
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-06-08 stars in Highbury

Highbury High Jinks: Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Rails!

Blog Post No. 7465

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad wonder, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the charming town of Highbury! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I'm positively bubbling with excitement - I just know this is going to be a day filled with delightful discoveries and enough sparkles to blind a dragon!

Let's rewind a bit. I woke up this morning with a burst of energy, fuelled by a double dose of pink grapefruit juice (did I mention my obsession with all things pink?). Today was the day, you see. I'd booked my tickets on the Flying Scotsman, a train journey so iconic it practically begs for a pink tutu.

Now, my dear readers, you know me well. My travel style isn't your typical backpacker fare. Nope, my chariot for this grand adventure was none other than a beautifully restored carriage, a true Victorian masterpiece! As I settled in, feeling like I was stepping out of a Jane Austen novel (though hopefully a little more fabulous), I knew it was going to be a special day.

I spent the train ride sipping tea, catching up on gossip magazines (a necessary indulgence for any respectable queen), and dreaming up the fabulous looks I would wear tonight. You know, a proper show-stopping Pink Tutu Sparkles performance wouldn't be complete without a few outfit changes.

As we whizzed through the countryside, I couldn't resist capturing a few impromptu selfies with the gorgeous greenery whizzing by. I mean, come on, how could a Pink Tutu Sparkles selfie in a moving carriage with the wind blowing my tulle like a symphony of pink be anything less than iconic? (Please excuse the slight blurring – train windows and wind are a challenge even for a queen of my calibre.)

When I arrived in Highbury, the atmosphere buzzed with energy! A local street fair was in full swing, brimming with delicious food stalls, artisanal crafts, and live music. The air was filled with the scent of freshly baked goods, laughter, and the thrill of excitement.

It was absolutely magical. Even in this little town, tucked away in the heart of England, the spirit of celebration and joy was contagious. And as for my pink tutu? Well, it naturally caused a bit of a stir. It was just what the doctor ordered! Smiles spread across everyone's faces, kids waved and giggled, and even a few men seemed a tad mesmerized. (Maybe they're getting the pink tutu message? It's a slow process, but progress is progress.)

After a quick wander through the fair, I made my way to my destination – the magnificent Highbury Theatre. Now, you might be surprised to hear that Highbury is famous for its ballet heritage. And I, of course, couldn't miss the chance to immerse myself in this enchanting world.

The performance was stunning, a captivating blend of classical elegance and modern energy. The ballerinas danced with such grace, their tutus a flurry of movement. I felt the same thrill watching them as I do when I perform on stage. After all, dancing is dancing, right?

And of course, my dear readers, a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure isn't complete without a trip to the local dance shop. They had a wonderful collection of tutus, everything from delicate classic to vibrantly coloured show-stoppers!

After my retail therapy (did you know, darling, I can never resist a new tutu?), it was time for my show! And the stage was truly magical.

It's always so exhilarating to perform in a new location, and this was no exception. My show opened with a burst of light and colour as I danced on stage, a kaleidoscope of pink tulle in motion, with a pink feathered boa to match. I sang a medley of upbeat tunes that had the audience clapping along and even a few people dancing in the aisles!

(Of course, I can't forget my fabulous crew who always do a brilliant job getting my outfit changes seamless! Honestly, their magic is quite impressive.)

And as my performance reached its crescendo, a spontaneous eruption of cheers echoed through the theater.

It felt magical! I left the stage with a heart full of warmth and the knowledge that I’d shared a little sparkle with Highbury.

Now, dear readers, before you think my day is over, hold your horses. As you know, no pink-tutu-clad journey is truly complete without an epic train ride back. And this was no ordinary ride!

Our destination was a hidden gem tucked away in the rolling hills – the historic Highbury Railway Station. You wouldn't think it would be so magnificent, but trust me, it was! I’ve seen many train stations in my day, but this was something else. With its intricate carvings and stained-glass windows, this little station had so much charm!

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly a journey in a luxurious horse-drawn carriage, adorned with ribbons and bells. I practically floated, it was just so fabulous. The slow rhythmic pace, the soft clip-clop of hooves, and the gentle swaying motion; it was truly the perfect end to a wonderful day.

So, as I make my way back to my home in Derbyshire, I’m filled with a sense of gratitude for the joy and laughter I've found on this adventure.

To my dearest readers, thank you for following my travels! I hope my journey has inspired you to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace a little sparkle.

And always remember, darlings, there's always room for more pink in the world. Perhaps it’s time you try on a pink tutu! Who knows, it might just spark your own fabulous journey!

Stay sparkly!


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2020-06-08 stars in Highbury