Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-03-27 stars in Wolverhampton

Wolverhampton Calling! Tutu Time for a New Adventure! 👠💖

Helloooo darlings! 💖 It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in for blog post number 7757! (Can you believe it? We're over 7700 posts now! How fabulous! 😍) Today, we're taking a trip to Wolverhampton, and I'm positively bubbling with excitement! It's time for another dazzling performance and another chance to spread the Pink Tutu Gospel!

Now, if you've been following my blog for a while (and darling, you know you have! You've seen me in my glittery bathrobe at 3 am, haven't you?! 😂) you know that a bit of travelling is a big part of my Pink Tutu Sparkles life. Whether it's hopping on a train to a nearby town or - as one of my biggest dreams is to visit Paris and dance through the streets - riding a gorgeous horse (think The Sound of Music, darlings!), I just love discovering new places!

Wolverhampton - now that's a city with a certain… well… vibe! A very distinct Wolverhampton vibe! (Let's just say I'm sure I'll be having some great stories about Wolverhampton by the time I'm back on that train to Derbyshire! 🤪). Wolverhampton may not be the most glamorous spot, but darling, that's where Pink Tutu Sparkles comes in! Let's face it, my tutu magic is so sparkly it can even brighten up a bank holiday Monday! 😜

My inspiration for today's outfit? Ballet Russes of course! That's right - the world's first ballet boom. Imagine - this revolutionary art form made its debut way back in the 1900s, showcasing bold, beautiful choreography, sensational sets, and some incredibly extravagant costumes. Talk about glamorous! The Ballet Russes set the stage (pun definitely intended!) for the entire world to see and experience something amazing - a brand new way to celebrate artistry and movement. And, to me, they really encapsulated everything that I want to do - bring joy, inspiration, and dare I say it - fabulousness! 💖

Anyway, this might be starting to sound a little bit serious, right? 😉 I promise I’m getting to the point about how I'm adding a sprinkle of tutu sparkle to the good folks of Wolverhampton - soon! 😉

You know me, darlings! I’m just a little bit chatty, and that’s okay because you know it’s all for the fun of it! 💖

To tell you the truth, the journey from Derbyshire to Wolverhampton was pretty darn spectacular! I love a good train journey (don’t get me wrong, a good horse ride is definitely a contender in the "favourite mode of transport" department!). A train carriage to myself - so I can put my headphones on and belt out some Diana Ross tunes - well, what’s not to love? 😉 There’s always a chance to bump into a fellow travel enthusiast on the way too! This time, I had a brilliant chat with a gentleman in a pink pocket square - we even compared our shoes (fabulous, vintage heels on both of us!). It’s always fun to find people who have a passion for a bit of glitz and glamour in their lives! It really proves to me that being fabulous knows no boundaries!

My day job as a textile scientist is amazing (and sometimes super sparkly!), and if you’ve ever met me, you’ll know that I'm a total fabric-obsessed queen. So when I was trying on the pink tutus to help with the university charity drive, you know - that tutu was meant to be mine! 🥰 I just can't imagine my life without those fluffy layers of gorgeous tulle! You just have to try it! There’s a tutu out there for everyone, my darlings!

As the train rolled into the Wolverhampton station, I knew that I was in for an adventure. And just like that, I was surrounded by a fantastic team - my friends from the 'Wolverhampton's Pinkest Crew'! (Can you tell we like to be creative with our names in the pink world?) 🥰 It’s just the most fun bunch of performers I know, all united by our passion for bringing joy, light, and a little bit of Pink Tutu Magic to the world. We even plan on taking this ‘Wolverhampton’s Pinkest Crew’ magic to new and exciting locations (let’s just say this means that more pink is on its way…!) 💕

We made sure our backstage makeup area was as organised and glitter-free as a drag queen’s workspace can be! And you can’t go wrong with some pink fairy lights! 🥰 We were getting all prepped and ready - hairspray in tow! We ran through some of our new routines - I can’t share all our secrets just yet (you’ve gotta come see us and find out! 😜 ) but what I can say is - you’re in for a treat! We have some gorgeous new choreographed routines, with sparkling new tutus - it's basically going to be the most fun show in Wolverhampton! 😜

The moment I stepped onto the stage - you could literally feel the audience’s excitement. It was amazing to see everyone looking at us with those hopeful eyes, hoping that their expectations would be surpassed by our energy. 💖 The stage was a swirling vision in pink, all thanks to my friend’s absolutely incredible costume designs - so full of energy! We'd chosen 'Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This' by Eurythmics as our intro music ( how fitting for this pink moment!), and the applause went on for ages when it was over. It was incredible. It truly reminded me why I’m doing this, why I dress up in pink every day - the sheer joy, the feeling of making people happy - it makes every Pink Tutu Sparkles performance a total triumph!

You guys, let’s just say, I can’t write down every single little bit of the show. We had so much fun! I got to showcase my dazzling new number to "Total Eclipse of the Heart" - a total showstopper if you’ve ever seen one! And let’s not forget our rendition of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” that was pretty darn fabulous! We managed to do all our tricks without any “whoopsies,” and, of course, the audience loved it!

The stage was full of magic! 💖 We did an impromptu little fashion show, all the way through the entire performance, and then we took a spin down to meet everyone afterward for a special pink meet and greet. We loved talking with the fans about our day, the new costumes, and all our favourite memories from the journey so far - there are just so many adventures yet to come!

If I haven't said it enough yet: it's been an absolute blast! I want to give a huge thank you to my fantastic team (a big hug for all of you!). and thank you to Wolverhampton for giving me a chance to spread the Pink Tutu gospel! I’ve got so much to tell you about my adventures, about the 'Wolverhampton’s Pinkest Crew,' and I’m really excited for what's to come. Keep checking back, darling, I have so many stories!

For now, though, I have a plane to catch! Yes, my darlings, a plane! I’m jetting off to a magical place where the tutus are extra fluffy and we're bringing even more sparkle! 💕 Until then, I hope you are all living your best Pink Tutu lives and making your world a little more dazzling - with or without the pink!

And don’t forget to follow me on all my platforms: Instagram @PinkTutuSparkles, Facebook @PinkTutuSparkles, and TikTok @PinkTutuSparkles. There is so much to discover!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, my pink luggage is waiting and I have a train to catch to take me to the airport! 🥰💖

Keep the sparkle alive! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2021-03-27 stars in Wolverhampton