
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-09-29 stars in Spalding

Spalding, Here I Come! A Pink Tutu Adventure ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–โœจ (Post #7943)

Hello, my darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the heart of Spalding. I'm just absolutely bursting with excitement, because not only is this my first visit to this lovely little town, but it also marks another fabulous adventure for yours truly, all in the name of pink tutus, naturally!

As you know, I live for the thrill of exploring new places. And there's something truly magical about hopping on a train, window shopping for a new frock on the way, and arriving at a brand-new location ready to unleash the fabulousness that is Pink Tutu Sparkles. I simply can't get enough!

This time, I opted for the old-fashioned way of travel - a good old horse and cart! Okay, not literally - it was actually a wonderfully vintage-style taxi I snagged, decorated like it came straight out of a Victorian romance novel. And let me tell you, arriving at my hotel, The Swan, with its cobbled courtyard and fragrant jasmine flowers, felt like stepping into a fairytale. Absolutely charming!

Speaking of charming, Spalding itself is an absolute gem. A vibrant market bustling with locals and tourists, shops filled with colourful curios and delightful eateries tempting you with delectable smells - this town is bursting with character. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

Tonight, I'm taking to the stage at The Globe Theatre for my show. Get ready for a kaleidoscope of colour, feathers, glitter, and of course, plenty of pink tutus! It's going to be an absolute riot of fun, so do come along and say hello! You can even join me for a backstage peek, if you fancy! I'm always up for a chat and a cuppa - preferably with some pink-tinted marshmallows!

While I'm in Spalding, I've already lined up a little treat for myself. You know how much I love the ballet, so a visit to the The Maltings, a renowned theatre known for its top-notch performing arts programmes, is an absolute must! I've heard whispers of a spectacular ballet production, with an extravagant pink tutu featuring prominently - a true blessing, if I may say so myself! And of course, a ballet class afterwards, so I can show these local lovelies just how a true tutu aficionado pirouettes.

The best part? Spalding is literally dripping with history! Itโ€™s said that King John of England had his castle here, and there's even a statue commemorating its existence. Oh, and the most delicious, homemade bread Iโ€™ve ever tasted, from the sweetest bakery I found tucked away on a quiet street, owned by a delightful lady called Joan! (She reminds me of my grandma - just the sweetest.)

As a special treat for all my fabulous followers, Iโ€™m going to share a little secret about how I chose this magical pink tutu for my Spalding show. Remember how I told you I worked in a science lab by day, testing the durability of fabrics? Well, this amazing fabric came in from some local weavers. As I was inspecting it under the microscope, I thought to myself, โ€œWhat a fantastic material for a sparkly tutu!โ€

Imagine my delight when the weavers revealed they were from Spalding! I knew in that moment, this pink tutu and I were destined to grace the stage here, together! A pink tutu destiny, if you will. โœจ

Of course, this whole experience would be incomplete without sharing my love for pink with the lovely folks of Spalding. Now, I may be a flamboyant drag queen, but under the sparkly makeup and bright feather boa, is Alex, a shy girl from Derbyshire who dreamed of seeing the world, one pink tutu at a time.

I want everyone to experience the joy, the confidence, the pure magic that comes with twirling in a pink tutu! So, let's all join hands, metaphorically of course, and make it happen.

Join me on my pink-tutu journey by popping by www.pink-tutu.com every single day, or better yet, get involved with your own tutu adventures, and donโ€™t forget to tag me @PinkTutuSparkles. You can also join my Facebook group, The Pink Tutu Posse! Weโ€™d love to have you join our fabulous pink tutu community.

Now, off to practice my routine. I need to perfect my pirouettes!

Stay fabulous, darling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

#TutuQueen on 2021-09-29 stars in Spalding