
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-11 stars in Lyon

Lyon: A City of Lights and Pink Tutus!

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another fabulous blog post. This is blog post number 8047! Who would've thought I'd be writing this many posts?! But I just can't help it, darling. Life is such a fabulous adventure, especially when you're wearing a pink tutu! And speaking of adventures, my last trip was a true fairytale. Buckle up, babes, because this is a good one!

You know me, I'm always on the hunt for new and exciting places to sprinkle a bit of pink tutu magic! This time, it was the City of Lights, Lyon, France! I knew this city was going to be my kind of vibe as soon as I stepped off the train (let's be real, train journeys are the best when you can stretch out in a plush compartment and sip champagne - hello first-class upgrades! ).

Lyon has this lovely, classic vibe, all cobbled streets and charming architecture, but it's also got a very cool, contemporary edge - and that just felt so Pink Tutu Sparkles to me! The moment I arrived, I could feel the energy pulsating from the city, just waiting to be tapped into. My heart was already pounding with excitement - where could I wear a pink tutu to be absolutely fabulous?!

And don't even get me started on the fashion! Oh my, the Parisian style, with that effortless, chic kind of vibe? You could spot a darling in a fabulously cut jacket and chic beret practically every other corner. Lyon really has it all - and it's not just for the boys. There's a shop for everyone and every style. It truly feels like a wonderland of chic for the most fabulously flamboyant individuals like me! Speaking of wonderland, have you ever seen a department store the size of an aeroplane hangar?

Ballet Time!

This wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles post without some ballet, would it? Well, darling, this time, it wasn't just ballet, it was ballet spectacular. I'd heard whispers of a world-renowned ballet school in Lyon, the kind of place where future prima ballerinas dream of dancing, and I had to see it for myself. The energy in this school was magical, just pure, raw talent buzzing about, filling every corner. They even had a gorgeous mirrored studio filled with stunning, hand-painted murals - pure ballet heaven! And, you'll never guess this! The ballet master asked me if I would be willing to guest teach a class, and let me tell you, teaching ballet is one of my favorite things in the world! They loved the pink tutus, even the boys! We danced and twirled for hours until my toes hurt! They loved it. I was such a good teacher they insisted on having their very own Pink Tutu Sparkles pink tutus. Oh, I am so good.

Fashionista Adventures

But, I didn't just waltz around Lyon with my tutu. It was a city made for shopping. My favourite shop was in a vintage courtyard and you'd need a detective's mind and an expert nose to find it! I love vintage clothing and antique stores. My absolute favorite piece I found was this stunning turquoise sequined top with big puff sleeves - and let's be real, my love of vintage sequins knows no bounds! The colour was just fabulous against my pink tutu - let's just say that combination turned some heads.

Dinner and Entertainment

I don't want to talk about food. The food was just too delicious! Let's just say there was good wine, fine cheese, and a lot of delicious pasta - the kind that would make your grandma swoon. And whatโ€™s better than good wine and fantastic food? The chance to enjoy them alongside a brilliant cabaret show, of course! They had a wonderful Drag Queen cabaret, complete with live music and stunning outfits, in this cute little theatre tucked away down a tiny side street. They actually let me perform as an added surprise. Of course, I wore a pink tutu, and let me tell you, that Parisian crowd went wild!

Love and Inspiration

Honestly, babes, I never want to leave this city. Lyon just has this charm about it. A place where dreams can really be spun into reality, where pink tutus feel totally right, where a sassy Parisian drag queen can shine as brightly as a thousand city lights.

You know what, babes? You're not too old for a pink tutu! Every time I hit the road, itโ€™s a fresh dose of inspiration - because no matter how old you are, no matter what your style is, you can always be fabulous!

So, until next time, be brave, be bold, be your own kind of sparkly. Wear pink!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xox

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-11 stars in Lyon