
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-01-31 stars in Chichester

Chichester Calling! Tutu Queen Adventures (Blog Post #7702)

Hello my gorgeous darlings, itā€™s your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a fabulous trip to the seaside town of Chichester! I just knew I had to share all the fabulousness with you lovely lot, and, oh my goodness, there was SO much fabulousness. But let's start at the beginning, shall we?

It all started, as it often does, with a trip to my favourite shop - thatā€™s right, the one with the glittery sign that practically screams ā€œCome in and be fabulous!ā€ I can never resist a little browsing, and on this particular day, I spotted the most amazing pink tutu - oh my heavens, you just wouldnā€™t believe it, it had actual silver stars on it! It was practically made for a night out, and even though I knew it wouldnā€™t exactly blend in with my science lab uniform, I just HAD to have it.

Now, I have to admit, planning my trip to Chichester was a little stressful, darling. My gorgeous, fabulous pink tutu demanded a venue befitting of its splendour! After some research (and a couple of cheeky trips to the library to peek at the dusty old tourist pamphlets), I found myself a little theatre just down the road. Imagine, a proper Victorian theatre with red velvet seats, sparkling chandeliers, and a stage practically begging to be twirled upon! My dreams were coming true!

The journey itself was an absolute adventure, dearies. No stuffy aeroplane flights for this Tutu Queen! I decided to travel by train - gotta love that glamorous click-clack on the tracks, darling! It was the perfect way to arrive in Chichester all refreshed and ready to sparkle! Now, the train didnā€™t offer the option to sit on top of it and pretend I was driving it, like a horse-drawn carriage, which would have been positively divine - you know me, I just canā€™t help but think big!

Of course, no visit to Chichester would be complete without a visit to the famous cathedral, darling. Honestly, the architecture was absolutely divine, like a gigantic gingerbread house but with more stone and less icing. (I did get a delicious jam doughnut though, which felt quite close enough to the real thing!)

And now for the best bitā€¦ my performance at the theatre! Letā€™s just say the audience was a bit overwhelmed, darling. I opened with a graceful ballet routine - a whole story about a tutu trapped in a lab and escaping to the stars - pure fantasy, darling! And for my encore, I danced with all the lovely people in the audience. Turns out a tutu looks great on pretty much anyone, darling, just so you know! We were a dazzling sea of pink, shimmering with the starlight in the tutuā€¦ oh, darling, you just had to be there!

Of course, my stay in Chichester wasnā€™t all glitz and glam - we even popped in for a delicious pie at a lovely local cafĆ© and met the most charming family with a chihuahua wearing a tiny pink tutu. They told me they'd seen my show, and they loved the tutu too! See, darling, it's contagious, that tutu love! I knew I could do it!

You know what, my little darlings, it just wouldnā€™t be a trip to Chichester without a seaside stroll, darling. Imagine, sand between your toes, seagulls soaring aboveā€¦ and me, in a sparkling pink tutu, dancing like a mermaid on the beach. That, dear friends, is a sight no one should ever forget. And I know, I just know, itā€™s not too late for you all to catch up on this infectious tutu trend. I'm off to London for a special ballet performance in the heart of the city. Who knows, you might even spot me there!

Until then, my lovelies, stay sparkly!

Your eternally fabulous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2021-01-31 stars in Chichester