Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-09-04 stars in Edmonton

Edmonton, Oh My Tutu Darling!

Hello my gorgeous, fabulous darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to spill the glitter and give you the scoop on my adventures in the fab-u-lous Edmonton. This is post number 7553, darling, so grab a cuppa, put your feet up, and let's get into the pink!

As a rule, darling, I travel by train. Those who know me know I’m a true rail fan! There’s nothing like settling down with a good book, my fabulous travel makeup kit, and my trusty Pink Tutu Sparkles ‘Be Prepared’ Survival Kit (including an emergency stash of glitter glue and sequins, obviously!). And oh, my love for trains isn’t just about the ride; I'm completely obsessed with train stations, especially their old, Victorian charm! The sheer size of the Edmonton Station was breathtaking. It's practically a pink palace! And trust me, dear readers, I wouldn't be caught dead without a dash of pink on me.

This time, though, I found myself feeling like a royal ballerina. I’d had an offer to perform at a travelling fair just outside Edmonton - well, what's a pink princess to do when they’re called upon by a fairytale-like invitation?! The excitement! So, I hopped on a lovely vintage carriage to a nearby farm - the air was fresh and smelled like lavender and dreams, darling. Honestly, the whole experience was like something straight out of a fairytale!

I gotta tell you, the journey out to the fair was the most idyllic thing! My pink dress billowed in the wind as the horses clopped along. The dappled sunlight looked like a million twinkling sequins. It was the kind of setting that makes you want to grab your partner (or the nearest stuffed animal!) and twirl under the endless blue sky. Oh, my tutu, darling, the world needs more horse-drawn carriage rides and less of that dreadful bus service!

Arriving at the fair was pure magical delight! Think colourful rides, tasty fairground food that always smells divine, and, of course, a gaggle of lovely people enjoying the summery sunshine! This fair was overflowing with pink – it's not every day you see a 'pink tutu stall', darlings, but let's be honest, who doesn't love a sprinkle of pink to add a dash of fab to their lives?

The most charming thing about this fair was its history. I felt as though I was stepping back in time, surrounded by stories and laughter that had echoed across generations. After my performance (which went down an absolute storm, if I may say so myself!) the air crackled with excited whispers and giggles. It was almost as if I’d given them a little sprinkle of that magical Pink Tutu Sparkles dust!

Honestly, there is nothing I love more than performing for crowds, watching their faces light up. Seeing the smiles, feeling their joy. Seeing people laugh, shout, clap – it gives me a tingly, magical feeling!

The evening was a whirlwind of fun. It involved a scrumptious meal of fresh, crispy chips – yes, I know, my London followers, they call them ‘fries’ out here, but you know me, I call 'em chips! – followed by a spot of entertainment, courtesy of my fellow drag sisters and their amazing show! We danced till the early hours. It was everything a fabulous queen could wish for: glittery costumes, fabulous dance routines, and enough sparkle to blind the whole town!

So, darling, my adventures in Edmonton were a delight! And just wait till I tell you all about my plans for a tutulicious surprise in my next post, just for you lovely lot! Until then, remember, if you feel even a tiny bit less than fab, put on a pink tutu and spread some glitter love!

Remember, darling, pink tutus have the power to change the world, one twirl at a time. Don't forget to join me over on www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates, sparkling tips and more tutu-tastic adventures. Ciao, darlings!


Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2020-09-04 stars in Edmonton