Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-22 stars in Darlington

Darlington, My Darling! #TutuQueen Blog Post #8058

Hello darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another blog post from my whirlwind travels. Today, I'm whisking you off to Darlington, a town in County Durham that stole my heart!

It's hard to believe that it was only last week that I was dancing under the Darlington sky, sequins glittering like the stars above. Darlington is, of course, renowned for its railway heritage - and let me tell you, darling, this queen's heart fluttered like a butterfly caught in a gentle breeze when I boarded that vintage train! The steam locomotive, chugging along, reminded me of a ballerina on pointe, graceful yet powerful, a truly mesmerising spectacle!

Speaking of spectacular, let's talk about Darlington's grand Theatre, the perfect setting for my first show! You know how much I adore performing in venues steeped in history - there's nothing quite like the thrill of treading the boards that have witnessed generations of theatrical brilliance. Oh, and darling, the acoustics were divine! Every twinkle of my sequins resonated through the grand hall, and the applause reverberated through my being like a powerful crescendo.

Of course, no Pink Tutu Sparkles visit is complete without a trip to the local ballet school! And, oh, my darlings, these talented young ladies took my breath away. Their pirouettes were swift, their leaps effortless, and their joy for the art form positively contagious. I may be a veteran of the stage, but seeing these future stars reminded me of the sheer magic that is ballet.

You can’t talk about Darlington without mentioning its beautiful Victorian architecture, darlings! The elegant buildings lining the streets were a feast for the eyes, inspiring me to envision myself in a flurry of tulle, twirling amidst the ornate balconies.

As the sun began its descent, casting the town in a warm, golden hue, I took a stroll through Darlington's beautiful parks. The lush green spaces were like a painter's palette, and the fragrant blossoms in the rose gardens were a vision of pure elegance. And you just know this pink tutu queen found the perfect spot for a dazzling photo op, complete with a whirl and a twirl!

As night fell, I was drawn to Darlington’s charming pubs and bistros. Each establishment offered its own unique ambience, whether it be the warm glow of candlelight, the clinking of glasses, or the sound of laughter. A charming pub named The Three Tuns even had a delightful courtyard perfect for my post-performance drink. (One could say the name of the pub, "Tuns" - is somewhat close to "Tutues"! A sign of good things to come!)

However, darlings, it’s the people of Darlington who really make it special. From the shopkeepers and restaurateurs, all welcoming and kind, to the enthusiastic theatre-goers and fellow ballet lovers, I felt embraced by the warmest of hugs. This truly is a community with an appreciation for the arts, for culture, and most importantly, for kindness and friendship.

Now, I've got a secret to tell you. During my stay, I fell in love with the colour pink all over again. Everywhere I went, from the cherry blossom trees in the park to the delicious pink strawberry cheesecake at my favourite bistro, pink whispered secrets of joy and beauty. The pinkest hue, darlings, was definitely in the ballet school, and of course, on my very own, sparkling pink tulle!

As you all know, my dearest darlings, my mission in life is to get everyone to wear a pink tutu! And during my time in Darlington, I certainly saw my share of tutu-inspired outfits. But here’s the catch: this wasn't just your everyday, every day pink, darlings! This was Darlington pink. A colour that reminded me of sunshine in the springtime, a dash of whimsicality, and just the right amount of charm and personality.

The lovely people of Darlington welcomed me with open arms, with curiosity and appreciation for what I do, which is encouraging and exciting to this humble tutu-wearing diva! This trip has rekindled my passion for travel, my dedication to my pink tutu, and my commitment to sharing my love of performing with every new corner of this beautiful country.

If you’re reading this, darlings, and ever find yourself needing a reason to leave the house and explore this beautiful world, I hope you’ll be inspired by my journey. Whether you’re seeking an adrenaline rush on a steam locomotive or a gentle ballet class in a quaint little town, there’s a pink tutu waiting for you in the heart of every adventure.

Remember darlings, wear pink, wear tutus, be you, be free, and live life in the most flamboyant, pinkest, sparkliest, fabulous way! Until next time, darlings!


Your very own Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-22 stars in Darlington