
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-02 stars in Romford

Romford Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles on the Rails

Hello darlings! This is Pink Tutu Sparkles signing in from the land of double-decker buses and dodgy kebab shops, Romford! Buckle your sequins and grab your fascinators, because Pink Tutu Sparkles is on a mission! And this is post number 8038!

Can you believe it's already January?! Time really does fly when you're busy dazzling in pink tulle and glitter. As much as I adore my lab coat (especially when I'm testing new fabric blends for a tutu-friendly material - I mean, who knew that science could be SO glam?), there's nothing quite like hitting the road and spreading some Pink Tutu Sparkles magic.

Speaking of magical journeys, you betcha this week's adventure was a trip by train! You guys know I love a good railway journey - it's so chic, so old-school, and definitely more glamorous than driving! It's a shame the horses couldn't make the trip, but you know what? They deserve a break! They work hard, those fabulous creatures. They even get all gussied up with fancy bows and bells for those super special occasions, which reminds me... I have a big event coming up and you know I wouldn't let my dear horses miss out on all the fabulousness, wouldn't I?!

Speaking of fabulous, I just gotta spill the tea: Romford is bursting at the seams with style! I'm not kidding, darling! There were fabulous souls everywhere sporting fantastic hats and even a few daring tutus, I swear! Now, I know what you're thinking: "Pink Tutu, how is that even possible? A tutu outside of a ballet class?". Let me tell you, these were real life "fashion" tutus, like the ones you see in a designer boutique! Not that ballet tutus aren't fabulous, but there's just something about a bold fashion statement in public, you know?! I couldn't help but strut my stuff! And it seems Romford's just like my favorite Derbyshire - it's got this awesome blend of countryside charm and edgy urban swagger, which makes for some pretty sensational style moments.

The show was incredible. The energy was electrifying and the audience was beyond enthusiastic, I think they even loved me more than my horses do! We had a giggle, we sang along, and we all had a wonderful time. I felt like I left my glittery, rainbow-sparkled essence on every corner of the Romford performance venue. Maybe even on those kebab shops, I'm sure those guys could use a sprinkle of joy.

Speaking of sprinkle... Remember, you can bring the Pink Tutu Sparkles magic into your own lives! It doesn't matter if you're rocking a sequined bomber jacket in the city or twirling in your favorite tutus at a ballet class, what matters is that you're living your best, most authentic, sparkly life. You can find me daily at www.pink-tutu.com for more fabulous adventures.

Keep on sparkling, my darlings!

See you next time!


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-02 stars in Romford