
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-21 stars in Hayes

Hayes, Oh Hayes! The Tutu Travels Continue - Blog Post #8057!

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the utterly charming town of Hayes! I know, I know, you might be thinking "Hayes? Seriously, Pink? Where's the glamour?" But trust me, my loves, even the most unexpected corners of the world can hold a sprinkle of magic โ€“ especially when you're sporting a fabulous pink tutu.

As you all know, I adore the thrill of the unknown! And after a rather delightful run of gigs in charming seaside towns (I still can't stop giggling about the seagull who tried to "borrow" my feather boa in Brighton!) and the energetic buzz of the Edinburgh Fringe, it was time for a little countryside adventure.

My trusty steed (a rather magnificent, though somewhat temperamental, horse named Ferdinand โ€“ he's a real character, let me tell you!) transported me through fields of whispering reeds and emerald green meadows, with the sun painting the sky in hues of apricot and lavender. And you know me, when there's beauty in the air, it's only natural to whip out my trusty phone for a few Insta-worthy shots. After all, it's all about sharing the sparkly moments, right?

Speaking of sparkly, my friends at The Hayes Theatre were absolute angels! The stage lights were shimmering, the air buzzed with anticipation, and my outfit (oh, you have to see it!) was a cascade of pink feathers, shimmering sequins, and enough tulle to fill a small bakery. I mean, a true performer has to sparkle, right?

And what better way to transport myself than by train, surrounded by the gentle rumble of wheels on the track and the rhythmic clatter of the carriage! The train journey, you see, was not just a means of travel but a true performance in itself. The conductor was completely bewildered when he saw my tulle cloud fluttering gently as I swayed to a tune in my head, but bless his heart, he just gave me a sheepish smile and carried on with his duties.

There's just something so romantic and whimsical about travelling by train, don't you think? It allows for such creative freedom. I must admit, the journey through the charming countryside of Middlesex provided endless inspiration for new dance moves, fabulous poses, and, of course, my infamous Tutu Tutorials!

Oh, speaking of the tutorials, you simply must check out my latest masterpiece! I've been experimenting with different ways to give my pink tulle extra fluff, and let me tell you, my darlings, it's truly a game-changer. It involves a combination of strategic pleating, strategically placed bows, and (whisper it softly) a secret trick I learned from a certain well-known ballerina. You'll have to wait for the tutorial, but trust me, your tutu game will never be the same!

Speaking of my dear love of all things tulle and twirling, the ballet class at The Hayes Dance Academy was a highlight of my visit! It wasn't easy, mind you. The ballerina instructor was absolutely terrifying (in the best way, of course!). But with a little sparkle, a lot of grace, and a dash of my signature pink tutu magic, I even managed to impress her with a few grand jetรฉs. She was impressed by my flexibility, I guess, from my days stretching for my science degree.

And as the evening wore on, my beloved pink tutu and I took centre stage at the local fair. The aroma of fresh candy floss, the hypnotic melodies of a carnival barker, and the laughter of children filled the air. I, with my flamboyant style, turned the stage into a kaleidoscope of pink delight! It's all about spreading the joy, you know, sharing the joy of the pink tutu and inspiring others to embrace their inner sparkly spirit!

Even though my stay was short, I packed a lifetime's worth of fun and fantastic memories into every single moment! And who knows, maybe next time I'll be back with an exciting performance and an even bigger, more fabulous pink tutu to match the sprawling beauty of Hayes itself! Until then, darling readers, keep twirling, keep sparkling, and keep that pink tutu ready, because life is a performance and you are the star!

Keep those tutus fabulous!

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

(Don't forget to follow my daily adventures on www.pink-tutu.com and join the Tutu Queen movement. Together, let's paint the world pink!)

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-21 stars in Hayes