
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-16 stars in Chichester

Chichester, Darling!

Helloooo darlings! Itā€™s your favourite tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with blog post number 7960, fresh from a magical trip to Chichester! Get your sparkly tea and your finest biscuits ready, because Iā€™ve got a fabulous adventure to tell you aboutā€¦

You see, I always thought Chichester was just a place that people from London go for a day trip. They'd have their lunch in the quaint little cafeĢ next to the cathedral, then go to the theatre in the evening. I donā€™t judgeā€¦but I mean, if youā€™ve been lucky enough to see Chichester, would you EVER leave? Honestly, itā€™s the kind of town that deserves more than a fleeting glance.

As you know, my journey to Chichester started with a train ride, of course! There's nothing quite like the thrill of speeding through the countryside, the world rushing by, a little glass of something sparkling in your hand... and a pink tutu, naturally. (I may have been the only one on board in pink feathers, but hey, it's my life!)

Chichesterā€™s station is rather charming. The stone architecture just exudes history and elegance, even though it's a lot newer than, say, London's Paddington. The staff, however, could learn a thing or two from a fellow in a pink tutuā€¦I practically had to pry them out from under a stack of train timetables to find out where the loo was! (Perhaps my shimmering gown distracted them).

Anyway, my little adventure started off with a ballet class. It was part of a fabulous, two-day workshop organised by the local dance academy, and oh, darlings, you havenā€™t lived until you've done pliĆ©s in a room full of excited little ballerinas! Honestly, I learnt as much as I taught! It reminded me of the sheer joy and dedication that go into danceā€¦something that shines through even in those first tentative pirouettes of tiny tots!

Now, I may love my glittery gowns and feathery fans, but there's a real beauty in those soft, simple leotards and the grace of a pure dance, don't you think? Maybe I should bring out my leotard tutu combo. Imagine the scene! Pink and powder-blue! Oh darling, the possibilitiesā€¦

But back to Chichester! My hotel, darling, was an absolute gem. Nestled on a little cobbled street in the heart of the town. Think stained glass windows, high ceilings with chandeliers that hung so low you could practically touch themā€¦ It reminded me of one of those romantic period dramas! And guess what? The bed had the most spectacular pink bedspread with embroidered rosesā€¦you can never be too over-the-top with your pink!

The next day, my dazzling dance wear got swapped for my most magnificent ball gown, and my tiara became my crown, because darling, I was going to see a ballet performance! And not just any balletā€¦no noā€¦ we are talking the glorious and prestigious (name of ballet)* performance at Chichester's historic theatre. And I mean historic - I was practically doing a little curtsey in the stalls, just thinking about all the famous performers who had walked those very boards.

The theatre itself, darling, was simply stunning. A beautiful Victorian masterpiece! Think ornate columns and swirling balconies and a chandelier that literally stole the show. Then, there was the performance... well, the words donā€™t do it justice!

Honestly, it was magical! Seeing dancers in their white tutus twirling on that beautiful stage made me feel like I was dancing too! The music, the emotions, the sheer artistry, everything about the evening just stole my breath away. Oh, darlings, I could have sat there for hours! And afterwards, it felt like the whole town was buzzing with excitement, and even the local chip shop owner seemed to have a little sparkle in his eye!

Before I knew it, darling, it was time to say goodbye to Chichester. So much beauty and sparkleā€¦ you know what? I think the city is a real life-style fairytale! There was something about it that was just enchanting! Maybe it was the quaint cobbled streets, maybe it was the grand old cathedral, maybe it was the friendly faces of the localsā€¦ or maybe, it was the pink tutu on my royal behind!

My journey back to my Derbyshire lair was a whirlwind of thoughts. As my train raced back across the countryside, I couldnā€™t help but feel a tiny bit envious of the local hens pecking at the grass on the outskirts of the towns I sped past, because they lived in this lovely place, every day. Perhaps they were destined for the roast dinner, but maybe they felt as though life in Chichester was a pretty special place to call home.

Darling, this little trip has really shown me that you can find joy, elegance, and a touch of magic anywhere, any time. All you have to do is embrace the sparkle within yourself, dress up in your finest (a pink tutu naturally!) and let the adventure begin. I hope Iā€™ve inspired you to dust off your sequins, and get out there! This world, and all of its towns and cities, is just waiting to be discovered by someone as fabulous as youā€¦

Until next time, darling, keep on shining! And don't forgetā€¦ the world needs more pink tutus!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Don't forget to check out my photos and videos of my amazing Chichester adventure over on my website, www.pink-tutu.com. You won't regret it! And if you're thinking about your next adventure, I highly recommend adding Chichester to your list!

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-16 stars in Chichester