Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-28 stars in Hanwell

Hanwell Calling! A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage ✨🩰

Hey loves! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you all the fabulous news from… Hanwell! 🎉 Can you believe it? Blog post #7972 and I'm still bringing you the sparkle, the glitz, the tutus! ✨ Today, we're talking trains, twirls, and a whole lot of pink. Buckle up, buttercups!

As you know, I'm a firm believer in travelling the world in style. That means tutus, trains, and the occasional ahem horse. Yes, horses! 🐎 Now, I know what you're thinking: How on earth do you travel by horse, darling? Well, my dearest, you haven't lived until you've ridden through the countryside in a flowing pink tutu. It's simply divine! Let's just say there's been a few... memorable moments with horses and my tutu, but you'll have to keep an eye out on the website for those stories, www.pink-tutu.com ! 👀

This time around, Hanwell called to me with its charming streets and bustling market. It's not every day you find a place that celebrates both tradition and sparkle, right? My mission? Well, obviously, to spread the pink tutu gospel, darling! You've all seen the t-shirts: "Pink tutus are for everyone." And I wouldn't have it any other way. A little bit of pink and a little bit of tulle – it's the perfect recipe for joy.

Hanwell: A Theatrical Dream

Now, I’ve always said there’s nothing quite like seeing a show. I’ve been to the West End a million times but my heart truly belongs to local theatre! You just feel a deeper connection when the show is put together by people in your own community! That's where Hanwell truly surprised me – it’s got a real theatre scene, with loads of talent just itching to share their sparkle! I found myself getting lost in a little theatre nestled on the side of a street called The Bridge House Theatre. Let’s just say this one tickled my fancy and I’m sure you’ll find me here again for the next show. 💖

Of course, no trip to Hanwell is complete without a visit to their vibrant markets! I love supporting local businesses and the chance to discover hidden gems. I got some amazing pink ribbon for my upcoming costume creations – the color is just perfect – the perfect blush of a ballerina’s tutu under the soft stage lighting. 🩰 Honestly, it’s like my dream store. My shopping bag went boom with everything from local honey and delicious chutneys (because this Queen loves a good snack!) to hand-painted porcelain birds for my new dressing room decor. It's the perfect place to find a little piece of sparkle for your home. 🐦

Ballet on a Tuesday!

It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog if I didn't talk about my favourite activity - ballet! I know, you're probably thinking, "Alex, the lab-dwelling scientist by day, the Pink Tutu Queen by night?" You see, the thing about science is, it can be incredibly creative. It takes lots of meticulous detail and experimenting – the same way you need when you’re working on a dance routine, a costume, or putting on your face. I actually became obsessed with the world of pink tutus while I was studying. I was a part of the uni ballet club and I was trying on tutus to raise money for a charity… and the rest is history. I couldn’t stop! And my journey as Pink Tutu Sparkles truly started right there in a dance studio with the love of ballet, glitz, and of course… a lot of pink! 💅

So, you won’t believe what happened! The other day, a sweet old lady spotted my pink tutu, said how wonderful it looked, and I just had to ask – is there a local ballet class I can pop in on? This woman had a lovely smile that practically sparkled! She led me to this charming, hidden studio – the perfect spot for a bit of twirling. 💃 Who knows, maybe Hanwell has found a new ballerina in me! ✨

Final Thoughts

Hanwell is the place to be for pink-loving princesses and tutu-wearing queens! You never know what magic you might stumble upon in this place - a vibrant market, a delightful theatre, or even a new love of ballet! ✨ Don’t be shy, embrace the colour pink, the sparkle, the joy of being yourself and, oh darling, you can’t go wrong with a little pink tulle! 🌸 I know, you've all been dreaming about wearing a pink tutu. Go on – what’re you waiting for?! I’ll be back with more of my glamorous escapades. Keep those pink tutu dreams alive, darlings!

Until next time,
Your Queen of Pink, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💕

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-28 stars in Hanwell