Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-11 stars in Consett

Consett: A Tutu-tastic Trip! 💖🩰

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Queen, back for another thrilling instalment of Tutu Travels! This time, we're off to Consett, a charming little town nestled in the heart of County Durham. This blog post is number 7986, and you can find all my adventures over on www.pink-tutu.com!

The train journey up from Derbyshire was positively delightful, with views of rolling green hills and cosy little villages flashing by. And speaking of views, I knew Consett would be a visual treat. This lovely town is famous for its industrial heritage, which translates to stunning architecture, with red-brick buildings standing tall against the backdrop of the dramatic Pennine hills.

My mission, as always, was to inject a dash of pink tutu fabulousness into this historic setting. As a fellow drag performer once told me, "Pink is never too much, especially in a tutu!"

Consett, it seems, is a place that welcomes all sorts of fabulousness. I had been booked to perform at the Consett Miners' Social Club, a grand old building with a rich history. It was absolutely packed with lovely, warm people eager for a night of entertainment. And oh, what an audience it was! From the moment I sashayed on stage in my custom-designed pink tutu (sparkling with hundreds of hand-sewn beads, darling!), I was met with a thunderous round of applause. The whole place was aglow with good energy, and the music, oh, the music! They were playing all my favourites! It felt as though the entire town was embracing a touch of magic.

But before I could step onto that stage, my day was filled with the kind of enchanting experiences that make me fall head-over-heels for this job. My morning was a whirlwind of tutus and teacups! I popped into "The Pink Tutu Boutique", a little gem hidden in a cobblestone lane, filled to the brim with the most exquisite ballet wear. They had everything from tiny tutus perfect for a ballerina in training to stunning, theatrical gowns for grand ballerinas. You'd think it was a costume shop for princesses! It was, dare I say it, the most fabulous tutu boutique this side of the Thames. And to make things even more delightful, the owner, Mrs. Featherstone, treated me to a proper English afternoon tea. We gossiped about the latest fashion trends and she regaled me with stories about the ballet world. She told me her grandmother used to work at Sadler's Wells, imagine that!

Next, it was on to the Consett Empire Theatre. Oh, this majestic old theatre is a masterpiece, built with exquisite detail and lovingly preserved. I walked on stage, the spotlights hitting my tutu perfectly, and the red velvet seats stretching out like a crimson sea in front of me, and it just took my breath away! It was impossible not to feel the history pulsating through the theatre walls. The resident ballet company was rehearsing Swan Lake, and you could literally feel the passion radiating off of the stage! I snuck backstage for a peek at their costumes (can you guess the colour?!) And let me tell you, they were divine!

Even though I’m a science whiz during the day, my true passion, the one that really sets my soul on fire, is the artistry of performance! That’s what makes life worth living! Seeing these beautiful dancers glide across the stage and feel that thrill of live entertainment. There's truly no experience like it. It reminds me why I wear a tutu! I am a drag artist, a performer, and a woman who dares to sparkle. And my goal, my life’s ambition, my calling, is to get every single one of you out there wearing a pink tutu! That's what inspires me - spreading the love of pink, of sparkles, and of course, the magic of a tutu!

Now, I have to confess something. After such a tutu-rific day, I just had to treat myself. I headed to the Consett Market and fell in love with the local crafts. The talent there was off the charts. You can buy anything, literally anything in that market, even handmade tutu-themed keyrings, darling! They even had vintage records, one of them was a beautiful old vinyl record of "Swan Lake". You can never have enough music!

Speaking of records, the night ended in a real highlight: The "Pink Tutu Night" at The Royal Consett. It was a night to remember! I played all the most glamorous tunes, had a proper boogie on stage (my glitter fell all over the dancefloor!) and everyone seemed to be having a blast.

One lady even came up to me, tears in her eyes, and told me I reminded her of her late grandmother. She said her grandma used to take her to the theatre when she was a little girl, dressed up in a pink tutu and everything!

Oh darling, you can't imagine the lump in my throat when I heard that story! The pink tutu, you see, it's not just about fashion or performance, it's about bringing people together, connecting them, reminding them of special memories, and most importantly, letting them shine. That's why I do what I do. To spread the love of pink, of sequins, and of the magic that only a tutu can bring.

And now, dear readers, I bid you adieu. Until next time, keep the pink sparkling! Remember, the world is a better place when everyone’s wearing a pink tutu! 💖🩰

Oh, before I forget, if you’d like to join me on this journey of tutus, be sure to check out my socials and give me a follow! I’d love to have you on my tutu journey, darlings.

Love always,

Your Pink Tutu Queen.

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-11 stars in Consett