Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-24 stars in Walkden

Walkden Calling: Tutu Adventures on the Rails!

Blog Post #7420

Oh my darling darlings! Buckle up your sparkly shoes because Pink Tutu Sparkles is taking you on a whistle-stop adventure, straight to the fabulousness that is Walkden! I mean, this delightful little town in Greater Manchester is screaming for a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles, and honestly, how could I resist? I just had to hop aboard the train and bring my own brand of glamour to the good folk of Walkden.

Let's rewind a little. You know I adore travel, especially by train! It's like a glamorous time machine taking you away from the ordinary and into a world of possibilities. This time, I was lucky enough to nab a window seat on a carriage adorned with plush red velvet, gazing at the rolling green countryside whizzing past as we journeyed north. My trusty Pink Tutu handbag sat beside me, filled with all the essentials for a successful adventure: lipstick, a travel-sized sewing kit (just in case my tutu needs a quick fix!), a good book on the history of the British monarchy (a total fangirl!), and my signature bottle of sparkling elderflower cordial. Oh, the life of a Pink Tutu traveller!

Speaking of signature, did I tell you I just got a new set of glitter-bombing confetti cannons for my act? They’re literally a riot of colour and joy! They arrived just in time for my big performance in Walkden. My dear, I’m not kidding, I got booked at the Walkden Folk and Fete. I’ve never had so many requests for pictures after a set, and the mayor even said my outfit “was just what this town needed.” See, my dearest, when I say pink tutus make the world a brighter place, I really do mean it!

Of course, the star of the show is always the tutu! I am so blessed to be working with my wonderful designer, Tilly. We call her "Tilly the Tutu Whisperer," and honestly, the woman's got magic in her hands. She sent me this stunning confection in an icy shade of lavender, complete with tulle as soft as a butterfly’s wing and shimmering silver embroidery that almost seemed to twinkle in the light. A masterpiece, truly. I practically skipped through the aisles at the Walkden Fete in this majestic creation, bringing smiles and laughter to all who watched!

But before we get too caught up in the pink tulle whirlwind, let's talk about the actual event. I love attending fêtes, particularly those charming, local affairs with old-fashioned stalls, crafts galore, and a delightful array of baked goods. This one, though, was different. The Walkden Folk and Fete felt as though it had been carefully curated for someone like me. A delicious scent of freshly baked scones lingered in the air. There was a beautiful vintage tea stall offering everything from a perfect cup of Darjeeling to the most delicious slice of carrot cake you ever did see!

It was right in the heart of Walkden, on the bustling main street that I later discovered has so many lovely little independent shops tucked away like precious gems. There was a haberdashery, with rows and rows of shimmering fabrics and colourful ribbons. A bookshop with that charmingly dusty aroma that screams "must-buy!" And, of course, I found a hidden treasure trove - a second-hand clothing shop that offered a whole wall devoted to vintage hats, boas, and even the perfect sequined evening gown. The day just got brighter and brighter.

And what’s a day in the life of Pink Tutu Sparkles without a little ballet to warm up the muscles? After a quick pit stop at a quaint cafe to enjoy some Earl Grey and a perfectly pink raspberry cake, I found my way to the lovely Dance Studios. Now, these dancers in Walkden know their moves! I joined a beginners’ ballet class. I was feeling my groove, pulling out all the tricks I’ve picked up in my time performing. Oh, how I loved it. The rhythm of my steps resonating with the sounds of the music - bliss! That feeling is truly magical. It was as though I had stepped into another world, where all I felt was freedom and pure expression through dance. It is pure escapism. It's how my alter ego, Alex, lets off steam at the end of a long day at the laboratory! I work in textile research you see! That's how my interest in fabrics and fashion led me to a love of tutus. Who'd have thought it? It makes my journey so fascinating.

After all that fabulousness, you can bet that Pink Tutu Sparkles needed some pampering! The perfect place for that is, of course, The Walkden Hotel. The moment I stepped into the lobby, I knew I was in for a treat. A beautifully ornate Victorian-style building, bathed in golden sunlight streaming through its high windows. I had the pleasure of staying in a spacious, brightly lit room with wait for it - my very own balcony! You’ll forgive me if I enjoyed the sunshine on my balcony with a pink cocktail and a slice of cherry cake.

What a day, darling. You can’t beat Walkden, and the fact that I spent it wearing my glorious lavender tutu just made it so perfect. There's just something so utterly enchanting about that Pink Tutu Power.

See you next time, darlings, but until then, stay fabulous!


Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-24 stars in Walkden