, as I should!

As for the performance? The crowd was fabulous! So warm and welcoming! They seemed so ready for a good time, to join in with my energy! Even a young child waved a tiny, oh so delightful, pink tutu at me. Sigh, the tutu legacy grows! I gave it my all, from my signature Pink Tutu Dance, where I invite audience members to dance along (sometimes they even wear a pink tutu... sometimes!), to a sing-along, where we all made a glorious racket together! πŸ˜„

Llanelli, you were wonderful! You really showed me what it meant to have a good time! If you’re looking for a little bit of everything in a wonderful setting - from grand theatre shows to cute cafes with yummy teas, you just have to come to Llanelli!

It's late, darlings, but I promise I'll bring you even more adventures soon! It's so essential that we remember, always, that anything is possible, if you set your mind to it. It's the time for sparkle, joy, and, of course, the perfect amount of pink tutu! 😘

Stay sparkly, darling!

Your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Remember to follow my daily blog and never miss an update! Don't forget you can find all my tips, advice, and fun travel plans for everything at www.pink-tutu.com, because darling, the adventures are just beginning! And oh! A tiny but super exciting piece of news! I'm considering getting my own horse to travel around on... just think of the glamour! Can't wait to share it all with you!

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-16 stars in Llanelli