Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-18 stars in Aberdeen

Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On Aberdeen! (Post #7505)

Helloooo darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again with a fresh blog post, ready to transport you to the delightful and majestic city of Aberdeen, nestled on the breathtaking east coast of Scotland! This city of granite and grey skies held a special charm, perfect for a pink tutu-tastic adventure. Let's get this sparkly extravaganza started, shall we?

Now, my journey to Aberdeen was a bit of a fairy tale! My travel-loving self chose the classic mode of transportation - a glorious train journey, leaving from my humble home in Derbyshire. A beautiful sunny day, with fields rolling past like emerald velvet carpets, made for a picture-perfect view from my carriage window. My fabulous pink tutu, the one with the shimmery emerald tulle that matches the rolling hills perfectly, of course, provided a dazzling spectacle for any train passenger fortunate enough to glimpse it.

Arriving at the station, I was immediately enchanted by the unique character of Aberdeen. It truly is a place of contrasts, with the historic beauty of its buildings against the modern hustle and bustle of the city life. There's a sense of proud history here that I just adored! But the true star of the show? You guessed it - my sparkling pink tutu!

It just seemed to blend right in with the colours of the city. The pink was vibrant yet delicate, like the soft blush of dawn peeking through a granite facade, and the sparkling embellishments, catching the light of the setting sun on the Aberdeen harbor, were absolutely mesmerizing.

Now, one cannot come to Aberdeen without embracing the iconic seafood culture! So naturally, after a quick pit stop at my hotel to change into my trusty "Seafood Soirée" pink tutu with a delightful fishy-print tulle (don't judge!), I ventured out to discover the culinary wonders that await. I had the most magnificent salmon and chips, followed by a delectable haggis-infused ice cream that was a revelation for my taste buds!

The next day was all about the sights! I started at the stunning Aberdeen Art Gallery, where I indulged my artistic soul by admiring the incredible collections. The modern sculptures and grand Victorian architecture of the gallery building truly impressed me, as did the many works of art housed inside. But let's be honest, the main attraction for everyone there, including the staff, was my majestic pink tutu! You could just feel the appreciation in the air as I strutted my stuff, making my way through the exhibitions.

Later in the afternoon, I decided to explore the cobblestone streets and delve into Aberdeen's rich history. I discovered a hidden gem - the beautiful Trinity Hall, with its magnificent 19th century architecture. Now, I just have to confess, I had a minor sartorial dilemma there. It's a very serious place of history, but, you know, my pink tutu was just too fabulous to leave at the hotel. So, what's a Pink Tutu Queen to do? Well, I strutted through the halls of Trinity Hall with grace and panache, a true pink tutu warrior taking on history itself! I even caught some tourists sneaking pictures, their smiles as wide as the beautiful window arches of Trinity Hall!

My day wrapped up with a sensational performance at the grand Music Hall. The venue was incredible, adorned with stunning decorative accents and chandeliers dripping with elegance. It was the perfect place for me to show off my new “Queen of Aberdeen” pink tutu - it's a stunning concoction with intricate embroidered lace details and a flowing train that perfectly captured the city's grandeur. My performance had the entire audience spellbound, and even the venue manager, a grumpy-looking fellow named Harold, couldn't resist tapping his feet along with everyone else! It was a true celebration of glitter, sparkle, and pink tutus - just how I like it!

Aberdeen is an enchanting city with a vibrant heart. But, darling, we all know the real star of the show is the queen who reigns supreme, the queen who embraces life's little (and large!) moments with joy and style - that's me, your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles! So, I bid you farewell from this delightful corner of Scotland, my lovelies, and remember to always sparkle like the pink tutu queen you are!

Now, my dear readers, you know my journey to Aberdeen was simply a magical delight! I promise to be back again, to explore more of Scotland’s captivating cities and to spread the magic of pink tutus everywhere I go!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2020-07-18 stars in Aberdeen