Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-20 stars in Bournemouth

Bournemouth Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles' Big Beach Adventure (Blog Post #7507)

Oh darlings! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another sizzling blog post, this time straight from the beautiful seaside town of Bournemouth! This week’s adventure has been absolutely spectacular, and trust me, you’ll be seeing pink tutus everywhere in this charming little town soon… or at least that’s the plan!

But first, a little tale of how I got here. I confess, sometimes my brain explodes with excitement about a destination that I haven’t even booked the train ticket for yet! This week it was Bournemouth! Now, Bournemouth and pink tutus may seem a little outlandish, but you know me! I love a challenge, and the idea of turning this lovely seaside town into a pink tutu haven had me skipping around the lab like a happy bunny.

After securing my booking at the beautiful little hotel on the seafront, the journey down was absolutely magical. As the train glided across the country, my imagination was bursting with pink tutus adorning beach huts, sunbathers sporting tulle tutus as they basked in the sunshine, and the locals taking up tutu ballet classes on the sandy beaches! Oh darling, I may have even tried on my tutu in my seat during the journey (don’t tell anyone!)

Of course, no trip to the coast would be complete without a little shopping. Let’s be honest, I don’t even have to mention the glorious array of pink tulle I discovered in a quaint little shop. The owner (a lovely, stylish lady with the most incredible eye for colour) helped me choose the most divine, sparkly pink tutu. Now, just wait until you see my newest creation with this baby – trust me, it's going to be a showstopper!

My first evening was spent exploring the town, getting my bearings and soaking up the atmosphere. There was such a buzz in the air, you could feel the summer excitement everywhere. My favourite moment? The moment I caught a glimpse of the most stunning sunset over the beach! The colours were a symphony of orange, pink and gold – absolutely divine! It was like something straight out of a ballet, only much bigger and better!

But let’s not forget why I came here in the first place - to bring a touch of Pink Tutu magic to Bournemouth. The local community centre welcomed me with open arms and a sense of adventure! I couldn't have asked for a better place to host my first “Pink Tutu Workshops” – where I've been teaching all about the magic of tutus and the joy of ballet.

We had a whole bunch of delightful ladies (and gentlemen! – why can't guys wear tutus? They look amazing!), from all ages and backgrounds, learning about how to wear a tutu, the art of the perfect twirl, and a little bit about the history of the tutu (because I am all about spreading the love and the history, you know). The best part was seeing those shy faces at the start of the workshop turn into bright, beaming smiles as we danced around the room in our tutus! And just wait till you hear this, my darling readers - my new best friend in Bournemouth (a charming, retired dance teacher with a name like … well, let’s just say, it rhymes with “Fiona”!) has decided to join me for a live street performance in front of the town hall! It's going to be such a joyful explosion of colour, music, and twirling - I can’t wait to share it with everyone!

But back to my first adventure: a seaside promenade stroll that culminated in a most delicious cream tea! Let’s be honest, scones, clotted cream, and jam are always welcome additions to my travels, and in this little town, they are truly divine!

Of course, no Pink Tutu adventure is complete without a touch of glamour. I found the perfect little boutique where I picked up some gorgeous pink feather boas – just perfect for my upcoming performance! I can’t wait to twirl around and show off my latest feather creation.

After all this excitement, my time in Bournemouth flew by quicker than a tutu twirl, but I leave this lovely seaside town with a heart full of happy memories. The sunshine, the beach, the amazing local community, and yes, those incredibly well-fitting, glitzy pink tutus – it's been simply divine! But don't worry, darlings, this isn't the end of Pink Tutu's adventures in Bournemouth! I'll be back, my little angels, soon enough, ready to sprinkle more magic onto this already dazzling beach town!

For now, don't forget, stay sparkly, stay kind, and above all… wear your pink tutu proudly, darling!

With a wink and a twirl, Your Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💖

Remember to follow along on www.pink-tutu.com for all my daily adventures! And don't forget, a Pink Tutu a day keeps the dreary blues away!

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-20 stars in Bournemouth