Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-09-30 stars in Rainham

Rainham Calling: Tutu Travels Take to the Tracks! 💖✨🚂

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, bringing you a sprinkle of sparkle straight from the tracks and into your inbox. This is post number 7944 – yes, 7944! – and I’m giddy as a goose to share my latest adventure with you!

Rainham, oh Rainham, you were a breath of fresh air! Let’s be honest, my darling dears, it’s been a long old slog getting through September. The summer’s fizzled out, the weather’s a tad on the blustery side, and even the most enthusiastic pumpkin spice latte enthusiast can’t deny it – autumn’s afoot. BUT… fear not! Pink Tutu Sparkles never gets bogged down by the seasonal shift. We’re always looking for the rainbow, the sparkle, the glitter, the joy – even when the skies are grey!

So, when the opportunity came up to grace Rainham with my presence – naturally in a pink tutu, wouldn’t you know – I seized it with the gusto of a flamingo taking flight!

The journey itself was a highlight! I’m all about the glamourous train rides – choo-choo-choose me! And this trip was no exception. Settle down in a first-class carriage with a good book, a steaming cuppa, and a box of posh biscuits, and even the most mundane train journey becomes a catwalk worthy event! Honestly, darlings, I felt like Audrey Hepburn in “Roman Holiday,” all elegant and chic with my nose firmly in a paperback while watching the world whizz past the window. It’s all about the small pleasures, you see!

Rainham welcomed me with open arms – or, more precisely, with the delightful sound of excited shrieks and cheers! Let me tell you, these kids were hyped for Tutu Queen to strut her stuff! They loved the pink! They loved the tutus! They loved the sequins!

The event was at the local library, which transformed into a magnificent stage for my performance. Now, if you’re wondering, dear reader, why a drag queen at the library? Well, darling, my motto is: why not? Let’s spread the sparkle, the joy, the beauty, everywhere we go! And the children of Rainham definitely needed a dose of pink!

My performance, a whimsical blend of theatrical ballet, light-hearted sing-along, and of course, a little bit of drag queen sass – was met with squeals of delight! Even the local librarian, a staunchly traditional gentleman, had a twinkle in his eye by the end of the show. He was almost… dancing! (Imagine, a librarian! On the brink of a spontaneous ballet number!).

But it wasn’t just about the performance, darlings. It was about spreading the Tutu Queen message: kindness, joy, and a sprinkle of pink go a long way. After the show, there was a massive queue for tutu pictures!

A little girl came up to me, tears brimming in her eyes, and whispered, “You made me believe that I could be a princess, even though I’m not wearing a tutu!” Oh my darlings, the joy of being a drag queen! In that moment, I realised that my mission in life isn’t just about getting everyone to wear a pink tutu (although that’s definitely a part of it!). It’s about making everyone believe they can sparkle, be themselves, and own their own magic!

It wasn’t just the children that embraced the Tutu Queen vibe. One woman came up to me, looking quite bewildered and clutching a handful of lavender fabric. She said, “You remind me of my grandmother! She loved pink tutus. She’d have been absolutely thrilled to see you today! And, she was always experimenting with new fabrics.” It was touching to hear how my drag persona had evoked so many fond memories. You see, dear readers, that’s the beauty of drag: it sparks memories, it opens hearts, it encourages joy. And in a world where everything seems a bit too serious, we all need a bit of that pink tutu magic!

Then there was the whole story behind that lavender fabric! Apparently, this woman’s grandmother used to create her own dresses. I mean, I adore fabric! Who doesn’t love the feel of silky satin, the whisper of chiffon, or the weight of velvet? We delved into a chat about the history of fabric dyeing and printing – you know, I always said my science degree would come in handy one day. Little did I know I’d be applying those textile testing skills in my drag act!

And of course, being in Rainham wouldn’t have been complete without indulging in some of the local delicacies. Rainham isn’t known for fancy gourmet food, darlings, but they certainly have some brilliant chip shops. And yes, that means fish and chips. Always a delight! The aroma of that batter wafting through the air? Delicious! You could even call it the ‘sweet, sweet smell of success.’

So, my dear darlings, my trip to Rainham was a smashing success! From the glamorous train journey, the joyous performances, to the heartfelt connections I made – it truly was a delightful day. Rainham, thank you for your warmth and your welcome! Now, I know what you’re all thinking, “Pink Tutu Sparkles, are you coming to our town next?”

Well, I have a confession to make: next stop… Derbyshire! Yes, back to my roots. But don't worry darlings, my travels continue! The Tutu Queen never stops! Follow my journey on www.pink-tutu.com – and make sure you come say hello if you spot me in your town!

Love, kisses, and glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨💕

#TutuQueen on 2021-09-30 stars in Rainham