Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-21 stars in Hindley

Hindley: Tutu-tastic Travels, Blog Post #7996

Oh darling, darlings, gather 'round! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again with another fabulous travel diary, bursting with pink, sequins, and an absolute deluge of tutus! This time, we're venturing into the charming town of Hindley, a place I can only describe as a veritable wonderland for any true tutu aficionado like myself.

Before we dive into the glitter and glam, let me just say, it's been a whirlwind journey. This whole 'Pink Tutu Sparkles' venture is my passion, and I'm lucky to say it's starting to take off! So how did a Derbyshire girl get into all this pink fabulousness, you ask?

Well, let's rewind a bit. Alex, that's me before the sparkly makeover, spent many happy years glued to a microscope, chasing a science degree. And you know, the life of a scientist, it can be a bit...dull. So, what does a scientific-minded, pink-loving lass like myself do to liven things up? Join the university ballet club, obviously! That's where the tutus first called to me. I actually got involved with a charity event where we all got to dress up in tutus – and darling, the moment I put it on, it was like a little pink cloud of fabulousness enveloped me!

That little moment transformed my life, I'm not going to lie. I started exploring all kinds of amazing performances – from classic ballets to contemporary street performances and even some dazzling theatre productions. And that love affair with tutus just bloomed and bloomed! Soon, it felt like the natural progression was to share the magic of tutus with everyone – and that's how Pink Tutu Sparkles came about!

But back to Hindley. How do I describe this glorious place? Imagine cobblestone streets, quaint little cafes, and a warmth that would melt your heart, all washed with a bright, pink light. No, that isn't my imagination running wild, that's literally what happened. Hindley was decked out for the local harvest festival, with streamers and bunting galore, and of course, my favourite colour was absolutely dominating the whole town! The very first thing I saw was a giant inflatable pink pig, which had a tutu strategically placed over its… let’s call it a “rear end”... It just screamed: “Get your tutu on and embrace the sparkle, darling!”

Being the queen of dramatic entrances, I couldn't resist making my arrival into Hindley by horseback, well, a horse-drawn carriage to be exact! This glorious carriage was all decked out in a pink satin ribbon and topped with a feather plume of shocking pink – a beautiful introduction to a day filled with the best kind of "Tutu Magic.”

Hindley proved to be a true testament to the saying "beauty is in the details" because oh my, those details were so pink-tastic. Everywhere I turned, there were little hints of tutus – a little girl twirling in her homemade creation, a bakery with pink-iced cakes shaped like ballet slippers, even a local artisan shop had handcrafted ornaments fashioned as tiny tutus. You could tell that this little town, in its quiet, gentle way, had embraced the joy of a bit of tutu-licious flair!

And of course, it wouldn’t be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles travel blog without a bit of a performance, wouldn’t it? I managed to book myself a slot at the local pub, a delightful little tavern that served the best shepherd's pie I've ever tasted (and a generous dollop of pink custard on the side – naturally!).

Now, performing in a pub might sound a bit unusual, but you know what? They were completely up for it! In fact, when I announced that my set was going to be about the joys of embracing your inner pink tutu, the place erupted into cheers. This crowd was ready to get tutu-licious! I even managed to convince the bar staff to join in, wearing pink feathered boas around their shoulders - you can’t go wrong with a little boa!

We started off with a song, a sassy, fun number I’ve written called “Life’s a Dance Floor, So Wear a Tutu!”, and the audience sang along with gusto. Then, we took things up a notch with a spontaneous “tutu-off” – a silly, improvised dance competition where anyone in the pub could join. My goodness, there were some incredible moves! It turns out the pub was home to a hidden troupe of tutu enthusiasts who unleashed a series of fabulous poses and pirouettes – it was a beautiful ballet-themed blur of twirls and sparkly smiles.

By the end of the evening, Hindley had turned into the most sparkly, pink-loving town in the world. I think I've done a good job, even if I do say so myself. Of course, I didn't leave empty-handed. I came back home laden with local crafts, pink pastries, and an enormous bouquet of flowers - a collection of my favourite shades, naturally!

Hindley was simply magical. It reminded me, more than anything, that joy and pink-filled, tutu-tastic fun are found in every corner of the world, especially in places that are willing to embrace the joy of a little bit of sparkle!

If you’re ever in need of a tutu-tastic adventure, dear readers, take my advice and make your way to Hindley. I guarantee you'll fall in love with this lovely town, just as I did!

Now, remember – be bold, be bright, and never, ever be afraid to wear a tutu!

Love and pink kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

*P.S. * For all the lovely readers who want to see my little pink adventure unfold, don’t forget to head on over to www.pink-tutu.com – that's where I upload all my daily ramblings. Be sure to follow my tutu journey as I set out on a quest to spread the sparkle across the entire world, one fabulous tutu at a time!

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-21 stars in Hindley