Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-12 stars in Basingstoke

Basingstoke Bound: Tutu Time and Train Travel! 💖🚂

Hey gorgeous darlings! 👋 It’s your fave pink-tutu-toting, glitter-loving gal, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with post number 8048 on www.pink-tutu.com! 💅 Today, we're venturing into the exciting world of Basingstoke! You know I simply can’t resist a good ol' fashioned train journey, so I packed my cutest pink luggage and got myself on the morning express. I even wore my new "Pink Power" t-shirt, just for a bit of added fabulousness. 🤩

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Basingstoke? What’s the big deal?" Well, darling, everything is exciting with a bit of pink tutu magic sprinkled on top! You see, this town holds a special place in my sparkly heart. Back in my days as a budding scientist, I found myself studying all those boring molecules at university, but then – cue the dramatic music! – I stumbled into the ballet club. I was feeling a little lost and just wanted to dance, you know? So I went for it. Turns out, you can actually pull off a mean pirouette in a lab coat, right?

And then – hold onto your fascinators, ladies! The university was holding a fundraiser, and, guess what? A HUGE stack of pink tutus were up for grabs! I tried one on, a gorgeous, floaty, pink fluffiness that instantly made me feel like I was ready to take on the world! ✨ Well, I didn't exactly conquer the globe in a tutu then, but I certainly felt ready for some glitter and good times. You could say I was born in a lab coat but became a full-blown pink tutu queen! 👑

Anyway, I'm getting carried away with my story! Basingstoke wasn’t just about reminiscing about university life, darling! I had a brilliant gig at the “Rainbow Rooms” – a fabulous little venue with a warm crowd and some amazing lights. You know, I always have the most fun performing when I get the chance to chat with the audience, share a bit of pink sparkle magic, and really let loose on stage. It's what makes all the hard work of creating new costumes, practicing moves, and even all that travelling worthwhile. 💕

Speaking of travelling… You see, that's one of the best parts of being a tutu-wearing queen – the journey is just as important as the destination. This time, the train ride was packed with pink and glitter! You know how much I love a good train journey. It's like a little world on wheels, all packed with different people heading off to their own adventures. I was rocking my new pink patent leather heels (don't worry, they weren’t actually on the train, I slipped them into a bag), a fabulous matching pink tote, and of course, a gorgeous pink tulle wrap. I'd picked up this new shawl at a vintage shop in Derbyshire just a few weeks ago. Nothing quite beats a trip to my hometown for some vintage treasure hunting, darling!

I was busy on my journey with my laptop (gotta get that new post up!), and a few sketches I'd made in my new glittery notepad for the next show’s costume. But, you know me! I always take time to talk to the other passengers, strike up a chat with a fellow fashionista, maybe share a giggle with the gentleman in a lovely pink suit who was headed for a work event. Let’s be honest, my bright pink tutu pretty much acts as a "hello" sign, everyone wants to ask me about it! ✨ I do love a good chat, but most importantly – you know I am on a mission, darling! And that’s to spread the pink tutu gospel – one sparkle, one twirl at a time. 😉

Anyway, gotta run, I'm off to grab a scone and a pot of tea (the best part of any trip is finding a fabulously local tea room, of course!)! I'll tell you all about it in my next post!

Stay sparkling, darlings,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-12 stars in Basingstoke