Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-16 stars in Longbridge

Longbridge: A Whirlwind of Tutu-tastic Fun!

Post number 7991

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to spill the glitter tea on my latest adventure. It’s me, your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, reporting live from the fabulous, fabulous, Longbridge! This journey is a bit special, you see, it’s all about combining my love for twirling with a touch of equestrian enchantment, because, well, why not?

This post marks another delightful step in my mission to bring the joy of pink tutus to every corner of the world. And wouldn’t you know it, Longbridge was practically calling my name! After a rather delicious afternoon spent indulging in my absolute favourite - a spot of high-tea with lashings of strawberry jam - I knew a trip to Longbridge was exactly what I needed.

Now, I’ll be honest, I didn't initially know much about Longbridge, but I discovered it's nestled in a truly beautiful corner of the country. I felt that iconic twinge of excitement that tells me "Pink Tutu Sparkles, you need to explore!" So, what better way to travel than on a classic steam train? Imagine, ladies, the puffing and the chugging, all with a window seat overlooking the green rolling countryside - just perfect for daydreaming about my next big performance.

Of course, no trip is complete without a touch of sparkly flair. Before heading off on my Longbridge escapade, I made a special stop at my favourite boutique in Nottingham, "Frock It!". I am just obsessed with their selection of shimmering sequins and delicate lace, so I had to find the perfect outfit. Now, when it comes to my outfits, pink is my signature hue, darling. You can't catch me in anything else! This time, I fell for a gloriously vibrant fuchsia satin top, a skirt of the finest gossamer, and, naturally, a voluminous pink tutu, its layers floating like the fluffiest clouds!

Arriving in Longbridge, it felt as if I'd stepped straight out of a ballet production. Everywhere I looked, it felt both grand and a touch rustic at the same time. This town definitely has its own charm, just like I do, dear readers. The atmosphere, oh the atmosphere, simply tingled with the magic of storybooks and enchanted dreams! And guess what? A gorgeous, sleek black carriage awaited my arrival! How could I say no to an opportunity to ride in a real, live horse-drawn carriage? It was like stepping into one of my own glittering dreams!

Longbridge itself was bursting with delightful places to explore! There were quaint antique shops tucked away like secrets, charming tea rooms whispering stories over delicate china cups, and a theatre so majestic it stole my breath away! This theatre was so glamorous it was just begging to be graced by a fabulous drag performance! Let me tell you, my heart started to race. Could I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, be bringing my pink-hued, glittery joy to this very stage? Why not!

The theatre's name, "The Longbridge Lyceum", conjured images of shimmering gowns, dazzling performances, and of course, pink tutus swirling like a sweet dream. And speaking of tutus, imagine my delight when I stumbled upon the most incredible ballet academy hidden away in a charming cobblestone alley! I swear, my heart leapt as I watched a group of graceful dancers pirouette, each graceful twirl a whispered invitation to join them. And what did Pink Tutu Sparkles do, darling? Why, she joined in, naturally! We spun and leaped, a rainbow of colour against the pale pink of the ballet studio. These young ballet dancers were a sight for sore eyes and an inspiration to me. Their talent reminded me why I love the theatre and dance so much!

Longbridge has stolen my heart. The quaint charm, the rustic beauty, the whispers of enchanting history - I can’t wait to explore it further. Perhaps we will even witness the Longbridge Lyceum ablaze with the glorious hues of a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance one day! And I know what you're thinking: "But Alex, you are a scientist, right? How can you manage to be Pink Tutu Sparkles, the fabulous, tutu-wearing queen?"

You are right to be curious. You see, during the day, Alex, your friendly scientist, toiling away in the lab. I am fascinated by the beauty of materials and textures, and who knew it would lead me to be a drag queen? But in the evening, well, that's when Pink Tutu Sparkles comes alive! It is a magical transformation! It's more than just a passion, it's an escape, a chance to express the joy and glitter hidden deep inside my heart.

It all started when I joined the university ballet club. They had this charity event and needed someone to wear a tutu, and darling, I instantly felt that sparkly something, a magical spark! Now I am a scientist testing fabrics, but at night, the lights dim, and I'm transported into another world – the vibrant world of drag.

Oh, my dears, I must confess, a big part of my mission is to encourage everyone to embrace the joy of a pink tutu! After all, life's too short to be anything but flamboyant, darling. And it's a philosophy I hope to share with the world, one twirl and glittery smile at a time. So next time you're feeling a bit down, think pink, darling! You never know where a dash of sparkle might lead!

Now, as my Longbridge adventure draws to a close, I bid you a heartfelt adieu! And remember, darlings, embrace your inner sparkle. Keep shining! Don’t forget to join me on my next adventure at www.pink-tutu.com And remember, Pink Tutu Sparkles is here to bring the sparkle, one pink tutu at a time. Until next time, stay fabulous, darling!

Love and twirls,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-16 stars in Longbridge