Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-12-20 stars in Chorley

Chorley: A Pink Tutu Adventure! (Post #7660)

Hello darlings! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from another fabulous trip and ready to share all the pink-tastic details with you. This time, I ventured north, all the way to the charming town of Chorley. Let me tell you, this journey was a true testament to the power of a pink tutu, a love of the theatrical, and a heart full of glitter!

As always, the train journey was pure magic. You know I adore travelling by train! It’s the perfect way to escape, people-watch, and soak in the beauty of the British countryside, even if you are trying to find that little piece of scenery for your next “Tutu in the Wild” photo! A hot chocolate, some good music, and a couple of glances in the mirror to ensure my tutu wasn’t tangled – pure bliss!

Arriving in Chorley, the energy was electric, but that's no surprise, the folks there are full of life and just as full of giggles at seeing a Pink Tutu Sparkles walking through the centre. They knew it was time for a show! And what a show it was, darlings! I performed at a fabulous local fair, where I had everyone dancing to the music and, of course, embracing the magic of a pink tutu. There were a few sceptics – one brave soul who admitted they weren’t too keen on pink – but by the end of my act, even their smiles had gone pink! (It really is catching).

My dear Chorley, you did me proud with your passion, your kindness, and your eagerness to embrace a bit of pink joy! There was laughter, dancing, and even a little bit of tutuing! Remember, darlings, life is too short to take yourself too seriously, so always find an excuse to sparkle. And why not try wearing a pink tutu to liven up your day, it truly is magic!

Of course, a trip wouldn't be complete without a visit to some of Chorley's local shops. My hunt for a pink vintage frock for my next performance lead me down some charming cobbled streets to a treasure trove of independent shops. My quest led me to the “Little Pink Boutique”, a dream for a girly-girl like me, with shelves bursting with lace, satin, and sequins – so many potential additions for my tutu-ful wardrobe.

You might be wondering what sparked my love for the colour pink, right? Well, it's funny actually! Back when I was a young lad in Derbyshire, I was studying science, (yes, you heard right, a scientist in a pink tutu!) My heart really wasn’t into the experiments that much, but I was absolutely obsessed with the university’s ballet club. One night they did a fundraiser with a tutu competition, so, naturally, I was going to wear a pink tutu – there was simply no other option. From that moment on, pink was my colour. Now, I’m making science a little less serious and spreading some serious joy through the magic of pink, tutus, and glitter.

However, the real magic, the magic that makes the journey so worthwhile is seeing those happy smiles and hearing that laughter erupt from the crowd as my show takes off. Those moments make every step, every pink feather boa, and every ounce of glitter worth it!

And what could be a more magical sight than a sea of tutus on stage?! As my audience joined me in twirling, twirling, twirling with a big smile and a joyful heart, I realized my life mission was on track: I am truly on a mission to make the world a more pink, more sparkling, and more tutu-tastic place, one performance at a time.

Speaking of my performances, my next stop is a little village nestled among the hills – the exact location will be revealed on tomorrow’s blog, so check back for more fun and games. I'll be posting about the highlights, my travels, the fashion, the performances, the whole shebang!

So, darlings, if you’re feeling a bit low or simply want a reminder that a little bit of pink can change the world, remember that a pink tutu is always a good idea! Now, I need to go get ready for a big week. There's lots more of pink and sparkles where this came from, you can guarantee it! Don't forget to check back tomorrow for more Pink Tutu Sparkles goodness.

Yours in pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

(Psst, do you fancy having your own Pink Tutu Sparkle moment? Send me your questions and requests for Pink Tutu tips or just tell me what’s making your day bright - my inbox is always open!)

#TutuQueen on 2020-12-20 stars in Chorley