Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-04-11 stars in Berlin

Berlin Calling! #TutuQueen Strikes Again! (Post 7772)

Hello, darlings! Your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, is back with another thrilling tale from the road. Today, I'm shimmering my way through the vibrant, edgy streets of Berlin, where the air crackles with creativity and the coffee is strong enough to make a queen like me actually say "Guten Morgen!" before midday!

This week has been a whirlwind, and let me tell you, Berlin hasn't disappointed. I always knew this city would be my cuppa tea, especially after hearing whispers of its amazing street performance scene. And lemme tell ya, these street performers are giving it their all! There was one guy dressed as a giant unicorn, another who danced like he was channeling a storm cloud, and a whole group who made me think I'd accidentally walked onto the set of Moulin Rouge!

But even amidst the craziness of Berlin, my mission remains the same: to sprinkle some pink tutu magic all over the globe. And honestly, Berlin might be one of the most fabulous cities to do it. The people here are so accepting, so open, so damn fabulous. Every other shop window seemed to be boasting a display of glittery dresses and flamboyant hats - my kinda fashionista heaven! I nearly fainted when I saw a shop called “The Tutu Emporium”! It had the most spectacular selection of tutus – it was almost impossible to leave with just one!

Now, this trip hasn't just been about dazzling street corners. You see, being a drag artist, it's always about expanding the horizons and finding new inspiration, which is why I was thrilled to discover a wonderful dance academy right here in the heart of Berlin. And guess what? They even offered a ballet class especially designed for beginners! Now, darling, I might be a master of the glitter-covered stiletto, but I'll be the first to admit that ballet, well, let’s just say that I’m not a professional. But honestly, I’m so glad I took the class! Even though my posture might have been a little bit off, I had the best time twirling and leaping (yes, leaping - imagine me!) It was an experience I'll never forget. And you know what? I managed to work a tiny touch of pink sparkle into my otherwise understated dancewear. A pink hair scarf here, a dash of glitter there – even when I'm off duty, it’s all about spreading that sparkly joy!

Let's talk travel, my dears. How did I get to Berlin? You're probably thinking I arrived in a cloud of glitter, perhaps pulled by a team of glittery unicorns, or maybe in a specially designed pink tutu-themed chariot.

Well, guess again! This Pink Tutu Sparkles decided to do things a bit differently. Instead of an airplane (I always feel like a squeezed, glitter-coated sardine in those things) I hopped aboard the trusty iron steed – that’s train speak, darling – and whizzed across Europe, with the wind in my hair and a fabulous playlist booming through my pink headphones. I find train journeys are such a brilliant way to absorb the beauty of the countryside, and a chance to have proper girly gossip with fellow travelers, you know?

Of course, my stay in Berlin wasn't all about tutus and glitter – it was also time for some serious drag performance! And you know I brought my A-game to Berlin, darlings! There were cabaret shows, a dazzling drag queen fair (the competition was fierce!) and a few secret gigs in smoky underground clubs. The atmosphere was electric! Berlin, as I said, is so open to experimentation and creativity and, you'll never believe it, the drag queen crowd here embraced me – a tiny girl from Derbyshire with her pink tutu and passion for glitter - with open arms!

Speaking of which, did you know my real name is Alex? Yep, Alex from the lab, that's me! By day, I’m all lab coats and scientific equipment, testing fabric strength and weaving patterns for the new generation of fashion fabrics, but come evening, it's all glitz, glamour and pink tutus! That's right, folks, this girl is a woman of many talents, blending the world of science with the magic of performance. It’s a bit of a change of pace, but hey, if you can't mix and match your life's adventures, what’s the point?

Did you ever wonder why I got hooked on tutus? It was all thanks to my university days, darling! I was studying science, believe it or not, and was a member of the university ballet club. One day, they held a fundraising event and everyone was invited to wear a tutu! Now, I never thought of myself as the "ballet-loving, tutu-wearing" type, but something about the sheer joy on people's faces while they sashayed in those gorgeous tutus - the sheer energy and magic it sparked! - that was something that resonated with me.

I thought, "This is what the world needs, a touch of magic and lighthearted fun!” It's the joy of expression, you see? Wearing a tutu it's a rebellion against seriousness, a celebration of the simple things in life, a reminder to dance like nobody's watching, even if it’s in a scientific laboratory.

And now, after all these amazing years of being Pink Tutu Sparkles, I’ve finally made it to Berlin, and you can imagine, there were a lot of tutus in evidence. The amazing drag queens I’ve met, the street performers who wowed me, the crowds who joined in the revelry, the locals with their colourful individual styles and attitude, and of course, the vibrant and quirky shops, cafes and restaurants… You can't help but feel that the Berlin attitude is about embracing the unexpected, experimenting with styles and ideas, just going for it.

And isn’t that the most amazing thing? Isn't that the whole spirit of being Pink Tutu Sparkles? Embracing the glitter, twirling into a new adventure, and spreading pink tutu joy along the way! So if you see a glimpse of a pink tutu dancing on the horizon, or hear a giggle at the corner of your ear, it just might be me, and a gentle reminder that a touch of sparkle never goes amiss!

Now I’ve got a grand tour of this amazing city to complete! Be sure to stay tuned, because my pink tutu will soon be bringing you a whole lot of more fun from the streets of Berlin…

Lots of love (and sparkle!),

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2021-04-11 stars in Berlin