Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-12-24 stars in Harrow

Harrow: Sparkle, Whirl and Twirl, darling! 🩰💖

Hey darlings, it’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to regale you with another exciting travel tale from this pink-loving, tutu-obsessed diva! This is blog post number 8029, folks! You know where to find the rest: www.pink-tutu.com, keeping it fresh and sparkly daily!

Harrow, what can I say? You've been a blast! It felt like a little ballet haven, with a charming, whimsical air. So, hop aboard this magical journey with your favourite tutu-tastic queen, and let's dive into this whirlwind of tutus, sparkles, and everything in between!

Now, Harrow was an absolute dream for this pink-obsessed queen. I was just mesmerised by all the gorgeous pink blooms - imagine a million, shimmering pink roses just waiting to be spun into a gorgeous tutu! I could have easily spent all day wandering through those parks, but alas, darling, there was a show to put on!

This little gem of a town felt like the perfect setting for a Tutu Queen adventure, and you all know how much I adore exploring the world in my pink paradise! My journey began in the heart of Derbyshire. After my lab coat was packed away for the evening, I hitched a ride with my trusty steed - yes, you guessed it - a fabulous little horse named Twinkle. A perfect pink tutu-tastic combo if ever I did see one!

It's a bit of a trip on a horse to Harrow, mind you, but the wind in my hair and the feeling of freedom…priceless, darling! And, for this queen, a little travel time just meant a little more time to contemplate what sort of sparkly wonders I’d wear! It’s all about balance, honey, work hard, play harder, even if playing is a gallop across fields in a full-length, shimmering pink tulle creation. 😉

I decided on a pink ombre tutu this time – imagine shades of soft baby pink gradually turning into a glorious fuchsia, all finished off with shimmering silver stars and a flowing, satin pink cape that swirled like a magical dream. I must have caused a traffic jam in Derbyshire on the way to the train station, with all the car horns honking in appreciation! 😂

Speaking of trains, the journey to Harrow was just the kind of quiet reflection I needed. Tucked into a plush carriage seat with a little pot of pink tea and a delectable scone from my local Derbyshire bakery, I felt like a modern-day fairytale heroine on her way to conquer a new castle! It’s the simple pleasures, darlings, and it’s important to remember them, even amidst a life packed full of glamour, glitter and pink!

Harrow was absolutely brimming with possibilities, and it was a total blast, getting to soak up all the local sights. I was even lucky enough to stumble upon a ballet school – a ballet queen's dream! Imagine the delicate pirouettes and graceful leaps against a backdrop of breathtaking scenery! So of course, darling, I simply had to pop in for a class.

Let me tell you, even after years of prancing around on stage, I felt like a total beginner! My balance? Shocking! And those pointe shoes? More a hindrance than a help! Luckily, I had my favourite sparkly tiara tucked in my bag (never leave home without one!) and it worked wonders. Confidence is key, after all!

In true Tutu Queen style, I had to show Harrow what this pink queen was made of! You know, sharing the joy and magic of tutus with everyone! I hosted a fabulous performance in the town square, and darling, the locals just loved it! They were singing and dancing along – even the mayor tried to have a go, bless his cotton socks!

It’s so lovely to bring a smile to someone’s face with a little twirl and some sparkles. A simple reminder to be joyful, playful and celebrate the magic in our world, just like the fabulous pink tutus we wear! 💖

After the show, I ended up at a sweet little tea shop called “Pink Teacups” (oh, you can just imagine the divine pinks in the decor! ) I took my cuppa outside to admire the gorgeous architecture and enjoyed the afternoon sun bathing me in its warm glow.

Harrow really stole my heart, darlings. I truly felt like a queen on my own royal adventure. And before I left, I even went for a lovely walk around Harrow's historic churchyards – it was like stepping back in time! The intricate details on the tombstones, the weathered stone, and the quiet solemnity, it made me feel a sense of history and connection that I absolutely cherished.

In a final farewell to this enchanting place, I decided to visit a nearby theatre - one that boasts of having hosted numerous famous performers in its history! It had such a grand, sweeping grandeur, and I imagined myself a glamorous star, waltzing across that stage, with every pirouette and jeté bringing the audience to their feet, thunderous applause thundering through the rafters.

But just as I felt myself get lost in the theatrical magic, the faintest echo of “Pink Tutu Sparkles” came from the other side of the stage. And I realized – no stage, no lights, it’s just me, my tutu, my vision, and a mission to make the world a more fabulous place, one sparkling pink pirouette at a time!

So darling, don’t be afraid to dance to the beat of your own pink drum! Go forth and be bold! Be fearless! And wear that pink tutu with a confidence that shines as bright as a million sparkling stars! ✨💖

#TutuQueen on 2021-12-24 stars in Harrow