Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-12-17 stars in Croydon

Croydon Calling! 💖 #TutuQueen - Post #8022

Hello gorgeous darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with another fabulous adventure for you! Get ready to sprinkle some pink magic into your day, as we jet off to the bustling Croydon for a spectacular journey!

Croydon! The very name conjures images of bustling markets, historical buildings, and vibrant energy. A true melting pot of creativity, just the kind of place that a Pink Tutu Sparkles feels right at home! It’s also a city close to my heart. It was on the outskirts of Croydon that I had my first real ‘pinch-me-I’m-dreaming’ experience. That glorious day I found a beautiful, delicate pink tutu hidden in the back of a vintage clothes shop in an unlikely spot – an industrial estate behind a factory making fabric that will someday be transformed into tutus! I can’t tell you the thrill I felt when I tried it on – and to make things even more surreal, the factory made the very fabric I was testing in the lab that very day!

That experience brought a new kind of spark to my life – I became Pink Tutu Sparkles! Now I strut the stage and spread the joy of the tutu world! Croydon was where my real journey to tutu stardom began.

I'm off to spread the magic of tutus across this exciting city. It was only fitting that my grand arrival was, of course, on the horse-drawn tram! I looked absolutely resplendent in my sparkly, two-tier pink tulle creation – a real crowd-stopper. The children giggled with delight, the older folks smiled warmly, and the teenagers looked intrigued. Pink tutus really do have a way of connecting people, don't they?

As I trundled past, my ears picked up the sound of familiar music – “Swan Lake” by Tchaikovsky! It seemed to emanate from the Grand Palace Theatre, a breathtakingly grand building with its majestic façade and elaborate decorations. This had to be my first stop, didn't it? I had to share my tutu passion with this haven of classical art!

Walking through those imposing doors felt like stepping into a storybook – the warm, golden glow of the theatre, the rich velvet seats, the anticipation hanging in the air… this is where the magic truly happens. And in a perfect example of serendipity, my sparkly pink arrival was greeted with excited applause! They had been waiting for a TutuQueen, it seemed.

A little birdie, my dear friend and the resident gossip queen in this little part of the city, told me the ballet season had just begun and they were welcoming dancers and audiences of all ages. “It’s all about fun and creative expression,” she whispered in a low tone, “Just like you.” Oh, what a treasure, my feathered friend is!

The dancers in the studio seemed eager to share their passion, their eyes sparkling as they described their dedication. I've always said – the dance studio, whether it’s a theatre stage or a tiny village hall, is a place where creativity, passion, and the pure joy of movement all come together in one spectacular performance.

We spent the afternoon discussing the latest trends – contemporary, classical, and a dash of sassy contemporary – there are so many ways to express yourself through ballet.

For someone like me, with a strong belief that a good ballet costume should be made for spinning and twirling, the ballet class was a must. The graceful movements, the coordinated steps, and the energy that emanated from each dancer was pure inspiration. I tried to twirl alongside them, of course, in my beautiful tutu!

That’s when my very dear friend the gossip queen introduced me to their new costume designer – someone who believed wholeheartedly in the magic of tutus! We were so caught up in our chat – the importance of perfect layers, tulle designs, and sparkles that only tutus can create! My goodness, you would be absolutely mesmerized if you were to witness this creative energy!

It seemed there were other artists around too, with ideas for theatre design – and it was as though I’d stepped right into my own little haven. All those who worked at this grand theatre truly understood that the true essence of ballet lay not just in grace, but in the vibrant energy and joyous passion for dance, and yes – that all comes down to those tulle, feathery, sparkly pieces we call tutus.

As the evening descended upon the theatre, I knew it was time to say my farewells. But before I left, I wanted to leave a little sparkle behind. What could be more wonderful than to encourage some new artists to find their creative confidence? It felt magical to present them with a tutu that would make any ballet fan’s heart sing!

Oh, I must tell you, darling, the look on their faces! Their eyes lit up as they held the pink creation! Just seeing them experience that joy was enough for me. It's that spark of discovery – a beautiful moment of pure, joyous excitement. You could see a change in their walk as they glided across the stage, that tutu empowering them to be bold, fearless, and to embrace the creative flow that only ballet can create.

They thanked me profoundly for the gift – saying it would add an extra touch of enchantment to their performances, and it made me smile with pride – another tutu to encourage the world’s creativity!

Later, as I found myself back on the horse-drawn tram, I felt the most delicious mix of happiness and exhaustion. The excitement of Croydon and the theatre had been a whirlwind. The pink tutu energy is a beautiful thing, spreading throughout the town, and inspiring artists with every twinkle. It’s this incredible, powerful sensation that makes me feel that anything is possible – I believe we all have that Pink Tutu Sparkles within us, waiting to be unleashed.

And dear darling, do remember this – the most beautiful tutus are the ones we wear with joy, courage and an adventurous spirit.

Until next time, let your pink tutu dreams take flight,

💖 Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖


#TutuQueen on 2021-12-17 stars in Croydon