Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-03 stars in Colchester

Colchester Calling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the Essex Coast, Post #8039

Oh, darling, hello! You won't believe the adventure I'm about to tell you about! Pink Tutu Sparkles, that's me, and I've just sashayed my way into the enchanting town of Colchester, nestled in the lovely Essex countryside. Now, I don't just fancy myself a Queen of Tutus for nothing, no, darling. This girl knows a good time when she sees one, and trust me, Colchester did NOT disappoint!

As soon as my train pulled into the station (let's be honest, it's always an absolute triumph travelling by train in a full pink tutu and fabulous feathers - the looks from other passengers are just delightful!) I knew I was in for a treat. A whiff of fresh sea air, a sprinkle of history (did you know Colchester is the oldest recorded town in Britain?!) and a good dose of friendly faces. I love how even the seagulls looked excited to have Pink Tutu Sparkles in town!

My Pink Tutu Paradise

Speaking of looks, darlings, this journey was nothing short of a total fashion spectacle! Before even thinking about my show later tonight, I knew I needed to do a spot of shopping! You know me, Pink Tutu Sparkles is obsessed with a good vintage find - and trust me, the charity shops in Colchester were practically overflowing with pink goodness. I found a gloriously sparkly cardigan with a touch of lace - absolutely divine, darling! Then there was this gorgeous, almost-vintage pink tutu - just a hint of glitter and so perfectly delicate! This, my loves, was practically a custom-made order for Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Ballet and Brunch, Darling

Who needs breakfast when you can have a full-blown Ballet Brunch, right?! Well, let's just say Colchester totally spoiled me! There was this gorgeous little tearoom tucked away near the Castle, where I indulged in a decadent high tea (you'll just have to trust me, the strawberry cake alone was enough to write home about). The best part? This amazing tea room doubled as a ballet studio, so I spent the morning learning some new moves from a local ballet troupe. I even discovered I have a secret talent for the 'pas de bourree' - who knew?!

A Toast to Colchester

Speaking of a spectacle, you know Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about entertaining the crowd, so my show tonight was simply a total smash! The crowd at the theatre was so wonderfully warm and friendly, even some cheeky lads at the back tried to get a few dance moves in. My heart melted with their joy and energy - those smiles are just so lovely, darling! The best part? Even the most hardcore ballet lovers joined me on stage for a quick tutu twirl after the show - talk about a happy ending, darling!

Time to Make a Pink Tutu Confession

Let's be honest, you've been waiting for me to confess: you know how obsessed I am with the colour pink, right? It’s just, well, simply divine. But I have a secret (and you, my fabulous readers, are the first to know!). It wasn’t always pink, darlings. No, back in the day, when I was a budding scientist in Derbyshire (oh, those labs… how I miss them!), pink wasn’t quite the passion of my life.

It was my university ballet club that actually gave me the pink bug. You know how they have fundraising events? Well, darling, imagine this: Alex, in her plain little white lab coat, being dared to wear a tutu at a fundraising event! The next thing you know, I’m swirling in this gloriously pink creation, all lace and sparkle!

Science and Sparkles, the Perfect Mix

And, well, let’s just say that experience gave me my entire life purpose: Pink tutus for everyone!

Now, by day, I might still be a fabric scientist back in my Derbyshire lab, but come nighttime, it's time to transform. Pink Tutu Sparkles takes over! The sparkly eye shadow goes on, the feathered boas get a good fluff, and I’m off to bring some magic to the world, one pink tutu at a time. It might not always be the most practical profession, darling, but oh, how I love it!

The Pink Tutu Promise

Listen, darlings, my motto isn't just some quirky slogan: I really do want to make the world a more pink, sparkly, tutu-loving place! There's something about those flowing skirts, the joyous swirl, that truly makes you feel alive. And it's all just a tiny little bit magical!

So, where can you find me next, darlings? Tune in tomorrow for another adventure, another fabulous tutu tale from your favourite pink-obsessed queen. Until then, be sure to pop on over to www.pink-tutu.com for more of my sparkle, style and pink-tastic shenanigans!

Until Next Time, Stay Glamorous!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-03 stars in Colchester