Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-12-16 stars in Aberdeen

Aberdeen: Pink Tutu Adventures, Blog Post #8021!

Hello darlings! It’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away on another dazzling adventure! Today’s post is extra special, because I’m finally in Aberdeen!

This beautiful Scottish city has been calling my name for ages, and I’m thrilled to finally be here. Aberdeen is renowned for its stunning architecture, its vibrant art scene, and… you guessed it… its love of pink tutus! (Okay, maybe that last one is a little bit of an exaggeration, but a girl can dream, can’t she?)

I’ve always loved travelling, especially by train, so this trip has been pure bliss. As soon as I stepped off the train at Aberdeen station, I was greeted by a blast of cool, crisp air. I could feel the salty tang of the sea in the air, a perfect compliment to my pink tutu and its ruffled hem!

My first stop in Aberdeen was a little shop called “Pink Fizz,” aptly named after my favourite drink! (Don’t tell my Mum, but I might have had a cheeky Prosecco in the morning, just to get the party started.) It’s a charming boutique with all sorts of pink delights, from glittery earrings to feather boas to – you guessed it – a dazzling array of tutus!

Now, I’ve got to be honest, my bank account may have suffered a bit from my shopping spree at “Pink Fizz”, but I found some absolute gems, perfect for my performance tonight at “The Speakeasy,” a local bar known for its fabulous drag nights. The manager, a darling man called Alistair, told me that the Aberdeen crowd is always up for a bit of pink tutu-tastic entertainment, and I couldn't wait to show them what I've got!

As evening approached, I felt a buzz in the air. It was the kind of excitement you only get when you know a great night is ahead. And it did not disappoint. “The Speakeasy” was buzzing with energy, the stage was decked out with feather boas and glittering baubles, and I was feeling all sorts of sassy! I decided on a dramatic look: a swirling pink tutu, a silver sequin top, and sparkly pink heels that made my feet practically sing. The crowd loved my performance! Everyone was up dancing and cheering, and there was so much positive energy in the room. I could have danced all night, and if it weren't for my scientific duties in the morning, I probably would have!

Speaking of my scientific duties, a bit about my “day job”, because I’m sure many of you are curious about how a Pink Tutu Sparkles can be both a drag queen and a scientist! (It's not that hard to believe! Even science can be fabulous, with its test tubes full of glitter and colour! Well, at least my science lab feels like it sometimes). By day, I work in a fabric testing laboratory, meticulously studying the tensile strength of materials, analyzing their chemical compositions. A rather far cry from dancing in a tutu, you might say!

But really, it’s all connected. It's about exploring different dimensions of expression, creativity, and how we can elevate the world around us with a sprinkle of sparkle. In a way, it’s a perfect marriage of science and art. Just like my trusty Pink Tutu Sparkles makeup bag, containing not just shimmering eyeshadow and bold lipsticks, but also my handy laboratory gloves and a microscope.

This weekend, I'll be attending a performance by the Aberdeen Ballet. I am obsessed with ballet and seeing these dancers gracefully pirouette on stage makes my heart soar! To see the grace and power that they display on stage inspires me so much, and makes me long to practice in my own little ballet class! (Yes, even with the scientific and drag duties, I still squeeze in a ballet class every week. Never underestimate the strength and stamina that a tutu can bring to your life, darlings!)

This trip to Aberdeen is just another little chapter in my Pink Tutu Sparkles adventures! My aim, you see, is to make everyone in the world, everywhere, embrace their inner Pink Tutu Queen. Every single day is an adventure for me, filled with a little bit of sparkle, a lot of joy, and just the right amount of glitter.

So stay tuned for more dazzling adventures on pink-tutu.com, and follow me on social media to see what fabulous pink tutu escapades I get up to next! And remember, darlings, no matter what you do, just always remember to shine!

#TutuQueen on 2021-12-16 stars in Aberdeen