Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-08-05 stars in Stretford

Stretford Sparkles: Pink Tutu Takes on the North!

Post 7888

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-tastic queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! I’m absolutely buzzing to bring you all the sparkly goodness from my recent trip to Stretford! Honestly, you guys, it was a dream! Pink galore, fantastic performances, and oh my, the shopping… I might be back for a whole week next time!

First things first, let's talk travel. I’m not one for those big ol’ aeroplanes, give me a steam train any day! Something about the rhythmic chugging and the countryside whizzing by makes me feel so whimsical! (Don't worry, I keep my tutu nice and flat so it doesn't get crushed! Gotta be prepared, darlings). This time, though, I had a treat. I booked a special horse-drawn carriage - a beautiful cherry-red one, you guys, absolutely stunning! All decked out with feathers and ribbons, like a real-life fairytale! It’s an extra special treat that just reminds me, life's a beautiful adventure, and you gotta embrace the extra sparkles!

Now, let's talk Stretford! What an absolute gem! This place is so full of energy, and it felt like every corner was buzzing with music, laughter, and oh my, that irresistible scent of freshly made pastries (I may or may not have had a cream horn or two - you've gotta indulge occasionally, you know!). I felt like a real princess as I strutted through the streets, with the sun beaming down on my pinkest of tutus, and every little kid giggling at my sparkly glory. I love how I make those tiny faces light up! They give me the most fantastic, pure joy, reminding me why I do this, and reminding me that being yourself and letting your inner spark shine, is the most wonderful gift you can give!

My biggest treat in Stretford, aside from the fantastically fluffy cream horn, was, of course, a performance! A local ballet group had invited me to be a special guest star! I was performing alongside these beautiful young dancers. My costume for this night was an absolute vision! A massive, pink satin tutu (because you just can't go wrong with extra, right?) with dazzling silver sequins. I practically shimmered under the spotlight. You could say I practically stole the show.

And the ballet! The dancing was spectacular. Those talented young souls are just so expressive and powerful. They absolutely captured me, weaving stories of beauty, grace, and strength through their movements. And guess what? The stage was lit with pink! Well, they didn’t exactly light it up pink specifically for me (I mean, who knows, maybe they did?!) but it still made me blush, and my fellow dance-enthusiasts will agree: Pink just makes ballet, doesn't it?

But my trip to Stretford wasn't just about me. I also got to enjoy some lovely local attractions! We went to the lovely museum and oh my, a truly amazing craft shop, stuffed to the brim with everything pink. I bought myself some pretty ribbons and a new hairpiece, I mean, a girl just needs new accessories, right? And guess what?! I saw the prettiest pink tutu, it even came with sparkly butterflies and a matching bow. Now that’s the kind of commitment to pink I can respect. The owner was also a fan of my tutu and had a little shop sign saying 'Every Girl is a Tutu Queen', Isn't that absolutely adorable?

You know, Stretford really blew my wig. This place felt so full of life, so full of joy! Every interaction I had was brimming with genuine kindness and positivity. Even the grumpy looking guy in the cafe loved my outfit! Who’d have thought that a grumpy man could become so delighted when asked if he liked my tutu? But then I realise, it's because we were both letting our inner sparks shine! I’ll be forever grateful for the joy they gave me.

I even tried a local, pink gin at a bar on the square. Let’s just say it was perfect! I must have danced with glee right through that night. It truly was an experience I’ll never forget! Stretford has a real unique charm, and I absolutely recommend it for anyone with a love for beauty, laughter, and oh yes, of course, pink tutus.

Until next time, darling, keep those tutus twirling! And don't forget, you are a star in your own right, so shine on!


Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

P.S. My readers, be sure to check out my daily drag posts on www.pink-tutu.com! I share all the best places to get a fabulous outfit, and of course, a pink tutu. But let’s be honest, sometimes, just sometimes, we can go out in full drag or just wear a touch of sparkle! It’s about bringing a little bit of happiness into your day, and as a fabulously dressed, pink-loving scientist by day and tutu-wearing, fun-loving diva by night, I know a little bit about happiness. I want everyone to find theirs and let their inner spark shine! xx

#TutuQueen on 2021-08-05 stars in Stretford