
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-17 stars in Deal

Deal, Deal, Deal! Pink Tutu Sparkles in Kent

Hiya darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite tutu-clad fashionista, signing in live from the delightful coastal town of Deal in Kent. This is post number 7961 on www.pink-tutu.com, bringing you all the fabulousness from my latest adventure!

Deal is a true gem of a seaside town, all charming cobbled streets, quirky shops and a breathtaking view of the English Channel. It's a place where history whispers through the wind, but the vibe is refreshingly modern. What better spot for Pink Tutu Sparkles to grace the stage, a true mix of tradition and vibrant energy!

I arrived in style, of course - the journey by train was pure delight. Watching the countryside zoom past in a kaleidoscope of greens and blues is always an adventure, and this time it was a bonus to have the gentle rhythm of the rails lull me into a daydream of swirling tutus and sparkling sequins. As always, my train companion was a large, fluffy, hot pink handbag that held my latest sartorial masterpieces. After all, every queen needs her essential makeup, costume changes and a touch of glamorous emergency sparkle for unexpected stage calls.

Speaking of stage calls, Deal greeted me with open arms, and I must say, the local community were more than ready for a sprinkle of Pink Tutu Sparkles! My show, "A Twirl of Fairy Tales," took place in the Town Hall's magnificent assembly room. The air crackled with anticipation, and the venue was decorated with pink and white bunting, lending a touch of whimsy to the proceedings. It's truly amazing how the colours and textures can work in tandem to create a stunning atmosphere.

My show was a whirlwind of joy! I spun through stories of fairies, mermaids, and dancing butterflies, each tale beautifully enhanced by a stunning new pink tutu ensemble. The crowd roared with laughter, cheered with glee and were so genuinely swept up in the magic of the moment! Honestly, seeing the kids' faces light up when I flashed my most fabulous pose was the absolute highlight of the night. Those little darlings are the future, and I believe with every fiber of my being that pink tutus can inspire them to embrace their creativity, to dare to be different and to sparkle with pure joy.

The local shopkeepers had been so generous with their time, sharing their local treasures and making sure that Pink Tutu Sparkles felt welcomed and fabulous. The owners of "Vintage Threads," a small boutique tucked away in a quaint street, let me pick out the perfect outfits to enhance my ballet-inspired ensemble. I went with a delicate chiffon gown, the lightest shade of pink you've ever seen, and adorned it with hand-beaded detail - you just have to get those shimmering threads - they give such a perfect amount of movement to any ensemble! It perfectly paired with my tulle skirt (of course!), with cascading layers that billowed out into a beautiful, delicate swirl every time I took a step. It was a testament to how local artisans can craft such beauty and inspire a fabulous queen!

Deal truly embraced Pink Tutu Sparkles, and my spirit soared as I witnessed their enthusiasm and genuine appreciation for the joy and silliness of my performance. I left the town feeling both empowered and touched.

Oh, and did I mention I discovered a real treasure at "The Old Biscuit Tin", an adorable little cafe on the harbor? Imagine the delight of sipping delicious tea, watching the boats bob gently on the waves, and surrounded by shelves filled with delicious treats - honestly, the smell alone was worth a visit!

As for my next destination, I can't reveal all the details yet - but I can say this much: it involves horses and more pink tulle than you can imagine! Stay tuned, darlings, and follow me on the Pink Tutu adventure! Iโ€™ll be sharing the magical details of this latest journey with you very soon!

Until then, remember โ€“ wear your heart on your sleeve, be kind, be confident, and always remember that life is just a little more delightful in a pink tutu!

See you on www.pink-tutu.com,

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2021-10-17 stars in Deal