
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-09-15 stars in Weston-super-Mare

Weston-super-Mare: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Seaside!

Hello darlings! Itā€™s your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another thrilling entry in my blog, fresh from a trip to the vibrant, seaside town of Weston-super-Mare!

This is post number 7564 on the www.pink-tutu.com website, and itā€™s brimming with the excitement of travel, the allure of pink tutus, and the sheer joy of spreading sparkly joy wherever I go. You see, my aim in life, my life's purpose, my guiding star, is to inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu at least once. It's an achievable dream, don't you think? And who knows, maybe after donning a tutu, you might just discover your inner Sparkles!

Now, before we get into the nitty gritty of my Weston-super-Mare adventures, let me tell you about the journey itself! It was such a classic, charming Pink Tutu Sparkles experience. Remember those days when travel wasnā€™t all about rushing through airports and crowded planes? Well, that's how I like to travel. My choice? The majestic train, of course!

The gentle rocking of the train, the rhythmic clatter of the wheels on the tracks, the fleeting landscapes - all these bring me a sense of peace and a certain creative inspiration that comes with leaving behind the familiar to embrace the new. Thereā€™s just something magical about gazing out of the train window, the scenery whizzing past like a film reel, and dreaming of the grand adventure that awaits me at the end of my journey. I often jot down my travel musings in a little notebook, transforming my experiences into a lyrical poem or a captivating story. This trip was no different.

Speaking of captivating stories, allow me to unveil the hidden gem of my travel adventures: a majestic, gentle creature. Remember when I spoke about train travel and leaving the hustle of the everyday behind? Well, on this occasion, I indulged in a thrilling interlude - a leisurely, yet utterly elegant, ride on a stunningly beautiful horse! The horse was absolutely magnificent, like a noble creature stepped straight out of a fairytale, its chestnut coat glistening in the sun, its movements as graceful as a ballet dancer. It wasn't a speedy ride, but more about soaking up the countryside and the peaceful charm of rural England. And believe me, it was every bit as enchanting as I imagined.

And then there's Weston-super-Mare! As my train slowly chugged into the station, I felt the unmistakable buzz of anticipation - that glorious cocktail of anticipation, wonder and sheer joy that comes with arriving at a new place. And this vibrant coastal town did not disappoint! From the bustling promenade to the historic pier, Weston-super-Mare offered a delightful blend of vintage charm and modern appeal. And I knew right away that this would be a perfect setting for my flamboyant brand of sparkle and whimsy.

This vibrant seaside town, steeped in history, was buzzing with activity. My sparkly pink tutu shimmered in the sunshine, the vibrant colours adding a touch of fantasy to the already cheerful atmosphere. I made it my mission to sprinkle a little Pink Tutu magic everywhere I went, encouraging others to embrace the joy of dressing up and adding a touch of pink to their outfits. And honestly, you wouldn't believe how many smiles I managed to conjure just by twirling and sparkling in my magnificent, flowing tutu!

You see, the real beauty of drag lies not just in the makeup, the elaborate costumes, and the over-the-top hair, but in the freedom to be unapologetically yourself, to break free from societal norms and embrace self-expression. It's a joyous rebellion against dullness, a colourful burst of defiance against conformity.

One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the grand and elegant Grand Pier, which is an icon of Weston-super-Mare, It's an exhilarating blend of amusement rides and classic charm, and let me tell you, it certainly sparked my playful spirit. I couldnā€™t resist joining the merry crowds, hopping on the vintage carousel for a thrilling spin on a brightly-painted, wooden horse! I felt like I'd stepped right out of a timeless movie scene! Of course, I had to take pictures on every single one of those whimsical carousel horses, my pink tutu twirling with joyous abandon! And my photos, my dear readers, turned into a beautiful memory that's forever etched in the gallery of my soul!

I'm all about exploring different worlds and taking inspiration from everything around me, even everyday events! So naturally, I was absolutely thrilled to see a fantastic ballet show! It was a charming performance held in the town's beautiful, old theatre. The grace and artistry of the dancers captivated me, the beautiful, classic costumes sending shivers down my spine, the elegance of every move filled me with a sense of wonder. And guess what? It gave me the inspiration for an entirely new look, a fresh new perspective that is sure to set hearts racing and bring about a storm of sparkle! I spent hours in the theatre after the show was over, soaking in the beauty, the atmosphere, and, of course, the sheer joy of watching those wonderful dancers perform. Their poise, their elegance, their grace ā€” it was truly magical, and it left a deep imprint on my own creative vision.

And who says a love for pink tutus can't be combined with a love for science? During the day, you see, I work in a lab, diligently testing the properties of different fabrics, seeking that perfect blend of strength, resilience and glamour. It may sound mundane to some, but itā€™s crucial for finding the perfect fabric for those stunningly beautiful costumes I wear. Who knew science could play such a vital role in making my pink tutu dreams come true? I'm constantly amazed at how different facets of my life ā€” science, dance, performance ā€” intertwine and enhance my life's journey, my quest to fill the world with joy and spark. It's a thrilling, magical symphony of experiences!

While exploring Weston-super-Mare, I indulged my love of vintage finds. In those charming little shops brimming with retro treasures, I found an amazing array of vintage clothing that screamed ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€! Now, we're talking about real hidden gems - like that perfect floral patterned blouse or those elegant, high-waisted, vintage trousers that look simply stunning beneath a pink tutu! Who says vintage and sparkle don't go hand-in-hand?

And let's not forget about those quintessential British seaside treats! Ice cream on the promenade, a plate of hot chips from a little cafe overlooking the sea, the unmistakable aroma of fish and chips wafting through the air, those delightful, bright-orange ice lollies that instantly transport me back to childhood days! They all create a charming tapestry of memories. Every experience, even the most mundane, can be infused with sparkle and magic. It's all about looking at things from a different perspective, with a smile and a touch of whimsy.

But what is a trip to the seaside without a splash of adventure, without a dip in the icy waters of the sea? And thatā€™s precisely what I did! I put on my fanciest swimsuit, a bright pink number, of course, and took a glorious swim in the refreshing sea. The cool, salty water, the playful waves crashing against my pink-tutu-covered legs, it was a liberating and joyous experience that made my heart sing! And as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting the sky in hues of crimson and gold, I knew it was time to pack my bags and say goodbye to Weston-super-Mare.

This enchanting seaside town has left an indelible mark on my soul, an imprint of pure joy and an inspiration that will spark my creative energy for days to come! And let me tell you, thereā€™s already a new post waiting to be written on the www.pink-tutu.com website, brimming with stories, images, and endless sparkle, and inspired by my adventure to this unforgettable destination. I already have new ideas bubbling in my mind about where to travel next, and perhaps even, more importantly, what new look to create for my next adventure.

And you know, darling, there is one truth that never gets old - whether you're traveling the world in a magnificent pink tutu, discovering hidden gems in bustling cities or simply enjoying the joy of everyday life, never be afraid to embrace your unique, fabulous self, and let your inner sparkle shine! And if you happen to be walking down a street, see a little girl with her teddy bear in hand and give her a smile and a compliment, perhaps a twirl! Or just maybe, when you feel it, pop on a pink tutu, you'll find yourself living life to the fullest. This is the mission of Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I invite you to join me!

#TutuQueen on 2020-09-15 stars in Weston-super-Mare