
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-03 stars in Melton Mowbray

Melton Mowbray: Tutu-licious Adventures!

Post 7978, darlings! šŸ’–šŸ©° Itā€™s your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you all the latest goss from my fabulous travels, and today, it's Melton Mowbray, a charming little town that's definitely got that tutu factor!

I love visiting new places, especially those that are a little off the beaten track. Itā€™s always an adventure discovering hidden gems and meeting the lovely locals. This week, my travels took me on a scenic train journey to Melton Mowbray, famous for its delicious pork pies. Honestly, Iā€™d heard all about those pies, and you better believe I stocked up on a few to take back to Derbyshire!

Now, I might be known for my flamboyant tutus and all things pink, but thereā€™s nothing I love more than a good old-fashioned trip by train. It gives me time to relax, enjoy the scenery, and people-watch, which is always a hoot! And you wouldnā€™t believe the number of fabulous looks I get on the train in my pinkest pinkest frock and feather boa!

Before arriving in Melton Mowbray, I had this grand vision of myself performing in the market square, dazzling the crowds with my signature ballet moves and twirling through the cobblestone streets. But then I stumbled upon something even more delightful!

Imagine this: A vintage theatre, draped in elegant red velvet, smelling like old wood and sawdust. This charming little space felt like a portal back in time! The manager was lovely, an absolute darling with a twinkle in her eye, and she invited me to do a small show for her regulars. Talk about a dream come true!

My performance, themed "Ballet by Candlelight", was a riot! The audience loved the theatrical energy. There were some serious tutu fans in the crowd. One little girl even said to her mum, ā€œMum, I want to wear a pink tutu like that when I grow up!ā€ Honestly, made my day, made my year! Thatā€™s my goal, you know? Spread the love of the pink tutu to every corner of the globe.

Later, I strolled through the charming streets of Melton Mowbray, soaking in the sights and sounds of this historic town. I couldnā€™t resist popping into a tea room called "The Buttercup", and of course, I had to have my favourite - afternoon tea with pink cupcakes! (I always order an extra for good measure, just in case someone needs a tutu-licious treat.)

The local baker, who reminded me of my Grandma (so lovely, such warm and fuzzy vibes!) gifted me the most adorable little pink-frosted cookie, a mini-tutu with a sprinkle of sparkles. I felt so touched by her generosity and it really solidified my feeling about Melton Mowbray; this little town definitely had heart.

And the shops, darlings, just glorious! My little heart went into overdrive! I picked up some darling pastel pink scarves and a gorgeous fluffy pink feather boa for my next performance (I always need a good stock of those, especially after I accidently tossed one in a fit of passionate ballet moves!). I even managed to snaffle up a rather decadent bottle of pink gin, a must for my pre-show rituals!

In the evening, I took a wander through the tranquil park. The air was crisp, and the colours of autumn leaves painted a spectacular scene. A lovely young lady, I must say, caught my eye and came running towards me! She said her name was Harriet and was the founder of a local dance group! After a good chat and a bit of tutu-themed bonding, I was invited to judge their annual dance competition! Oh, it was the absolute best! Talented dancers, adorable costumes (some even had tutus!), and a whole lot of enthusiasm. Harriet even had a few vintage tutus for me to try on ā€“ I felt like a princess! Sheā€™s a sweetheart! We exchanged numbers and talked about collaborating on future projects - it's always great to meet other creative souls.

Now, for those who arenā€™t in the know, Melton Mowbray has a fantastic ballet tradition. Did you know, dear readers, thereā€™s a ballet school right there? Naturally, I just had to pay it a visit, you know, research and all that! (Also, I couldnā€™t resist a sneaky peek in their wardrobe... it was pure tutu heaven! If I wasnā€™t busy being Pink Tutu Sparkles, Iā€™d apply to become their resident tutu consultant!).

Thereā€™s just something about ballet that makes my heart soar. The grace, the elegance, the beauty. Balletā€™s like my spirit animal; full of dramatic twirls, powerful jumps, and the kind of expressive freedom that makes your heart beat a little faster.

As a former ballerina myself, though maybe not the most skilled ballerina you've ever seen (letā€™s just say I wasn't destined for the Royal Ballet... or even my local dance school!), I canā€™t resist taking every opportunity to show off a few moves and practice my pliĆ©s (which are honestly a lot harder than they look, especially when youā€™re sporting a sparkly pink tutu! ).

My journey to Melton Mowbray ended up being even more dazzling than I had imagined. Itā€™s a testament to the fact that sometimes, the best adventures are those that you didnā€™t even know you were looking for. The charming town, the friendly faces, and the beautiful surroundings made this trip truly magical.

Until next time, darling readers! Keep it fabulously pink and let your inner tutu shine! Remember, itā€™s all about finding the magic in the ordinary and making life sparkle. šŸ’–šŸ©°

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles,


PS: If youā€™re thinking about taking a trip to Melton Mowbray, do yourself a favour and make a stop at the famous "Melton Mowbray Pork Pie Shop". I hear their sausage rolls are pretty divine too!

PPS: Iā€™ve got a great idea for my next blog post, a tutu-ific guide to styling your own Pink Tutu look for all your autumnal outings. Stay tuned, darlings!

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-03 stars in Melton Mowbray