Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-05-13 stars in Stevenage

Stevenage Sparkle: Pink Tutu Takes on the Town!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with another fabulously flamboyant post, straight from the heart of… Stevenage! Buckle up, babes, because this journey was a whirlwind of tutus, glitter, and pure pink-tastic fun. This is post number 7804 on the www.pink-tutu.com blog – you know the drill, folks, grab a glass of something pink and let's dive into the sparkly abyss of all things tutu-licious!

I have to confess, darling, a little bit of me thought Stevenage would be… well, a tad less glamorous than its neighbour, London. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of a bit of grit, I'm from Derbyshire, remember? But there's something about a name that rhymes with "peeping" that conjures up images of beige cardigans and beigeer tea towels.

Oh, darling, how wrong was I!

Turns out, Stevenage is positively vibrant. I was greeted with such warmth from the moment I stepped off the train - literally, it was boiling - and found myself tucked into the heart of a buzzing little town, full of character and bursting at the seams with independent businesses and shops just begging to be explored. Now, any time I'm exploring a new location, I have a simple, yet very important rule – a girl must ALWAYS shop for a new outfit! The rule applies even if your luggage is bursting, even if you’re travelling light and the journey is on a horse (I’ve done both! A glamorous horse and carriage journey to Canterbury… that was a tale for the ages!), a tutu loving girl's wardrobe is NEVER complete! I have to say, I scored big-time in Stevenage. A boutique on a quaint cobbled street had this divine vintage sequined bolero that matched my current pink mood perfectly. The shop assistant was thrilled when I told her the story of my little blog, bless her heart!

After a very necessary dose of retail therapy, it was time to take a well-earned breather and ooh la la I found a beautiful cafe that actually had a pink floral chair! You could call it an inside joke with my fashion sense. It was the perfect place to sit and brainstorm my performance plans while sipping on a delicious pink lemonade. After all, I didn’t just travel all this way to shop – this trip was about bringing the pink tutu magic to the lovely folk of Stevenage.

The stage I was performing at was stunning. This theatre - and I do mean theatre! Imagine soaring ceilings, gilded accents and a stage that had you thinking it belonged to the Royal Ballet Company – was in a grand old Victorian building. It was absolutely picture perfect and provided the most enchanting backdrop for my show. It made the whole night feel truly special! I swear the place itself had a history that glittered, and my tutu seemed to shimmer even brighter than usual in that ambiance.

Speaking of tutus, I've always said a good performance is like a ballet, each piece is a little choreography! The performance itself went without a hitch - the Stevenage crowd were fantastic! We had an absolute blast – think a good-natured, sparkly dance party! And guess what? After my finale, one of the most wonderful moments of the whole evening happened - I met a young girl who told me I was her favourite performer. My heart literally melted! Seeing that look of pure awe on her face… it made all the travelling, the packing and unpacking, and yes, the occasional questionable train journey, all worth it. I’m telling you, the twinkle in the eye of a child watching a flamboyant, pink tutu clad queen is just magical! It is always a privilege to be a part of their imagination!

And, oh, darling, what's a pink-tutu queen without a little bit of sparkle in the night? I decided to celebrate a successful performance in the grandest way - a totally unplanned spontaneous trip to the ballet! I know what you’re thinking – it's crazy, right? Well, a queen never plans to let a spontaneous opportunity go, especially one that involves tutus and graceful pirouettes! Luckily, Stevenage has this magnificent community theatre with an annual production, and it just so happened to be ballet night! So, with a clickety-clack of my platform heels, I rushed to see Swan Lake in all its delicate and powerful beauty. It was a ballet with all the charm and finesse of a traditional British theatre, even down to the tea-soaked biscuits served at intermission.

It is really no secret that one of my favourite parts about travel is simply the adventure of it all. Every corner you turn feels like the beginning of a new story waiting to be written. Whether I'm strutting down a cobbled street in my fabulous tutu or discovering a hidden gem like that grand theatre in Stevenage, life as a travelling pink-tutu queen is one big beautiful fairytale.

As I pack my glittery suitcases for my next destination, I already feel the excitement bubbling inside! Remember, darlings, every single day is a chance to shine. I’m on a mission to sprinkle that pink-tutu magic around the world, one shimmery performance at a time! Keep it fabulous, stay sparkly, and I'll see you on the next adventure!

Yours truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2021-05-13 stars in Stevenage