
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-07-11 stars in Macclesfield

Macclesfield: A Pink Tutu Adventure! šŸ’–šŸ©°

Hey lovelies! Itā€™s Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you on my daily dose of pink fabulousness! This is post number 7863 on my beloved www.pink-tutu.com - how amazing is it that weā€™ve come so far together? Today, my darlings, weā€™re embarking on a sparkly, pink journey to Macclesfield! Itā€™s been ages since I graced the streets of this beautiful Cheshire town, and I just couldnā€™t resist the lure of its cobbled streets and charming atmosphere.

You know how much I adore travelling by train. Itā€™s all part of the glamorous drag experience! Just picture me, resplendent in my signature pink tutu, strutting down the carriage, drawing stares and smilesā€¦ and maybe even a little pink-inspired fashion envy! šŸ˜‰

Speaking of pink, I've got my eyes peeled for the most gorgeous shades of pink this trip. Macclesfield is famous for its silk, you see, and I just know I'm going to find some dreamy fabric for my next performance outfit. Maybe even a vintage lace fabric with those delightful ruffles that just scream ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€!

Oh, my dears, it was such a wonderful ride up to Macclesfield! The rolling hills and lush countryside were positively picture-postcard perfect. The sunshine streamed in through the windows, casting shimmering rainbows on the seat opposite. Every time I take a journey on the railway, I feel that giddy excitement, that same kind of energy that I get before a performance! I couldn't wait to dive headfirst into the delights that Macclesfield promised!

First on the agenda was a visit to the Macclesfield Silk Museum! Imagine this, a dazzling showcase of the worldā€™s most luxurious silk fabric - talk about fashion history! Itā€™s the perfect way to spend an afternoon when your brain needs a little downtime from all the glitter and sparkle of a pink tutu. šŸ˜‰ It truly transported me back to a bygone era, filled with tales of grand balls and silk dresses! The staff were charming, and even let me have a quick go on a vintage loom ā€“ I felt so empowered weaving those gorgeous strands of shimmering silk! It sparked some fabulous inspiration for my next stagewear.

Next up was a scrumptious afternoon tea in the grand Victorian era setting of the The Town House. Oh my, the delicate cakes and sandwiches, the perfectly brewed Earl Grey tea, and of course, my very own pink-tinted macaron! Just as I was sipping my tea, I saw the most fabulous opportunity! In the lobby of The Town House was a charming display of floral arrangements by local artists, and it got me thinking. Just imagine a floral headpiece for my next stage show, a magnificent pink, lily-laden crown! Itā€™d look positively divine.

As the sun started to set, casting a rosy glow over Macclesfieldā€™s charming streets, I made my way to the Macclesfield Festival Theatre for a showstopping evening! The ballet performance was incredible, and I was totally transported by the grace of the dancers. Their pirouettes were positively breathtaking, and those flowing tutus, oh my, they reminded me of all those beautiful pink tutus in my collection! Every graceful movement they made inspired my inner ballerina. It ignited the spark within me! The feeling that sometimes only a well-timed pliĆ© or fouettĆ© can bring. You know, thereā€™s a very real reason that Pink Tutu Sparkles lives and breathes ballet. The precision, the passion, the poiseā€¦ Itā€™s a wonderful inspiration to any drag queen looking to make a statement.

The night ended with a delicious dinner at the Red Lion, the atmosphere was lively and friendly, it felt like stepping back into the charm of a country pub, surrounded by friendly faces! I was just so grateful for a night filled with laughter, fun and of course, more delicious food!

And just as I was thinking about all the gorgeous pink memories Iā€™d made on this trip, the stars started to twinkle above, a glittering spectacle reflecting the beauty and sparkle of the pink tutu queen within me. They truly embodied the sentiment that life is always better with a touch of sparkle, especially when it comes from the Pink Tutu Queen!

Macclesfield, you stole my heart! With its cobblestone charm, rich silk history, and fabulous entertainment, it was a truly memorable experience! Now, my dear friends, until next time, remember: Wear pink. Be fabulous. Stay sparkly. I'll be back with you tomorrow, for a brand new pink tutu adventure! šŸ’– Until then!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo.

#TutuQueen on 2021-07-11 stars in Macclesfield