Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-21 stars in Basildon

Basildon Calling! 💅💖🩰 Post #7508

Hello, darlings! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, coming to you live from Basildon, Essex! I know what you’re thinking, "Basildon? What’s there?" But let me tell you, honey, this town is bubbling over with fabulous energy, just waiting to be unleashed!

As always, I made my entrance in style. No mere train for this Queen, no, I hopped on a majestic steed, a gleaming pink and silver vintage caravan (with a slightly wonky wheel but who’s judging?) for a scenic drive to Basildon. Think "Pride & Prejudice" but with sequins and glitter!

I was booked to perform at the "Basildon Big Day Out", a delightful festival celebrating all things, well, Basildon! There was a petting zoo (I’m not sure about those "gentle giants" myself, I prefer a sparkly goat!), a massive inflatable slide, and enough stalls selling local crafts to satisfy a thousand Etsy shoppers! But trust me, honey, none of those could hold a candle to the main attraction: Pink Tutu Sparkles!

My act? You ask! Well, it wouldn’t be Pink Tutu Sparkles without a whole lotta twirling, shimmering, and spreading a whole lot of pink joy. I had my custom-designed, glittery pink tutu (this one had a removable feather boa, you’ll have to wait for my next post to see me wearing that, darling!) on, of course! I mean, the motto is Pink, Twirl, Sparkle, so you know it's gonna be fabulous. I brought all my best moves and tunes from my favorite musicals. The crowd, they went wild, shouting “Tutu Queen” and showering me with fake diamond tiaras (some got a little… intimate with my feather boa but that’s showbiz, right?) It truly was a moment for the books!

Speaking of books, darlings, do you ever wonder what fuels this drag queen's passion for all things pink and glittery? You see, beneath the layers of sparkles and ruffles, beats the heart of a scientist. Yes, by day I’m a lowly lab rat, testing fabrics to make sure your clothes don’t fall apart in the wash. But by night? It's all tutus and fabulousness! My journey began back in uni, while studying biochemistry. (Seriously, the irony is not lost on me!) It was there, during a charity event for a local ballet company, where I fell for the magic of the tutu. I put one on, felt the silk caress my skin, the tulle twirling around my legs, and something clicked. In that moment, I knew this was my destiny!

Don't get me wrong, darling. My path wasn’t always paved with glitter and pink. I've faced criticism from folks who couldn't comprehend the joy a pink tutu brings. They tell me "It’s too much!", "It's not real" "Grow up!" But I always tell them, darling, "It's not about growing up. It's about unleashing your inner sparkle, however that looks for you. I’m all about living life in colour, wearing your heart on your sleeve, and dancing like nobody’s watching!"

Speaking of dancing, let's get to the ballet side of things. While Basildon itself doesn't exactly boast a "Royal Opera House" scene, the vibe here reminded me a bit of my hometown in Derbyshire. It has a lovely quaint feel, the sort of place where everyone knows their neighbor and where there's a sense of community that reminds you what it truly means to be a family. So, you know, I decided to spread a little bit of tutu magic, a sprinkle of pink enchantment.

After my dazzling performance at the Big Day Out, I found myself wandering down the streets of Basildon. A lovely, chatty woman, bless her soul, saw my outfit and gave me the most infectious, ear-to-ear grin. We got to talking and it turns out she was a retired ballerina. Now, who am I to refuse a little tea and gossip with a fellow ballet lover? She took me to a local cafe, with enough china to rival the Royal Collection (it was definitely in the 'granny chic' department) and told me all about the “Basildon Ballet School,” a hidden gem that had been churning out dancing talent for generations! I have to say, I was charmed by the story.

It's moments like these, the conversations with strangers, the glimpses of life in another town, that truly fuel my passion for travel. As a pink-clad queen with a penchant for sequins, I might seem like an unlikely traveller, but it's those little discoveries that keep me going! I am here to spread the magic of the tutu, a simple garment that represents something more: embracing yourself, dancing your heart out, and showing the world that it's okay to be utterly, gloriously you!

That’s it for today, darlings! Keep on twirling and sending those positive vibes out to the world! Remember: Pink is never too much, and a little sparkle goes a long way!

Till next time!

💖 Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

P.S. Stay tuned, because next time I'll be showing off my amazing new "Removable Feather Boa Tutu". Think pink, feathers, and a whole lot of flair. You’ll not want to miss it! 😉

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-21 stars in Basildon