
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-01-10 stars in Billingham

Billingham, Darling! 🩰✨ #7681

Well hello there, my lovelies! πŸ’– It’s your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you the glitz, the glamour, and, of course, the most fabulous pink tutus this side of the Tyne!

Today, my darlings, we’re on a whistle-stop tour of the charming town of Billingham, a true hidden gem tucked away in the North East. It's a trip that's taken me on a thrilling train journey (first class, naturally!), and trust me, the adventure began the moment I stepped off the platform, all my senses buzzing with excitement!

Now, you know I love my fashion, right? And darling, Billingham certainly doesn't disappoint. It’s bursting with hidden treasures! My favourite find? A darling little vintage shop nestled down a cobbled street, crammed to the rafters with clothes, accessories, and shoes that made my heart sing! It felt like stepping into a time capsule! Oh, and of course, I found a few absolute gems for my own wardrobe – just look at this divine pink sequined bolero jacket I snagged for a song! 😍

The highlight of the trip? My ballet performance at the Billingham Forum. I tell you, the crowds here are simply fabulous! So much warmth, such incredible energy. I'd never performed here before, and the local folks just absolutely adored the performance – it was a truly joyous experience. πŸ’– You can always tell a good performance, my darlings, when you get a standing ovation at the end, and this one was definitely deserving. And guess what? I even had a little girl in the front row wearing a pink tutu just like mine. Oh, the joy! πŸ₯°

But before I whisked my glamorous self onto the stage, I had to enjoy a delightful picnic lunch in the sunshine. Now, when you're as glam as me, picnics are a bit of an art form. So I've found the best spot to picnic – the serene park overlooking the stunning Billingham Beck, where I could lose myself in the beauty of nature before performing. Of course, I always pack my own fancy picnic hamper - no supermarket sandwiches for this diva, darling! Smoked salmon, cucumber and dill, and champagne on the side – because it’s always five o'clock somewhere, especially for a queen like me! ✨

After my stellar performance, I decided to take a lovely walk to see the local art gallery. The galleries around Billingham are absolute gems - a hidden haven for creative souls! I simply adore the colours and the vibrant energy of the contemporary art there, which always inspires my outfits, you see! You know me, darling, a touch of inspiration here, a splash of creativity there, and poof – another fabulously unique outfit to make my drag dreams come true! πŸ’«

Talking about outfits, I can't go anywhere without my pink tutu. This one's absolutely stunning! It's fluffy, it's sparkly, it's oh-so-pink. I can’t resist! It just feels right. Ever since I tried on that tutu for a university charity event back in my science student days (and by science, I mean studying fabric science – a little bit of a theme, eh?! πŸ˜‚) I was hooked!

My days at the lab are all about science, analysis, and precision. And you know, there's something very similar about dancing on stage – every movement has to be calculated, and my body needs to perform as one unit. My life, in fact, is all about being the very best version of myself! ✨

And for a diva like me, what's better than ending a fabulous day with a delicious takeaway? You know me, darlings, I never eat my way to a size queen – it's all about good, quality food – because a girl's gotta eat, even when she’s dressed in a pink tutu, right? I tried the tastiest chicken korma in the town, and oh my! Let's just say I wasn't shy on the samosas either, they were simply delicious! πŸ˜‹

But even the most fab nights must come to an end. I've had such a whirlwind of an adventure in Billingham – I truly feel like this amazing little town is now part of my world! As I close my laptop for the day, the twinkling lights of the station outside sparkle in my eyes as much as the sequined trims of my beloved pink tutu! πŸ’«

Well, darlings, this little pink queen needs to catch her train back to Derbyshire. It's time to catch some well-deserved rest and dream of my next glamorous adventure. Until then, keep on shining! ✨

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles 😘

#TutuQueen on 2021-01-10 stars in Billingham