
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-12-19 stars in Ilkeston

Ilkeston Adventures! πŸ’–πŸ©°

Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing a sprinkle of pink to every town! πŸ‘‹ Post Number 7659

Hey darlings, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your daily dose of glitter and all things pink! ✨

Well, my loves, it's been a whirl-wind week! I'm writing to you from the quaint town of Ilkeston, Derbyshire. Yes, my home county! You know I'm always happiest when I'm near the green rolling hills and charming villages. This week was all about exploring my roots, sharing some glitz and glam with the lovely people of Ilkeston, and of course, fulfilling my mission to get everyone wearing a pink tutu! πŸ˜‰

Let me tell you, this week was jam-packed with adventure. First things first, I hit the town centre and, oh my goodness, it was so vibrant! The independent shops, the beautiful old market, and even the flower stall overflowing with blooming loveliness had me smitten. I think it's safe to say I left my mark – my pink feather boa swishing its way through the aisles, my rainbow stilettos clinking against the cobbled streets. πŸ˜‰ You know I couldn't resist popping into a couple of local charity shops. I found the most divine, vintage-inspired floral dress - I had to add it to my collection. The lady at the counter loved my sparkly tutu, I even inspired her to try on a pink headband – it's amazing the power of pink! πŸ’–

Later that day, it was off to the Ilkeston Town Hall for a truly glamorous affair. They hosted the 'Dance & Dine' fundraiser for the local hospice, and, let me tell you, they sure do love a good party! I absolutely smashed my set, complete with my signature 'Pink Tutu Boogie.' The crowd was fantastic – they cheered and sang along! The air buzzed with so much good energy, and they were even happy to join me for some sassy dance moves! πŸ’ƒπŸΌ You know I always bring the magic when I'm performing.

But it wasn't just all glitter and sequins this trip. On my off day, I wanted to reconnect with the beauty of Derbyshire and enjoy a slower pace. So, I hopped on the local bus, it was just lovely chugging through the rolling hills – my feather boa billowing in the wind. I made a stop at the Ilkeston Canal Basin, the swans gliding by, such a tranquil sight! I then took a leisurely stroll down to Shipley Park – what a gorgeous spot. The trees were all a kaleidoscope of autumnal colours – golds, reds, browns, just breathtaking. πŸ‚πŸ I know I looked completely fabulous strolling through that park, but I'm afraid all I found was a single fallen leaf in pink, so I guess my goal of getting everyone wearing a pink tutu will have to wait! 🀣

But let's rewind a bit! I told you all about my journey to Ilkeston. Did I tell you about the train journey? Ah, nothing quite beats a relaxing train journey. Especially with my custom-made pink tutu seat cushion, it really makes all the difference. 😊 The best thing? The views! It felt like I was travelling through a picture postcard – quaint villages, sweeping green fields, and oh, the vibrant sky – a beautiful blue with the fluffiest clouds. There's a special feeling about being surrounded by such raw, natural beauty! And of course, the journey would be nothing without my faithful companion, my travel-sized tin of pink glitter, perfect for a quick touch-up mid-trip! πŸ’–

The night before my journey, I whipped up my most delicious pink treat – pink lemonade cupcakes. I'm all about healthy treats but when I want a little treat, you better believe I'll be adding lots of colour! You can’t beat homemade goodness! I filled the car up with all my essentials – sparkles, feathers, a whole new wardrobe, even a travel-sized iron – well you know me, I like to be fully equipped for any situation! The whole journey felt so magical – you know that feeling, all that excitement, anticipation building up... Ah, life on the road! It was exhilarating!

Let me tell you, being Pink Tutu Sparkles, being Alex by day, is not for the faint of heart! I live and breathe pink, sparkle, and glam. My love affair with pink tutus began during my university years. Back then, I was a dedicated science student. My world was one of flasks, microscopes, and endless data analysis – until, well, my life took a dazzling turn. I joined the university's ballet club, something I had secretly yearned to do for years, and you guessed it, the costume for a performance was a pink tutu! Oh, it was love at first twirl! It sparkled, it twirled, and it felt so free.

After that, there was no looking back. My days were still about science and labs, testing the texture of fabrics (oh yes, you might find my work in the fabrics of your favourite designer dresses!), but when the clock struck five, I transformed. Alex slipped off the lab coat, and Pink Tutu Sparkles, my drag persona, stepped into the spotlight. She was born from my love of performing, from my passion for pink, from the simple joy of spinning, of twirling in a glorious, full-bodied pink tutu, reminding everyone that life is meant to be fun and colourful! I may be from Derbyshire, but with my tutu, I've danced across the globe.

And this journey of spreading glitter and joy in my pink tutu will continue. You can find me performing in village halls, grand theaters, or just dazzling shoppers on the street! And maybe, just maybe, one day, every town will have a pink tutu! 🩰

Well, darlings, I must go. More adventures await! Until next time, keep shining bright, keep sparkling, and remember – always twirl! πŸ’–

See you soon!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles ✨

#TutuQueen on 2020-12-19 stars in Ilkeston