Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-17 stars in Bloxwich

Bloxwich! Pink Tutu Sparkles' Number 7992 Post

Hiya darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to dazzle you with all the fabulous details of my latest trip to the heart of the West Midlands, Bloxwich! This little adventure marks post number 7992 on my blog, www.pink-tutu.com – can you believe it? I've been sharing my pink-tutu-licious life with you all for so long now, and each day, it feels like we're making a little bit more magic together.

This time, I traded my usual trusty train for a rather lovely horse-drawn carriage – what a dream! Bloxwich's charming cobbled streets just begged for a touch of pink tutu elegance. The local stable owners were thrilled to hear I was coming – they told me, "Pink Tutu, you’re bringing such a sparkle to our village!". It seems my pink tutus have even infiltrated the horse-drawn carriage scene!

After settling into my boutique hotel – complete with a sparkly pink bathtub, naturally! - I had to take a little stroll to check out Bloxwich’s shopping scene. You know I can't resist a good bargain, and let me tell you, Bloxwich doesn't disappoint! I snagged a gorgeous new sequined top at a vintage shop on the high street – perfect for pairing with my latest fluffy pink tutu. I absolutely LOVE pink, especially when it’s teamed with shimmery things. It's a guaranteed mood-booster!

Speaking of mood boosters, the next day was all about Bloxwich’s spectacular ballet class! It was tucked away in a delightful old town hall, full of history and character. The students were just delightful, a real mix of ages and abilities, and I loved the way their eyes lit up as they spotted my sparkly pink tutu. Of course, I joined in! I don’t just love ballet; I’ve taken classes since I was a child, even in my university days. I tried on a tutu then to raise money for a local ballet school – I think they sold over 50! – and, from that moment on, I was hooked.

But enough about my love for ballet, because Bloxwich has SO much to offer! The next night was a full-on extravaganza at The Town Hall Theatre. They had this amazing production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” – but with a truly magical twist! You wouldn't believe how many sparkling tutus adorned those playful fairies. They looked divine – like pink, fluttering dream-sprites, and I almost wished I could be a part of their whimsical world!

After the show, I ventured out for some late-night delights. Bloxwich surprised me with its eclectic range of restaurants – there were posh burger joints, spicy Thai spots, and even a fabulous vegan cafe, complete with the most delightful pink velvet booths.

Oh, and the cocktails were just… divine! Imagine my delight when I discovered a cocktail bar that even served pink martinis, complete with edible sparkles! I mean, come on, it’s all in the details, darlings!

Of course, the heart of any Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure is the chance to bring joy to everyone. This time, I couldn't resist heading to the local primary school and performing a quick pink tutu-tastic dance routine for their lunchtime break! These kids had a blast!

Oh, did I mention the fantastic music festival that Bloxwich had in the park? There were bands from all genres, everyone dancing along to the tunes and a real air of happy community! You bet your sweet tutu I got up there and showed them what a true Pink Tutu Sparkles dance party is all about!

And as the sun began its descent over Bloxwich, it felt like the entire town was caught in a little pink tutu bubble of joy and happiness. It’s incredible how a single bit of pink fluff can make such a difference to everyone, even bringing together a town.

As my horse-drawn carriage carried me back to my hotel, my mind was filled with the delightful echoes of laughter, applause, and of course, those beautiful, glittery pink tutus that seemed to make the world a little bit more magical.

Stay sparkly, and don't forget to subscribe to my blog at www.pink-tutu.com – your daily dose of pink tutu-licious inspiration. And, of course, never be afraid to wear pink and unleash your inner fabulous! Until next time, darlings, and remember… wear pink!

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-17 stars in Bloxwich