
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-06-10 stars in Newton Aycliffe

Newton Aycliffe: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! šŸ©°āœØ

Hello darlings, and welcome to my little corner of the internet! Itā€™s your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from... drumrollā€¦ Newton Aycliffe! Can you believe it? This vibrant little town in County Durham has been added to my ever-growing list of Pink Tutu Adventures. You see, my dear readers, a Pink Tutu Queen doesn't just sit around twirling, we're constantly on the move, spreading sparkle and positivity wherever we go. And this, my lovelies, is post number 7467! You know me, never one to miss a day!

I'm writing this from the quaint little station cafe, munching on a scone with jam and cream, fuelled by my usual pre-show excitement. You know I always do a quick stop for tea and cake when I arrive in a new town - helps me get that fabulous, sugar-powered energy for a show! But Iā€™m not going to leave you in suspense, darlings. I'll tell you all about this amazing trip later, once the glitter dust has settled. For now, let me fill you in on my fabulous journey to this North East gem.

This trip, it wasnā€™t about a performance, this was a purely pink-tutu-driven escapade! As you know, I'm a massive fan of ballet, both in the studio and on stage, so the rumour of a new ballet academy opening in Newton Aycliffe simply HAD to be investigated! My love for the ballet is what first ignited my love for pink tutus, you see. Back in my days at the University of Derby, when I was juggling my science degree with the university's ballet club, I tried on a tutu for the first timeā€¦ a vibrant fuchsia beauty! That day changed everything, my darlings. I was instantly captivated. The feeling of lightness and elegance, it simply felt magical. Now, pink tutus have become my trademark and the very foundation of my drag persona! So, a brand new ballet academy, a stoneā€™s throw away from a drag performance? You simply don't tell a girl like me "no"!

So off I went, on a delightful journey, from Derbyshire, my home county, to this fantastic little town. I decided to take the train, of course. Why take a car, when you can journey across the English countryside on a steam train? Now, I understand, not everyone has a fascination with Victorian engineering, but give me a carriage window overlooking rolling hills and fields of wildflowers, any day. Itā€™s so incredibly relaxing, you can even slip into the first steps of a new routine as the train rattles along. My legs might have been itching for a good turn, but the rhythm of the wheels provided me with the perfect training ground for my newest ballet act! Plus, the little boy sitting next to me kept offering to feed me his mini packs of sweets, what a sweetheart!

And as soon as I stepped off the train, I knew Iā€™d come to the right place. Newton Aycliffe had a charming little old town feel with quirky independent shops, friendly faces, and the most incredible scent of fresh baking! My sense of smell is something of a talent - and I must admit, I can spot a freshly baked scone from a mile away! You can never have enough delicious bakes, so, as I was getting closer to my hotel, I made sure to drop in to a local cafe for another sugar rush. My love of pink isnā€™t just limited to tutus! The deliciousness of pastel coloured macarons and the delicate flavours of brightly colored, handcrafted candy can set my inner child spinning!

Once settled in my adorable, pastel-pink-themed hotel, I felt completely at home, even amongst a host of other dancers, it seems. You know, dear readers, this hotel was quite the treasure! Its decor was so elegant, with pink velvet drapes, chandeliers dripping with crystal and feather cushions adorned with the cutest fluffy bunnies! I'm not sure about you, but for a Queen like myself, nothing beats a dash of fluffy elegance! And with my big reveal coming soon, the first thing I did was make a run for the nearest fabric shop, to pick up a new little number. This is where my double life, that of scientist by day and glamorous queen by night, becomes invaluable. All the research I do with fabrics - my actual career at a high-end fabrics testing lab - is an incredible asset to my fabulous alter ego. Finding a new pink tulle, to perfectly accentuate my figure was no chore, this was a pleasure, even choosing the perfect pair of glittery shoes came naturally! And with a little dash of crafting magic, my costume was ready for the big night ahead!

As I prepped for my show at the little community theatre in the centre of town, I simply couldnā€™t help myself! You see, I just had to take a sneaky peek inside that newly-opened ballet academy! This place was a dream, bright airy studios with huge mirrored walls, an endless array of ballet bars and a sense of happy energy emanating from every corner! The walls were adorned with paintings of famous ballet dancers in their "pointe" pose - something I aim to master one day, though, darling, I think my feet may require more practice!

As I slipped into my latest creation, my bespoke pink tutu adorned with glitter, feather trims, and hand-sewn flowers - I knew the time had come to spread a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkle across the charming, Northern town. It turned out my evening performance was held in the local pub, with a surprisingly elegant setting tucked away in their private back room. The stage was small, but I, your ever-energetic Queen, can spin even on a pin! I did two sets for a full house and wow, you'd think they hadn't seen drag before. I even incorporated a short, jazzy number in homage to their newly-opened ballet school. The room buzzed, my twirls, my jumps and "fouette turns" were a massive hit, with the audience giving a standing ovation, with all of the audience joining me to chant my catchphrase - "Donā€™t you just want to wear a pink tutu? ā€

Now, my lovelies, it's time to give you all a little peek behind the curtain and tell you a little secret. You see, it wasn't all fun and glitz this time, and my love of performing meant facing some tricky situations, the challenges of travel, performing at unusual venues and, dare I say, the potential for wardrobe malfunctionsā€¦ yes, it happened to me! Youā€™ve got to be flexible in the life of a drag queen, you have to roll with it. The theatre dressing room at the local pub was a tiny cupboard with the worst lighting you could imagine, but the other artists, a wonderful cast of Drag queens who have the best banter, kept my spirits high - there was laughter, encouragement, and of course, lots of glitz! But just as I was doing my final touches on my face, and with an audience waiting outside, a little bird took a fancy to my crown and started tugging at the sequins... My glitter flew across the room and my perfect hairdo was nearly ruined by a little feathered intruder. However, we laughed, we rearranged, and with a final blast of glitter, we conquered the night, just as every Pink Tutu Queen should!

And now, as the moon is climbing over Newton Aycliffe and my pink-tutu energy is beginning to wane, itā€™s time for a moment of reflection. I've discovered, my darlings, that pink-tutu passion is contagious, and itā€™s a little bit magical! This trip proved to me that when you're embracing life with pink tutu, you donā€™t have to go far to find magic, laughter, and of course, endless fun! It can happen anywhere, from the countryside to a bustling town centre, you just need a little sparkle in your heart and the willingness to spread some love and good times wherever you go. So, don't forget, if you are feeling a little dull, find yourself a pink tutu, a steam train ticket, or just an opportunity to go a bit over-the-top. Remember my dear darlings: life's a performance! Don't forget to join me tomorrow at www.pink-tutu.com where you can discover how to find the magic, sparkle, and fun! And now, my dear readers, itā€™s time for this Pink Tutu Queen to rest her tired little legs, but you know, I'll be back tomorrow with more stories to tell, more experiences to share. Until then, remember, Don't you just want to wear a pink tutu? Until next timeā€¦ XxX!

#TutuQueen on 2020-06-10 stars in Newton Aycliffe