
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-22 stars in Maidstone

Maidstone, You're About to Get Sparklelicious! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Hello, my darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you all for Blog Post Number 7509, straight from the bustling streets of Maidstone! โœจ The wind is whispering through the cherry blossoms, the sun is shining brightly on my perfect pink lips, and you know what that means? It's time to get tutu-licious, baby!

As you know, life is all about spreading the love and the sparkle โ€“ and what better way to do that than by putting on a magnificent pink tutu and hitting the road? That's precisely what your Queen of Twirling is doing today, taking the fabulous train journey from good old Derbyshire to this delightful little corner of Kent. It's been a whirlwind of glitter and glamour since I packed my suitcase last night. We're talking sequins, feathers, and enough hairspray to launch a rocket!

Now, I must confess, choosing the perfect pink tutu for a Maidstone adventure was no mean feat! But don't worry, my lovelies, after much careful deliberation (and, let's be honest, several frantic swishing sessions), I decided on a shimmering masterpiece. This one's got layers and layers of tulle, with iridescent pink that reflects the sunlight like a rainbow! I even added some adorable pink pearl trim, just for a little bit of extra whimsy! ๐Ÿฅฐ

As I settled onto the train with my little bag full of lipstick, rhinestones, and a carefully-rolled tutu, I started picturing all the amazing experiences awaiting me in Maidstone. The town has such a rich history! I know I'm a creature of glitter and sparkles, but I can't resist a good bit of culture! My plan for the day involves strolling through the stunning Maidstone Museum, where I'm sure they have some stunning relics from the past. (If you're ever there, you simply must check out their collection of antique shoes โ€“ it's truly a sight to behold!)

But it's not all history and culture, darlings. We're gonna get down and dirty with some fabulous performances, of course! Tonight, I'm making my dazzling debut at the "Glitter Ball" - a fabulous, family-friendly event filled with singing, dancing, and enough confetti to cover the whole county! The audience can expect all your Pink Tutu Sparkles favourites: my signature glittery smile, my famous "Twirl of Delight" dance routine, and plenty of sassy remarks. Let's just say I'm not going to be holding back on the sass, honey. I'll be letting my fabulous inner diva shine brighter than a disco ball! โœจ

Of course, the real highlight of the evening will be meeting all of you beautiful, pink tutu-loving people! It's a true joy to spread joy through my dance, and to inspire you all to embrace your inner glitter goddess. Every single day, I am overwhelmed with the kindness and support from my community, both in my beloved Derbyshire and across the land. There's truly nothing better than seeing you all rocking pink tutus, your hearts as full of magic and light as your outfits!

But don't think this is just a story about fabulous pink tutus, honey! There's a serious side to my little dance, and I want to talk about it. Remember me telling you I'm a scientist by day? Well, let me tell you, the world of lab coats and beakers is an exciting one! ๐Ÿงชโœจ My main work is testing the fabric of things, you see. All sorts, from those gorgeous new silk dresses you might be coveting, to the clothes you wear every day. But I also get to play around with those shimmering sequins and glamorous tulles - the ones you find on my precious pink tutus! So you could say that my day job fuels my nighttime persona!

Honestly, it's hard for me to separate my "work world" from my "glitter world" - because for me, life is all about expressing myself and embracing everything that makes me uniquely me. My love for science and for performing isn't so much a conflict as it is a delightful, sparkly contradiction! And the most incredible thing about being Pink Tutu Sparkles is seeing the world through such a fabulous, glittering lens.

Maidstone, I'm so excited to dance my heart out with you, and maybe even encourage some new pink tutu converts in the process! Keep your eyes peeled, because my sparkly friends and I will be all over town this weekend, ready to spread the joy, one tutu-ful dance at a time. Don't be shy, come on over and say hello โ€“ or better yet, grab a pink tutu and twirl along with us! We can't wait to dance with you! ๐Ÿ’–

Until next time, darlings, stay shiny, stay sassy, and above all else, remember: life is a dance!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-22 stars in Maidstone