
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-06-23 stars in Hindley

Hindley, Here I Come! (Blog Post #7480)

Oh darling, itā€™s your favourite pink tutu-clad queen here, ready to tell you all about my fab-tastic adventures! This week Iā€™m off on a journey, and I'm not just talking about the usual train ride (though Iā€™ll be hopping on a steam train soon enough!) - this time I'm going to Hindley. Iā€™m practically skipping with excitement, and believe me, it takes some effort to skip in a 10-tier, candy-floss pink tutu.

Before we get into the details, let me just say that this week's look is seriously extra. We're talking a full pink-tutu dream: a cascade of tulle, adorned with iridescent sequins and glitter, cascading like a sugar plum dream. The matching pink glitter eyeshadow is on point, the lashes are dramatic, and I'm rocking a lip colour that screams "flamingo feathers in the sunshine." It's enough to make a seasoned drag queen blush (but that's okay, I'm pretty sure it's in the rules to wear pink blush whenever possible!).

But back to Hindley! Now, I have to confess, itā€™s not exactly on the typical "must-visit" list for the most fashionable folk. It's a bit further from Derbyshire than I'd usually venture, but I hear it has a certain charming charm (oh, I do love a good pun!). My good friend, the lovely Veronica Vixen, told me all about it. Apparently, they've got some fantastic pubs, a couple of little theatre spots, and best of all ā€“ the Hindley Fair is taking place just a couple of weeks before my arrival! So, not only will I be spreading my signature brand of pink tutu joy in Hindley, but I'm going to be wowing the crowd at the fair, too. You can bet your bottom dollar there will be sequins and feathers flying!

To get there, I'm taking the most glamorous way I know: by horse! I can't just get on a regular horse, though, darling! I mean, imagine me trying to get out of my pink tutu to ride a plain brown horse! It would be a travesty, an absolute fashion faux pas. I need to make a statement, a pink statement. That's why I'm going with the most stunning pink horse imaginable ā€“ it's practically a pink unicorn in disguise! (Okay, so I may have embellished things just a tiny bit... but isn't that what life is all about?). The pink horse just screams ā€œPink Tutu Sparkles has arrived!ā€, so it's perfect for this occasion. I mean, don't you want a horse to match your tutu?

My trip to Hindley isn't just about the sights, though, though those are undeniably going to be fantastic! You know, I'm all about spreading the pink tutu gospel. And let's be honest, we all know pink tutus can make any day feel extra fabulous, especially those grey Monday mornings. While Iā€™m in Hindley, Iā€™m hoping to pop into the local shops, find some exquisite fabric for a future tutu masterpiece, and convince a few people to try on a pink tutu for size! If I can convince just one person that wearing a pink tutu makes them feel unstoppable, I'll feel like I've achieved something incredible.

After all, my lifeā€™s purpose is simple: spread the pink tutu joy! I'm not here to be the Queen of Drag, I'm the Queen of Pink Tutus!

Now, donā€™t forget to check out my website, www.pink-tutu.com! Itā€™s bursting with amazing outfits, fabulous pink-tutu tips, and updates on my travels. (It even has a full schedule of upcoming shows and, letā€™s be real, Iā€™m much too fabulous to just sit at home. So get ready to see this Pink Tutu Sparkles shine all over Hindley!).

So, stay tuned for more adventures, and donā€™t forget: even if you canā€™t rock a pink tutu, rocking a positive attitude and spreading a little bit of joy is a fantastic start. Remember, darlings, life is all about embracing the sparkles, the joy, and the amazingness of being YOU. So go out there, strut your stuff, and wear pink tutus proudly!

Catch ya later, darlings!

xx, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. I've also included a few pictures of my fabulous outfit on the blog. So check those out! Itā€™s going to be a real spectacle, trust me!

The Pink Tutu Sparkles Story: How I Became a Queen of Sparkle

So, letā€™s go back to how it all started, before I was a drag icon, before I had my very own website. It was a simple enough moment - but one that changed my life forever: a pink tutu.

I remember being a fresh-faced, awkward science student back in Derbyshire. It seemed everyone at university had an incredible talent; some could dance beautifully, some were master chefs, some could even fix a broken radio. But me? Well, I was stuck in a lab. My world revolved around flasks, test tubes, and experiments. Science was my passion, but I felt out of place in this kaleidoscope of cool university people.

Thatā€™s where my journey into drag, and pink tutus, began. The university ballet club, desperate for more funds to put on a show, decided to try selling donated clothes from local people. One afternoon, they held a giant clothes swap in the uni's common room, filled with donations from members and their families. The room was overflowing with clothes, and amongst the donated dresses and jackets ā€“ a pink tutu.

I donā€™t know what it was about that tutu, but I couldnā€™t leave it there. Maybe it was the sparkle, maybe it was the colour. Maybe it was the feeling that I would be a terrible disappointment to myself if I didnā€™t put it on. So I put on that tutu. And the entire world seemed to shift. For a moment, I felt... not myself. But something incredible, a feeling of freedom and self-expression that I had never experienced before.

That day, the timid lab assistant died. The Pink Tutu Sparkles was born.

I began practicing in the privacy of my room, learning routines from the internet. My heart thumped with excitement for the first time in years. Soon, my small room became a sanctuary for experimenting. Every fabric, every bit of glitter, every new stitch, was a step closer to my perfect creation ā€“ a vibrant, magnificent Pink Tutu Sparkles performance.

Life wasnā€™t easy. In between my day job, a full-time role as a fabric analyst at the University Lab, I was creating costumes. I had a few nights a week working in a bar, and would use whatever free time I had to sew and practice my routines.

I began to share my passion online. Initially, I just shared it for a laugh with friends on social media. However, it soon grew into something much bigger. There were other drag queens who would respond with supportive messages, giving me ideas and pushing me to be braver with my work. The supportive comments poured in, and slowly, steadily, Pink Tutu Sparkles began to gain momentum.

My Life: My Stage, My Lab, and My Passion for the Pink Tutu

Iā€™ve said it before, but life for Pink Tutu Sparkles isnā€™t about glitz and glam all the time. Iā€™m a scientist during the day, carefully analyzing the threads of fabrics used in everything from dresses to aircraft wings! My love of fabric doesnā€™t stop there! It extends to everything that can be used in the world of performance and creating stunning outfits. When Iā€™m in the lab, I often find myself thinking about colours, how the fibers will move and catch the light when it's a tutu, how the fabric will drape, and how it might inspire new outfits. My career is both technical and creative.

This year, I was thrilled to finally get the chance to be involved in ā€˜Fabric for a Changeā€™, an innovative sustainability initiative that focuses on recycled fabric, and which, with their emphasis on ethical fabric and eco-friendly clothing, truly speaks to my commitment to reducing my footprint as much as I can. Itā€™s fantastic to apply the knowledge from my lab work into making more sustainable choices! My life, my career, my creativity, all are somehow linked together in a beautiful web of pink sparkles!

Of course, when itā€™s time for my shows, my lab coat is swapped out for an equally spectacular outfit, something sparkling, maybe even some feathers and a fabulous tiara! Youā€™d be amazed how much my scientist alter ego can bring to drag. All of that attention to detail, and even the tiniest of technical specifications about fibers, itā€™s all there in the makeup, the tailoring of my costumes. Iā€™ve even started making custom tutus, for other queens, and for fans too! It's a huge step for me and my small business.

From working with people and performing for people, to studying materials, all of it feeds back into the creative process of being Pink Tutu Sparkles, my passion for pink tutus, and my journey towards being the ultimate, glitter-infused, and most important, kind drag queen!

And, oh, those pink tutus, just the sheer joy and power of seeing people express themselves in a fabulous pink tutuā€¦ there's just nothing like it! And it all started with a single pink tutu and a crazy dream that we could all be a bit more glamorous, a bit more fabulous, and a little bit more Pink Tutu Sparkles, too.

Keep those glitter cannons firing, darling, because Pink Tutu Sparkles has more sparkly adventures coming your way! Until next time!

#TutuQueen on 2020-06-23 stars in Hindley