Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-08-22 stars in Bath

Bath: A Fairytale in Pink Tutu!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu wearing, sparkle-obsessed blogger, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you on blog post number 7540, live from the glorious city of Bath! Can you believe it's been a whole week since my last post?! I've been absolutely flitting about, honey, trying to make it to every glamorous event, and now, it's finally time to spill all the fabulous details with you lovely lot!

As you all know, my aim in life is to spread the joy of the pink tutu. To make the world a place where twirling is mandatory and smiles are the only accessory you need. And honestly, darling, Bath is a place that really understands that vision. It's got all the whimsical elegance of a ballet set, the vibrant colour palette of a drag queen's dream, and just the right touch of history to add a bit of glamour to the mix.

So how did I end up in this charming town? Well, you see, the lure of the famous Bath Royal Ballet company and its fabulous season is irresistible, darling. Just hearing "Swan Lake" on the programme is enough to send a tutu-wearing girl into a joyous frenzy, let alone knowing I’d be in the beautiful, iconic Royal Crescent - a curved, elegant building like something out of a fairy tale. That's my kind of theatre experience, wouldn't you say?

Now, travelling is always an adventure, and you know I'm partial to a journey in style. A grand tour de force through the English countryside by train is what you might expect for a Queen like me! The click-clack of the rails, the quaint towns passing by, and a window seat with a great view is my kind of escapism, honey. And what better companion to travel with than a pink suitcase, full to the brim with all my most magnificent sparkly ensembles and tutus? I was absolutely glowing from the minute I stepped out of that train station, and let me tell you, that’s when the real magic started.

The moment I set foot in Bath, darling, the magic started to fizz. There was just a sense of history and elegance that washed over me. A gorgeous little cafe right across the street from my hotel called The Circus Bakery served the most incredible scones with clotted cream and jam I have ever encountered. Truly the most elegant way to refuel after a journey! But before I indulged in a tea break, it was off to the Theatre Royal to explore this legendary venue!

Speaking of glamorous destinations, let's talk about that Theatre Royal. Talk about a dream venue for a girl who loves the stage. All the history and drama! Oh, honey, I could feel the echoes of all those legendary performances within those walls. You wouldn't believe the story this theatre tells - dating all the way back to the 18th century! Imagine the grand dresses and elegant gentlemen who’ve stepped upon those very same boards. The air practically vibrated with an intoxicating mix of drama and excitement! You'll find no drag queen is ever a stranger to a bit of theatre, and it goes without saying I'll be returning for another visit in the future.

You see, dear readers, there's just something about Bath, it truly has a kind of magical sparkle, don't you think? You see a touch of it everywhere - in the beautiful Georgian architecture, the cobbled streets, the sparkling waters of the Bath Spa. Just the right amount of grandeur to make you feel like you've stepped onto the stage, and you know I adore a stage. The cobblestone streets and rolling green hills in this town make a tutu twirling, dramatic walk a must for every trip! And darling, let me tell you, there's nothing quite like doing that in a town where pink is embraced with open arms!

Of course, no visit to Bath would be complete without a visit to the magnificent Thermae Bath Spa. Imagine it, dear readers! The gentle lapping of thermal waters, the calming effect of the bubbles. The heat radiating through your body. Then add a generous helping of pink shimmer - that's right, a Pink Tutu Sparkles bath. Imagine it - a little slice of heaven right in the heart of this gorgeous city! Now, what I truly admire about Bath is its sense of glamour and style, darling. Everything is so impeccably arranged. The buildings are perfect, the shops are full of delightful treasures and you see the influence of its historic origins on every street corner.

So, where do I even begin when talking about my look for Bath? Well, dear readers, we’re not going to mention anything boring like matching or sensible fashion. What’s the point of a pink tutu queen in Bath without a little show stopping attire, eh? It has to be bold, extravagant and of course, all about pink! As usual, the planning starts weeks beforehand. I need a pink tutu that reflects Bath’s regal history and elegant architecture, something truly luxurious! And where else but at my favourite shop in Nottingham for the grandest of pink tutu dreams? Let's just say that I picked a gorgeous shade that was both sophisticated and whimsical and let's not forget that it needs to have a touch of shine for a touch of Bath glamour.

But dear readers, let’s not forget my trusty sidekick – the trusty Pink Tutu Sparkles travel wardrobe! Honestly, there’s an art to keeping a drag queen’s collection streamlined yet prepared for any emergency. Let’s just say my travel makeup case is well-organised, and a trip to the city couldn’t possibly be without my trusty hot pink glitter mascara. You see, my travels really wouldn’t be complete without that iconic sparkle, and this time, my eyes twinkled with even more magic, inspired by Bath’s exquisite history and grace!

You wouldn’t believe the number of tutus that made it to my hotel, just to be packed away until I felt truly ready. You might wonder, darling, what exactly does the "pink tutu travel wardrobe" look like? My biggest piece of advice, especially if you’re a travel-loving queen? You absolutely must pack light but carry that sparkle with you. I’m a big fan of sparkly hair accessories for my on-the-go, everyday outfit, and let me tell you darling, even the plainest of travel outfits instantly becomes dazzling with a sparkly addition.

But let's get down to business! Of course, my first visit was to the beautiful, iconic Bath Royal Ballet! How else could I truly understand what a place meant for a pink tutu-wearing queen like me? And can I tell you, those delicate pointe shoes were a dream! The company is truly stunning. The precision, the beauty, the magic, you could see all that on the stage. It had me, well, practically jumping out of my seat, honey. And how amazing is it that such an institution in Bath is a venue for both theatre and dance? It's something to behold, truly an experience every fashion-loving girl must have! And as if that wasn't enough, darling, I had the sheer pleasure of attending the most fabulous afternoon tea in Bath. You wouldn’t believe the divine assortment of finger sandwiches, delicate pastries and delicious cakes. They all just screamed “Pink Tutu Sparkles” - it was delightful! There were even tiny sandwiches filled with the most perfect mix of cucumber and cream cheese – oh so glamorous. But you know, even a queen can have a bit too much sugar! I went from bubbly, tea-loving ballerina to a sleepy tutu-wearing queen before the night was out. It wasn’t all about the dainty sandwiches and decadent pastries – you simply can’t visit Bath without indulging in the traditional Bath Bun, darling. I love the combination of sugary sweetness and a slight crunch in every bite - oh my! There’s a true magic to a bun just like that! You might call it an art, but I call it divine.

As always, I found a charming tea shop to tuck into some sweet delights with some fabulous locals! Let’s just say, Bath is the most charming spot for tea – the entire city seemed to revolve around a delightful spot where you could sip and snack with delightful people! The city's famous Pulteney Bridge was just begging for a stroll, with its lovely little shops and elegant views of the Avon River! Oh, darling, I had to get some souvenirs for the blog's biggest fans - who else but all of you?! The selection of elegant trinkets was utterly divine - perfect to share with my closest friends, and I found a set of the most exquisite pink Bath Bun shaped trinkets. They will remind me of my travels until the very next time I visit.

And the most exciting part? I’ll be back, darling, that's a promise! But that wasn’t even the best bit, oh honey. A girl who loves tutus has to meet other people who feel that way, wouldn't you agree? Well, you won't believe this, darling - I found a little gem of a place called the “Tutu Boutique” and the manager, Sarah, invited me to do a meet-and-greet there! It’s a treasure trove for anything a girly-girl would love! There’s something about being able to try on different colours and different styles of tutu! Let’s just say my next stage costume needs a new look! Sarah gave me a backstage tour - oh honey, there was literally everything in there – even special order dresses and ballet-style attire - enough to fill up any queen’s travel wardrobe! I even had the chance to have a private lesson with Sarah, where I was shown all the secrets and tricks of wearing a tutu to create the perfect performance. And of course, we’re talking Pink Tutu Sparkles – a bit of extra sparkle had to be in order.
And don't forget those gorgeous ballet shoes! So, honey, how was Bath? The best way to say it is simply fantastic! It's got everything that a drag queen on a tour could ever want - style, history, romance, beautiful landscapes. And the locals, oh honey! Let's just say they embraced my sparkly personality and tutus with open arms. The warm welcomes I got everywhere, it just makes me want to wear my biggest pink tutu all the time and say a big hello to the world!

Until next time, darling. Stay sparkly and spread the joy of the pink tutu. Love always,

Your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2020-08-22 stars in Bath