Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-08-04 stars in Barnet

Barnet Bows and Sparkles! 🩰✨ (Post #7887)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another dazzling diary entry from my travels! This week, I found myself whisked away to the charming town of Barnet, nestled right there in the heart of Greater London. Now, I know what you're thinking - "Barnet? Isn't that a bit… beige?" But hold your horses, my dears! Barnet had a whole lot of sparkle waiting for me, I promise!

You see, I believe that every town, every city, every little village, holds its own hidden gems waiting to be discovered. It's like a secret fairy-tale waiting for a touch of magic, and who better to bring the magic than your favourite pink tutu-clad explorer? And in Barnet, that magic took the form of a beautiful ballet performance. Oh my, the graceful movements, the exquisite costumes, the sheer joy of witnessing those talented dancers move with such elegance and passion! I simply had to have a go myself, you know? Thankfully, a lovely little ballet school near the theatre had a drop-in class for beginners, and let me tell you, even in a beginner class, I felt the undeniable rush of joy that comes with a good plié and a beautiful arabesque. It was simply divine.

After my delightful ballet escapade, I embarked on a most fabulous fashion adventure! I had heard whisperings of a vintage boutique in Barnet known for its collection of whimsical, eccentric, and just plain glorious frocks. I, of course, couldn't resist a peek. The shop was bursting with personality, every corner a wonderland of colour and texture. My eye, ever the hawk for all things fabulous, was immediately drawn to a gorgeous blush pink dress with the most exquisite lace details. Now, I might be a bit biased, but pink just goes with absolutely everything, and this dress, my darlings, was simply perfection. I may or may not have treated myself to a little retail therapy that day. Oops!

But let’s be honest, no trip is truly complete without a delicious culinary journey. Barnet's food scene certainly didn’t disappoint! I found myself in a cozy cafe nestled in a cobbled backstreet, tucked away from the bustle of the town. They had the most delightful cakes - imagine layers of sponge soaked in juicy berries and topped with a creamy meringue. Dreamy. Of course, I couldn't resist indulging in a delicious pot of tea, too. You see, darling, life is simply too short to deny oneself the pleasure of a good cup of tea!

As the sun began its descent, I found myself drawn to the vibrant streets of Barnet's town centre. And wouldn't you know it? A delightful fair was in full swing, full of exciting stalls offering everything from handcrafted jewellery to vintage records to mouthwatering street food! As usual, I couldn't resist getting into the spirit of the thing, so I donned my pinkest tutu and proceeded to spread the message of joy and colour wherever I went. And let me tell you, people loved it! It was absolutely infectious - children giggled, adults smiled, and even the grumpy old dog walker with the fluffy bichon frise gave me a grudging thumbs-up. I mean, how can you resist a girl in a pink tutu spreading happiness and joy?

As I hopped aboard the train home, feeling content and full of inspiration, I couldn't help but think how wonderful this journey had been. Barnet might have seemed like an unassuming little town, but it certainly wasn't lacking in charm, creativity, and that wonderful spark of individuality that makes it truly special. And let me tell you, I, your very own Pink Tutu Sparkles, wouldn't trade that feeling for all the glittery rainbows in the world!

Speaking of glitter… It’s time to put on my sparkly boots, darlings! Because you know what comes next? A performance! Yes, it's time to shimmer, shake, and make the world a more fabulous place, one pink tutu at a time. But before you rush out to grab the nearest tutu (which, by the way, is highly encouraged!), do keep checking back here on www.pink-tutu.com. I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of a truly magical adventure!

Until next time, darlings! 💖🩰✨

Lots of Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💋

P.S. Remember to join me on this whimsical journey of sparkle, colour, and everything pink! Subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com, follow me on social media (find me at @PinkTutuSparkles!), and let's spread some magic together! 💕

Now, you may be thinking, "Who is this crazy, fabulous, tutu-obsessed queen?" Well, let me introduce myself! I'm Alex, a scientist by day and a drag queen by night! And no, it's not a contradiction. See, science and sparkle go hand in hand, just like pink and tutus! You know what else goes well together? Ballet and science! It may sound odd, but my love for the art of ballet began back in my university days, when I joined the ballet club.

Now, I wouldn’t call myself a seasoned ballet dancer, but one night, during a charity fundraiser, I decided to don a pink tutu for the first time. And it hit me, darling, like a thunderbolt from the heavens. It felt so good, so free, so fabulous! From that moment, my world was irrevocably transformed.

I embraced my love for the stage, taking on the persona of Pink Tutu Sparkles, the queen of colour and whimsy. But don't let the name fool you, my darlings. Behind this bubbly personality and vibrant exterior lies a heart that loves to explore and create, always pushing boundaries and spreading the joy of being your true, unique self.

But enough about me! Tell me, darlings, what are you waiting for? Go out there, grab a pink tutu (or three), and join me in making the world a brighter, more beautiful place! And remember, if you're ever feeling a little less than fabulous, simply remember: a pink tutu makes everything better!

Let's sparkle together! 💖

I’m so glad you’re here! My journey to make the world pink, sparkly and joyful began way back in Derbyshire, where I was raised amidst green rolling hills, the comforting scents of woodsmoke and apple pie, and… yes, believe it or not, there was even ballet! Every Sunday, my family and I would head out to watch the Derbyshire Royal Ballet – my mum adored ballet, you see. Maybe that’s where I first fell in love with the art form, even before I donned my very first pink tutu!

But I wasn't just obsessed with ballet. As a little one, I was absolutely mad for fashion. Dressing up was a favourite pastime, I'd raid my sister’s wardrobe (much to her dismay, I’m sure!) for anything remotely interesting, and spend hours and hours trying out different combinations and imagining all the wonderful stories these outfits would tell. It felt like magic!

Then, of course, came school. As a curious little creature, I loved learning, devouring books with the same gusto I devoured all those delicious apple pies, but I wasn’t all about science labs and lectures, you know? I longed for colour, for adventure, for creativity, and my imagination took me on incredible journeys through the wonderful worlds of fairytales, myths and legends. Those stories, filled with mythical creatures, talking animals and heroines who went on brave quests, provided such amazing escape. That sense of escapism and fantasy always resonated with me, and in a way, it felt connected to my love for drag – I wanted to create worlds of wonder through colour, music, performance.

I was also incredibly lucky to have some incredible role models as a teenager. My Mum and sister taught me so much about fashion, showing me how to curate an individual sense of style and explore my creativity through clothes, and even though I’m a bit shy when it comes to showing off my own fashion finds on Instagram (unlike some other… cough cough very popular pink tutu queens I know 😉!), I still adore creating looks that really reflect who I am.

I have always been one to push the boundaries and embrace what sets me apart, I am forever dreaming of new, exciting things, constantly in search of adventure. Whether it's a brand new scientific discovery in the lab, or an outrageous outfit that brings a new character to life on the stage, the journey of discovery is what truly excites me.

Life is a wonderful stage, my darlings, and it's a chance to create stories and share magic with others. Every new day brings the chance to explore something new, something bold, something pink! I want to make sure you feel confident and proud to be yourself, even when you’re feeling a little bit scared, uncertain or just plain shy! Remember that you can wear any kind of dress or even, dare I say, tutu and still feel like your most fabulous, fabulous self!

Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more dazzling travel tales, tips and tricks to make you feel like a true queen (and of course, lots and lots of pink tutus, because, well, that's what I do!). And remember to embrace your own unique story, darlings, because that's where true beauty lies!

Until next time, remember, you are a superstar, so sparkle brightly!

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💋

#TutuQueen on 2021-08-04 stars in Barnet