Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-08-23 stars in Caerphilly

Caerphilly Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on Wales! 💖✨ (Blog Post #7906)

Hello my darling darlings, it’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing drag queen extraordinaire, and I'm bursting at the seams with excitement to tell you all about my recent adventure to the historic town of Caerphilly, nestled in the heart of Wales. Now, you might be wondering, what in the world could a pink tutu-obsessed queen like me find to do in a town known for its majestic castle? Well, my little tutu-tastic darlings, you’d be surprised!

I'll confess, I was a little hesitant at first. Caerphilly seemed like such a departure from the usual glitz and glam of London and the vibrant cityscapes I usually sashay through. But, with my ever-growing yearning to spread the pink tutu gospel far and wide, I decided to take the plunge. After all, it’s all about the journey, not the destination, right? 😉

Now, being a seasoned traveler, I opted for a most glamorous mode of transport - a magnificent horse-drawn carriage. (Did I mention I have an actual fondness for horses too? It’s the ballerina in me, I guess! I just love those elegant long necks, how they seem to dance like they're on point!). As we rattled through the beautiful countryside, I couldn’t help but feel like I was starring in a fairy tale! The wind tousled my luscious, pink wig as I took in the scenery, the fields brimming with vibrant flowers. I could picture the iconic castle in the distance, a proud testament to the rich history of the land.

Finally, arriving at my hotel, I felt a surge of anticipation! A traditional Welsh manor, all exposed beams and crackling fireplaces, complete with a lush garden. Honestly, it felt like something straight out of a Jane Austen novel, except with more glitter and tulle.

The moment I stepped out, the staff were delighted to welcome me. Now, you'd think that a drag queen wearing a bright pink tutu wouldn't be quite the norm in a small Welsh town. But the people of Caerphilly were the epitome of warmth and charm. I'm sure the initial shock subsided as I sashayed into the lobby, confidently announcing, "Don't worry, I only carry a suitcase full of sparkle! It’s the secret to life!"

You see, spreading joy and sparkle is my mission in life, my little tutu enthusiasts! I want to inspire everyone to wear their own personal tutu of confidence and individuality.

Anyway, after unpacking my glorious suitcase (full of feather boas and glitter, of course), I donned a light and breezy cotton frock in a delicate shade of blush pink, which I paired with a matching oversized straw hat (a bit of Parisian chic, wouldn't you say?). I decided to forgo the full tutu, just for the day! There would be ample time to spread pink tutu love in my full regalia later.

With a spring in my step, I set out to explore the town. Caerphilly’s historic castle, towering above the charming town centre, truly captivated my heart. The castle walls were covered in climbing ivy, adding a touch of enchanting mystique. The history surrounding those stones just begged to be explored! The town itself is like stepping back in time. Picturesque cottages, quaint shops and, my absolute delight - a darling little bakery filled with the most exquisite cakes, adorned with sugar flowers, almost too pretty to eat (almost!).

As the day blossomed into a glorious afternoon, I decided to treat myself to a decadent picnic in the castle grounds. A blanket spread beneath a weeping willow, overflowing with cheese and crackers, fresh strawberries and a bottle of bubbly - perfect! (There’s a little touch of the sophisticated English woman in me, you know).

The picnic set my appetite for something even more decadent. I couldn't resist indulging in the enchanting local cuisine. From creamy Welsh Cawl to juicy lamb chops cooked to perfection, each bite was an explosion of flavour and delight. And, of course, I washed it all down with a delightfully crisp cider, celebrating a day well spent.

As the day drew to a close, I decided it was time for a little bit of 'me-time' at a luxurious spa nestled in the outskirts of town. Ah, a soothing aromatherapy massage, followed by a dip in the invigorating hot tub beneath the starry Welsh night sky - it truly was pure bliss!

But of course, my adventures weren’t over! In the evening, the stage was set for the highlight of my trip - a dazzling drag performance. I knew I had to do something truly spectacular for my incredible Welsh audience, a tribute to their love of their beautiful land. And, who better to embody the true spirit of Welsh theatre than their favourite pink tutu queen!

After an hour of carefully prepping and a splash of lip gloss, I felt ready to bring my dazzling show to the stage! I transformed into Pink Tutu Sparkles with my signature pink tutu in all its fluffy glory. This one had a touch of pink sparkly netting too, a beautiful shimmer in the warm light of the stage. My stunning ruby red dress added an element of classic Hollywood glamour, with a flourish of feathered boas, creating the perfect illusion of floating through the air. I added some elegant emerald green feathers around my neck, like a necklace, evoking the verdant greenery of the Welsh landscape. It felt utterly divine!

My setlist was a delightful mix of catchy pop anthems, heart-wrenching ballads, and of course, a sprinkling of classic musical theatre showstoppers. I strutted, I twirled, I sashayed, and of course, there were enough twirls and spins for everyone! It’s a skill, you know, to make a fluffy tutu twirl!

And wouldn't you know it? The Caerphilly crowd was phenomenal! So full of life, love, and appreciation, cheering and applauding every single performance. I even felt my own heart pounding to the rhythm of their enthusiasm! Their smiles were the most gorgeous thing, infectious!

At the end of the performance, I received the most incredible outpouring of love. People rushed to tell me how much they enjoyed the show, and that it had been such a fun, magical night. Many even wanted a photo with me, and it honestly warmed my heart.

But what surprised me the most was that so many came dressed in their own pink tutus! A family, a gaggle of school girls, a pair of lovely gentlemen. One group, even made a matching pink tutu T-shirt for their cute little dachshund. It made my heart truly soar. You see, my lovelies, the magic of the pink tutu is that it unites people. It's a symbol of confidence, happiness and pure joyful expression. It can truly bring people together from all walks of life.

You can imagine that my spirits were flying high that night, feeling so empowered by the sheer positivity and joy surrounding me! I love the warmth and acceptance I’ve found in this enchanting corner of Wales. I think this pink-tutu-loving queen will be back for more of its enchanting atmosphere.

Before my last day, I indulged in one last glorious adventure: a traditional afternoon tea at a grand stately home, complete with scones with clotted cream, delicate sandwiches and an abundance of teapots. My head felt positively filled with dreams!

As my grand adventure drew to a close, I took one last stroll through the streets of Caerphilly, taking in its vibrant energy and absorbing the history that breathed from every cobbled street.

Leaving a town can often be a bittersweet experience, but my trip to Caerphilly filled me with so much joy and excitement! There are so many beautiful towns, so many beautiful people, ready to be enchanted by the magic of a pink tutu! So, what are you waiting for, my lovelies? Find your own personal pink tutu and let your inner sparkler shine! I'll be off to discover the world in my pink tutu, with you in my heart. Stay sparkly!

Much love, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💕✨

(PS Don’t forget to check out my website, www.pink-tutu.com. I post daily, so you won't miss a thing! Let's continue spreading that pink tutu joy together.) 😉)

#TutuQueen on 2021-08-23 stars in Caerphilly